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PM not wanting to discuss issue

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This will most probably hot be the only disappointment That I witness with the government, but the unwillingness to talk about this important issue is of concern.

Sooner or later this matter of migrant integration must be addressed if we would like a cohesive community in Aus. It is obvious that some cultural aspects prevent some from being part of our society.

All very fine to have an ideology of non-discriminatory immigration but in practice it does not work to aour advantage.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 12:04:33 PM
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Get used to it banj

This is not the only thing they have gone silent on.

"The economic emergency" is nowhere to be seen.
The NBN website has disappeared.
The boats are being hidden not stopped.
Faceless men applies to pretty much the whole lieberal front bench these days.

Add that to the misogynist cabinet, the shameless rorting of expenses, the embarrassment of rabbotts remarks overseas and the spiteful removal of various appointees simply because labor appointed them, not whether they can do the job, and all in all it has been an appalling start from an appalling throwback of a government. The same one we threw out in 2007 just without the coward and costello show.

This is a government of shonks and scammers. How long before we see another AWB scandal or a children overboard lie? How many more weddings have these crooks got lined up. How many books are we paying for them to buy?
Anyone checked their phonecards yet?
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 5:08:18 PM
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Never mind, Banjo.

This government if doing what it can to ease your fevered brow.

They're hiding the boats.

They've made it mandatory for the department to refer to them as illegals.

And it seems the dehumanisation is working - with an instance of an officer being disciplined for referring to asylum seekers by number instead of name (very Nazi Germany, don't you think)
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 5:25:37 PM
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The problem is that "multiculturalism" is just a word, it's not an ideology, a statement of an aspiration or a belief system.
How can Muslims integrate into something if nobody else is part of it either?
The problem is that nobody is "integrated" or excluded by virtue of race or ethnicity, let alone trivial concerns such as religion. Are White people part of multicultural Australia, do they hold any equity in such a system? Are Aboriginals? Orthodox Jews? Filipinos?
There is no mainstream as such into which people can integrate, no widely held or commonly accepted viewpoints or standards and the reality of a multi-racial society is that the stark differences between races and ethnic groups come to the fore, not the small areas of common ground.
The future is not in integration it's in ever greater diversity, by that I mean diversity in the literal sense, not in the way Anti Whites use it. What I'm talking about is society becoming literally multicultural and literally more diverse with genuine, stand alone ethnocentric enclaves and identity based communities replacing what we have now, which is a civil society pretending to be blind to diversity. Anti Whites believe that by diversifying formerly White societies they can at some point integrate and finally assimilate all the people into a new nation, then presumably the process would begin again.
Your use of the term "Social Cohesion" is telling, thirty years ago the chattering classes were talking about assimilation, now presumably having taken stock of the real situation out in the REAL world they're only talking about taking responsibility for peacekeeping duties in an ever more diverse society.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 7:28:58 PM
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You are obviously full of hate, so you will not give the government a chance to see how they go. Your comments are not worth a reply.

The boats have slowed and I am convinced that they will be stopped if the government is determined enough. I agree that the illegals should be properly named as the illegal entrants that they are. I have been referring to them as illegals for years.

You both have to accept that Labor was thrown out because of complete and total incompetence.

I you recall the Howard government dropped the term 'multiculturalism' and was just letting the thing die. With Scott Morison as Minister I think there will be moves to remove MC entirely.

It is of concern that the PM evades the issue of integration. There have been many incidents that indicate people of some cultures do not want to be part of our society.

I cannot recall the previous government ever being questioned along the same lines, although Gillard did raise the MC matter on a couple of occasions but it did not fly, so it was dropped. I think Scott Morrison would answer the questions far more positively.

I say again we need to stop immigration of those groups that have shown us they have contempt for our laws and social standards.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 8:07:25 PM
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Banjo and JayOM, racism is an ugly word, but stopping immigration of all Muslims from anywhere in the world would result in Australia being called racist by the rest of the world, and rightly so. All trade with Muslim countries would stop for a start.

