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Perhaps it's time to protect OUR JOBS.
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Posted by Belly, Saturday, 14 December 2013 4:36:30 PM
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Butch, you say Perhaps it's time to protect OUR JOBS. I say Perhaps it's time to protect us from TONY ABBOTT. You think Labor were a bad dream when it came to managing the economy, this mob will prove to be a nightmare!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 14 December 2013 5:49:45 PM
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Surely by now they must be nearing the point they can not longer blame Labor?
Belly, I'm afraid that point is still several decades away. Since the Goaf ALP Governments have caused damage that'll still be felt for another generation if not two. Sadly, many people have such an immeasurable lack of foresight that there simply is no chance to hasten any recovery from so much wrong done by people who believed they were doing so right. Many of these believed they had the answers. Posted by individual, Saturday, 14 December 2013 7:21:07 PM
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Oh dear Paul, it must be hard being a brain washed labor supporter, especially given so manyof your mates have jumped ship.
Take a good hard look around and see just what a mess your beloved labor caused. As Indi quite rightly says, we will be suffering from their incompetence for decades to come. Belly, I Have asked this question of you before, as usual, you failed to respond, so here it is again... Q, given our curent position, left to us by labor, do you think we should continue to support an industry (car makers) who have no chance in he'll of surviving and, if you do, for how long? Care to respond, or just avoid the question. Are you also aware that the average assembly worker at Holden will walk away with between $300,000 and $500,000, who wouldn't want to loose that job. Are you also aware that if a Holden worker tests posetive for drugs, that rather than being sacked, they get a month off WITH FULL PAY for counciling. Are you also aware that one in seven is a union rep, as opposed to one in 26 in comparable workplaces. The unions have made a right mess of that agreement, to a point that we have lost one of our greatest assets and, rather than point blame at the cause, the unions, you blame Abbott for not throwing more tax payers money into a black hole. I thought you were smarter than that. Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 14 December 2013 8:19:41 PM
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300 Grand ? Give me that money now & I'll vacate my job for someone younger. Posted by individual, Saturday, 14 December 2013 9:03:34 PM
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"Oh dear Paul, it must be hard being a brain washed labor supporter, especially given so many of your mates have jumped ship.
Take a good hard look around and see just what a mess your beloved labor caused." Butch, sorry to disappoint, but I'm a supporter and active member of the even more hated GREENS. I was so pleased to see your man Tony get elected, as I believed Australia needed another dose of the incompetent conservatives and true to expectation, so far they haven't disappointed. According to 'Newspoll' no new government has ever plummeted so fast as these galahs have, they are going down like a lead balloon. I note the conserves no longer mention polls. "I'll vacate my job for someone younger." Indi, me old grandpa is only 98, does he fit the bill? Since Abbott will soon start some "pensioner bashing" can grandpa have the job, then again he might chuck it in when the workers get another dose of "Tory Work Choices" Abbott style. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 14 December 2013 10:06:42 PM
Surely by now they must be nearing the point they can not longer blame Labor?
Now Holden is gone Quantas too soon but our grain growers got a win.
Or in the long run was it a loss?