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The Forum > General Discussion > How can they get away with this.

How can they get away with this.

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Sensational front pages with huge headlines sell papers and sales figures attract advertising and that is all that matters to the editor and staff.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 21 February 2014 4:13:28 PM
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Sensational front pages with huge headlines sell papers
is Mise,
Correct & perverse minds demand ever more. Perhaps if these people for want of a better term would have to occupy their simple minds with thoughts of making a living they'd be giving less time to demanding sicko stories.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 22 February 2014 7:46:07 AM
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The vast majority of readers of the rags are employed and buy the papers of their own free will.
The general population wants to read the gory details of crimes and about the private lives, real or imagined, of those who are celebrities (for whatever reason).
If this were not so then the Media would be lost.

The "Underbelly" series recently on TV underscores the point.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 22 February 2014 9:30:18 AM
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stuff..and mise
Mate mediA is Like A CESS PIT..
its owned globaly by 5 'groups'

[saying here is the cess/pool/of merde'..chose ya can only chose by the color of the turd..put into word..[investigative reporting would COMPARE APPLES WITH APPLES/..NOT JUST PICKIng the best turd.

SO MUCH DECEPTION..mike talks of the upcomming war


but as usual the zion controlled press gang[MEDIA]
KEEPS PUTTING OUT THE FLUFF..not really saying..what really happend.
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 22 February 2014 10:00:44 AM
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.......The general population wants to read the gory details of crimes and about the private lives, real or imagined, of those who are celebrities (for whatever reason).

Yes Is Mise but don't you think it would be wise to wait until the trial is over. Or, at the very least refrain from releasing this guys identity. Surely they could refer to a person on trial as, a person of interest, much the way they do prior to an arrest being made.

For example, there are many out there today who have formed at least some sought of opinion on this case, or this person, and most never even knew this guy existed.

In the past five odd hears, we have seen Dennis Ferguson and Dr Patel walk away in large because they could not receive a fair trial, courtesy of the media beat up leading up,to the trial.

What a waste of valuable tax payers dollars, not to mention the anguish the victims have had to endure.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 22 February 2014 10:11:22 AM
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RETHE CLUB..michael talks of the crime scam
[or more relative..its policing POLICY..[AND REASON DETRA..intimidation][by putting us in OUR PLACE\Psych war-fare]

RECALL STANFORD EXperiment/and HOW ROME..DIDNT ALLOW solgers into tHE POLICE GOT UPPITY..AND T Hey put in tHE VISUALS..OF Being fed to the LIONS/..=[WHEN WE ARE 'FRIGHTEND'..we looK FOR Strong leaders to keep us safe..flight oR FIGHT REFLEX]

so they NEED FLOOd our awareness..THat fear is every where
its going TO GET US..IF WE DONT OBEY Like mindless automatons
here watch Neighbors and cops and judge JUDY..JUST SO YOU KNOW WE CAN AND will GET YOU..Personally..[they like to personalize it/then Repeat ADDNAUSIUM/TO ENSURE THE HOOK Stays in.
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 22 February 2014 10:56:03 AM
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