If we were wanting to exclude 'terrorists' from our shores, then we should have stopped ALL Irish immigrants in the past, because any of them could have been members of the radical Catholic organisation, the IRA?
We didn't though, because we knew not ALL the Irish Catholics were a problem, and the immigration laws could weed out any potential problems.

What's the difference with Muslim immigrants?
You can't tar them all with the same brush, just like we can't say that all white Caucasians are racist towards anyone different from themselves.

This country was built on multiculturalism, and it remains the best country in the world to live in, so I say we continue on as usual as far as immigration laws go.
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 8:54:11 PM
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I hope you're not inferring that any slowing of the boats is due to any actions pertaining to the LNP.

Ignoring for the moment, that Morrison has seen fit, in good fascist form, to limit information regarding arrivals, any slowing is in response to Labor's (equally odious) policy of turfing them onto Manus with no hope of settlement in Australia.

The thing that has always puzzled me - is why, if Australia wishes to treat its asylum seekers as unwelcome detritus, it doesn't just withdraw from the convention...instead of trying to pretend its a jolly good humanitarian fellow...

It's not!
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 9:05:28 PM
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Not many leaky boat skippers will be willing to risk their lives from now until about April, because the monsoon/cyclone season is starting in Indonesia and Australia.

Thus I wouldn't get too excited over less boats.

I'm sure Manus Island has stopped some boats too, but I read that some asylum seekers still would rather Manus Island than the hell they are running from.

How can anyone be sure they aren't all asylum seekers?
This Government have no right calling these people 'illegals' before their claims are processed. I am embarrassed by this Government...
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 31 October 2013 1:38:13 AM
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Australia wasn't built on Multiculturalism it was built on the power differentials created diversity and inequality,it's a British colony remember? Let's be honest here, if there's a set of values implicit in the history of European settlement it's not connected to egalitarianism or cosmopolitanism.
Your other comments are silly, the notionally "Muslim" regimes who buy Australian goods and services didn't say boo when Australia invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, as long as there's a skim off the top of trade deals for the Emirs and their senior bureaucrats they're unlikely to care if Australia's immigration rules are changed.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 31 October 2013 5:50:51 AM
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PM not wanting to discuss issue
I'm sure he does with the right people.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 31 October 2013 6:17:53 AM
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Abbott said what, "There’s no doubt that if you’re a professor of history from New Delhi you’re going to integrate faster than a slum dweller from Glasgow. There’s no doubt about that." no doubt
A blasphemer, no doubt. Doesn't Abbott realise the professor from New Delhi is most likely BLACK! and the Scottish slum dweller is WHITE!
I bet that comment alone seen the Abbott shrine picked up and tossed out of the Banjo house.
That's it, no more trips OS for Abbott, he is obviously been mixing with the wrong colored crowd. What was the man thinking?.... Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghosts etc etc, just saying a prayer for our poor misguided PM.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 31 October 2013 6:34:22 AM
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I think the boats have now slowed because the new government sent the illegals the message that they will not get what they seek. However it will take tougher measures to stop the boats completely.

I agree with you that Aus should withdraw from the convention as it is only a handicap in our efforts to stop the boats

You are incorrect, Aus has never been multicultural, we have always been multiracial and our foundation were built on the Westminister system. Our governance, law and education are all based on that.

It is only reasonable that we expect all newcomers to fit into our established society. If we find, as we do, that some particular groups cannot or will not adapt then we should stop allowing them entry as permanent residents. e.g. If we are encountering problems with African refugees integrating, then change to getting refugees from say Burma. I haven't heard of any problems with the Burmese refugees that are here. If conflict continues between Sri Lankan groups, then stop allowing them in. Similar to the Serbs and Croats who have been fighting each other for 2-3 generations. I also think that those groups that practice forced marriage and FGM should be excluded. It is not as though we have to encourage people to come here.
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 31 October 2013 7:16:48 AM
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"I agree with you that Aus should withdraw from the convention....."

Just a clarification.

I don't believe we should withdraw from the convention.

I believe we should act in its spirit.

