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The Forum > General Discussion > Are irregular arrivals a wartime secret?

Are irregular arrivals a wartime secret?

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".... by your childish response."

My childish response?

Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 25 September 2013 3:07:32 PM
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>>I noticed that rache, Paul and Susie are now maintaining anyone objecting to the illegals are racist.<<

Well they shouldn't. It's an over-generalisation and it's not accurate. There lots of reasons people object to the resettlement of boat-arriving refugees.

Some of those reasons seem pretty valid: personally I'm none too thrilled about their circumvention of proper UNHCR processes; it doesn't seem fair that some refugees get a better chance of resettlement just because they've got the money to pay people smugglers.

Some of them are obviously ridiculous: I've seen a few posters around here trying to imply that illegal boat arrivals are actually foreign intelligence operatives or the vanguard of an invading military force, who are choosing to use the WORST DEPLOYMENT METHOD EVER in favour of tried, tested, and altogether more sane and rational deployment methods. These are paranoid fantasies which don't stand up to critical analysis and unless they take a widespread hold on people's thinking they are more amusing than concerning.

And some of them are downright offensive. Apparently there are still some people in this country who have paid so little attention to the history of mid-20th century Europe that they haven't figured out that racial supremacy is a PHUCKED ideology which can only ever lead to PHUCKED outcomes.
Posted by Tony Lavis, Wednesday, 25 September 2013 5:14:32 PM
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What I find interesting is that it is only ever the refugee advocates who speak out against this sort of offensive crap. The anti-illegal mob seem to take the view that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sometimes that is the case but sometimes the enemy of my enemy is just a redneck racist dick. Somebody that I would seek to distance myself from at all costs. Because they undermine your case. When you don't pull these dicks up and take them to task for their racist crap - like the lefties do - you send the implicit message that you endorse their racism.

I'm pretty sure that's not a message you want to send. I know that your arguments would be more persuasive if you pointed out not just to lefties but also to your own team - before they score you any more own goals - that this argument isn't about colour or faith: it's about proper legal process.


Posted by Tony Lavis, Wednesday, 25 September 2013 5:14:53 PM
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What is ist that some citizens of this country can't comprehend when it comes to people from other countries just simply rolling up on our doorstep & expect to be housed, fed & otherwise kept for years on end. We can't even go to their countries simply just to help them there so to eliminate their need to leave for Australia. Yet they demand we put the up.

I'd like to see their young & able men joining with our & other Coalition forces to go back to their countries & hammer the crap out of the mongrels who make their life hell there. But hey, that's not what they want is it now? They want to overrun Australia, that's their mission & the way they're going we might just get that religious yodeller at 3.30am every morning waking us up to remind us of our newly imposed duties.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 25 September 2013 5:48:15 PM
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Tony Lavis < "?..if you pointed out not just to lefties but also to your own team - before they score you any more own goals - that this argument isn't about colour or faith: it's about proper legal process."

Well said Tony.
I see Individual took some notice of you below.
It is posters like him that give the anti-boat people movement it's racist overtone.

Individual <"They want to overrun Australia, that's their mission & the way they're going we might just get that religious yodeller at 3.30am every morning waking us up to remind us of our newly imposed duties."

Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 25 September 2013 7:27:34 PM
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Now there is a racist overtone ! How about telling us if I was wrong & why ? Are all those boat people wrong then for coming here ? Are they then running away from western values ? Why then do they head for a western country like Australia ? I think you owe us all an explanation.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 26 September 2013 7:21:56 AM
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