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SA's Two-Day Heat-Wave
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- All BRUTAL WINTER INTENSIFIES: NWS: Travel 'Impossible', Psychiatrist: 'Tremendous Amount' Of Seasonal Affect Disorder
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 11:59:36 AM
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A SOLAR FLARE..ONE DAY AGO and ya know what thAT MEANS.. i would search the imagES AND EXPLAIN..LOL..BUT* OR DO YOU..KNOW? ASK YOUR WARMEST..SECULAR..'SCIENTIST'S needing their fake/FIAT/CARBON-income stream/ money cant fix it now. SO..Watch out for plan/z same same..for me. Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 February 2014 8:58:37 AM
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WRONG SEARCH TERM..TRY calls it a monster: “The massive sunspot AR 1967 is now wider than the planet Jupiter and is very active,” Chumack told in an email on Feb. 4. “Yesterday no less than seven M-class solar flares have erupted from this region.” The sunspot group AR 1967 has continued to unleash several solar flares as it makes its two-week trek across the face of the sun, as seen from Earth. And while AR1967 is not earth-facing as of right now, it will be in a couple weeks. Last week the sunspot unleashed seven M-class flares in a single day. And though earth was spared from getting hit by a higher-level X-class flare, the potential for such an event certainly exists and is estimated to be around 50% because of the region’s high level of activity. According to conventional thinking, the five-minute oscillations can be thought of as the sound you would get from a bell sitting in the middle of the desert and constantly being touched by random sand grains, blown on the wind. But what Christoffer Karoff and Hans Kjeldsen, both at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, saw in the data, was very different. "The signal we saw was like someone occasionally walking up to the bell and striking it, which told us that there was something missing from our understanding of how the sun works," Karoff says. So they began looking for the culprit and discovered an unexpected correlation with solar flares. It seemed that when the number of solar flares went up, so did the strength of the five-minute oscillations. "The strength of the correlation was so strong that there can be no doubt about it," says Karoff. A similar phenomenon is known on Earth in the aftermath of large earthquakes. For example, after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, the whole Earth rang with seismic waves like a vibrating bell for several weeks. The correlation is not the end of the story. Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 February 2014 9:56:31 AM
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OH volcano.. [YOU KNOW..what that OH DEAR MAN MADE GLOBAL WArming..Tish tush..shush. Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 February 2014 6:10:24 PM
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look at the current talking head/ by his own measure..he is willing us to CBS featured ‘futurist’ as climate expert blaming record cold on ‘global warming’..who promotes paranormal phenomena of ‘Telepathy, Telekinesis, & Mind reading’..WISHFUl thinking. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 15 February 2014 2:01:27 PM
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some extra detail...of the scam ITS ROOTS LAY WITH...[SURPRISE/SURPRISE]..enron Posted by one under god, Saturday, 15 February 2014 8:55:07 PM