My point was if, through our govt, we're intent on treating asylum seekers like unwanted garbage, it's hypocritical to pretend that we are acting in its spirit - when quite plainly we are not.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 31 October 2013 8:10:52 AM
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Well I consider the illegals shonks and con artists who take advantage of our easy going nature. So yes, they are unwanted garbage and attempts by some to portray them as poor innocent persons who deserve our sympathy, is wrong.

Yes we should withdraw from the convention and take whatever measures necessary to stop the boats coming. Genuine refugees would present themselves at the front door. A far cheaper and safer option for them.
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 31 October 2013 8:21:58 AM
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"radical Catholic organisation, the IRA"
Even the British government recognized them as a legitimate army in the end by inviting them to the peace table.
You must be British and Protestant to come up with that line.
The Irish were fighting for something we take for granted, freedom, just like the Jews in 1946.
The Jews killed hundreds of British soldiers before they got freedom. The Irish didn't have to kill as many and they fought the only way they could, as guerrillas.
Enjoy your freedom Suseonline Ireland is still looking for it.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 31 October 2013 8:38:31 AM
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Banjo writes:,

"Well I consider the illegals shonks and con artists who take advantage of our easy going nature...."

Then follows it with:

"So yes, they are unwanted garbage and attempts by some to portray them as poor innocent persons who deserve our sympathy, is wrong.

If that's "easy going" then I'd hate to see the contrary option.

Insular, cringing...anyone?

Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 31 October 2013 8:55:08 AM
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Chrisgaffe1000, my husband is an Irish Catholic, and I can assure you that you don't have any idea what you are on about.

At the end of the day, the IRA members were predominantly violent criminals who loved guns and killing people, whether it was for Ireland or not!

Violent criminals are the same the world over, despite their religion or culture.
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 31 October 2013 10:06:45 AM
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Banjo wrote
"Well I consider the illegals shonks and con artists who take advantage of our easy going nature. So yes, they are unwanted garbage and attempts by some to portray them as poor innocent persons who deserve our sympathy, is wrong."

And you have the gall to say im full of hate. Look in the mirror mate.
You wont reply, as usual, because you are a coward who only spouts insults and never actually addresses what anyone says.
Posted by mikk, Thursday, 31 October 2013 4:04:08 PM
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Oh dear there are some silly comments on here.
First those arriving on the boats ARE illegal.
They arrive at a non entry port, without papers.
They refuse to identify themselves.
They are NOT fleeing persecution, they have been in Indonesia for months.
They have usually been through more than two safe countries.

All Moslems will support Islam. To fail this duty is death.
Why do you think there is a deathly silence from them when a terrorist crime is committed ?
The nuttier of them do not realise that they do not have sufficient
numbers to be able to defy our courts, YET.

I do think we will need another political party to do something about
this problem. If anyone doubts that this is so should look at what
has been happening in France and the Netherlands.
Also as the Londoner said;

Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 31 October 2013 4:12:28 PM
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I think you'll find that the IRA were radical Communists, not radical Catholics and the Provos were more like gangsters than religious zealots.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 31 October 2013 4:58:25 PM
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Thank god we have got rid of those narcissistic fools Rudd & Gillard who had to have their horrible faces on every news bulletin. High praise to Abbott who does not appear to require this constant fawning by the Canberra press gallery.

It will be really interesting to see if those layabouts, so fed by the previous twits, can actually find something useful to do, without hourly sessions. The ABC should be able to handle a couple of hundred million cut to it's budget, now it will not need a cast of thousands in parliament house.

I look forward to regular considered accurate reports from our government, & expect to be able to see the promised results. This rather than the lashings of spin, everything promised, with nothing ever achieved, will be such a welcome change.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 31 October 2013 6:09:59 PM
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"I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK !" Bazz you sound like some kind of White Aboriginal.
"I do think we will need another political party." is there not enough right wing nutter parties for you to join already, you want to create another one.
"radical Communists" now there is a new slant on an old theme. Jay what do you base than on. Sinn Fein the political are of the IRA communists, I don't think so.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 31 October 2013 8:15:14 PM
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JOM, you have no idea about Ireland because you have not lived there, as I have.
My husband was born there, and lived there for 25 years.
I didn't realise your racial hatred extended to the Irish, but then again I am not surprised.
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 31 October 2013 8:25:32 PM
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I was born St Pats hospital and bred in gutters of Dublin in Ushers Quay opposite the Joyce bridge. My Granda was a foreman at the Guinness Brewery and I was bathed in the Liffey when we had no water in the house.
My father and his brothers were all members of the IRA and proud of it.
Here in Australia I married into the chief fundraiser family of the IRA and today I have a daughter in Ireland who is a nun and a member of the IRA.
I have always believed that the only good Brit was a d@#@ one so if that makes me a racist then I"m proud to be an Irish Catholic one.
I would doubt very much if your husband would pick up a gun to defend you let alone his alleged birthplace so don't tell me I don't have any idea about what I am on about.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 31 October 2013 8:34:01 PM
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Gee Chrisgaffe, you have certainly been around!
Suddenly you are Irish aye?
You never mentioned this before have you?

I doubt Tony Abbott would agree the IRA are as holy as you make them out to be.

Now that I think about it, you would certainly make a good Black and Tan member...

Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 31 October 2013 10:57:59 PM
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Suseonline "stopping immigration of all Muslims from anywhere in the world would result in Australia being called racist by the rest of the world"

Oh, boo hoo. And then what?

"All trade with Muslim countries would stop for a start."

Really? We buy one thing from them, oil.
You really think they'll stop selling the only thing they've got?

"This country was built on multiculturalism"

Is that why it's been such a controversial topic?
Is that why there were anti-Chinese riots on the gold fields?
Is that why the first federal parliament introduced the "White Australia" immigration restrictions?

Australia was founded by the UK, not the UN.

The various peoples of the UK didn't remain separate on Australian soil, they merged together to create a *new* people, and all subsequent immigrants were expected to do the same (the 1950s wogs were "New Australians", remember?)
Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 1 November 2013 12:29:51 AM
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here is an example of why we need to address the integration issue and consider implementing an immigration policy that excludes those that have shown their culture prevents them from integrating.

This bloke is second or maybe even third generation and has nothing but contempt for our laws and society. Like the rest that took part in the riots over some stupid video made half way over the world.

We don't need to tie up our resources dealing with his kind, there are far better people with cultures that will adapt to our society, that want to come here.

Of course there are crims in other cultures as well, but these types act on their culture, we can do without them.
Posted by Banjo, Friday, 1 November 2013 7:09:47 AM
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The term is not racist, rather fanatic.

Other far less flattering words also spring to mind.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 3 November 2013 2:44:50 AM
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The IRA were a Marxist/ Leftist tendency, I didn't realise that fact was in dispute? The Provos operated more like a Mafia type gang than guerrillas, that's also understood, Suse and Paul just automatically jump to the defence of Leftists and "oppressed" minorities..bored White people and their fancies LOL
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 3 November 2013 7:20:11 AM
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Banjo you will have noticed I have no posted here until now.
I am weary of the taint placed on you me, any one who is concerned about the *separatism* of the Muslim Migration over the last 50 years.
Not just here but in near every western country.
We see efforts to by pass our concerns and name us racist.
But on any day walk our streets and ask first the children and grand children of ww2 migration.
They, as do majority agree with you and me.
Do not wait for government of any color to listen or act.
I feel the UN is chasing an insane dream, in trying to make us one humanity.
Then why do we continue to import other countrys troubles and miss brand it multi cultorism?
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 3 November 2013 11:45:01 AM
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You are right. All politicians seem very reluctant to talk about the integration problems with some groups.

We need journos to ask all politicians similar questions that were put to the PM by Bolt. Then we should not accept their evasion and non answers, but insist on straight answers.

Sooner or later the politicians will have to confront the issue of non integration and make policy decisions that will not be universially accepted.

At the moment polys just hope the matter does not explode during their watch.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 3 November 2013 6:25:25 PM
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