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death penalty and parole for convicted murderers

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I agree with your comments
The way we run our prisons, why, no wonder no criminals are deterred
You got good rights visits.
Reminds me of the mafia in the US jails.

Keep it spartan...make life hard in the prisons.
Imprisonment should not be a walk in the park

Posted by platypus1900, Tuesday, 13 August 2013 9:46:32 AM
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someone raised the issue of death sentence for drug offenders

in many countries, it is mandatory hanging for dealing with drugs in excess of a certain quantity (20g?)
the reason these countries takes such a hard stand is precisely because of the grave harm drugs bring along
it is not like smoking or petty thefts
once young people are addicted...their lives are wrecked permanently

there are plenty of people like "Better Man" who traffic drugs for the love of their own family..."i did it for the family" line
they do not for once think about the hundreds and thousands of young lives they are destroying

my personal take on drug offences?
life imprisonment...not death sentence

having said that, i respect the laws of the neighbouring countries who hang and shot such drug criminals.
how i wish our country can have the moral strength to make tough decisions like this
Posted by platypus1900, Tuesday, 13 August 2013 9:53:51 AM
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sorry...the first sentence should read

"........some hope."

good on you mate.
Posted by platypus1900, Tuesday, 13 August 2013 9:56:35 AM
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In my opinion the penalty to the criminal for any crime should always be worse than the crime. This is only fair.

The thief should have all their possessions & the majority of their future earnings taken & used to repay the victim. No ifs buts or maybes, they should lose the lot, until full restitution +10% has been paid.

There should be a waiting period of 3 years between any grants of legal aid. No appeals unless paid for in full by the offender. Legal aid should only be available to full citizens.

With those who kill there can be only one penalty that is fair. It is cheaper too, & avoids the probability of some damn fool bleeding heart parole board ever letting them out to kill again.

Now all I have to do is work out how to add 10% to a death sentence.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 13 August 2013 10:16:17 AM
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A principal argument for the death
penality is that it will deter murder - but what's the
evidence for this view?

If the death penality alone deterred murder, there would
be hardly any homicide in the US, which has the death penalty,
and a great deal of homicide among other industrialsed
nations, which do not. Yet the reverse is true. The American
homicide rate is by far the highest in the industrialised

It therefore seems that the fear of death frequently fails to
act as a powerful deterrent. Why? Perhaps unlike other crimes
homicide is rarely premeditated. It usually occurs in the
heat of the moment. In such situations as family arguments
or bungled robberies when the perpetrator is least likely to
think about the possible consequences. In the few cases where
murder is premeditated the offender obviously doesn't expect to
get caught or punished anyway. In many cases this expectation
is borne out. According to stats about a quarter of murders do
not lead to any arrest, and many arrests don't lead to

Another reason the death penalty often fails to deter is that,
as presently applied, no punishment is less swift or less
certain. A death sentence is not carried out immediately, to
minimise the chance of an innocent person being executed, courts
permit an elaborate review process that sometimes lasts a
decade or more. And far from being a certain punishment for
murder, the death sentence is almost certain not to be given
or applied. Only a small percentage of convicted murderers
in the US arrive on death row, and many of them will never be
executed. Most convicted murderers are sentenced to "life"
imprisonment, but according to the Bureau of Justice stats -
found that more than half of them serve less than seven years
behind bars.

Decisions about capital punishment are not about deterrence.
They are agbout retribution. About society's revenge on a person
who takes another's life.

Whether such retribution is justified is not a matter of
measurable facts. It is a moral judgement for each individual
to make
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 13 August 2013 11:07:50 AM
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Lexi my sweet, I am not interested in attempting to deter future murderers, that is a pipe dream.

What I am really interested in is preventing proven murderers [or rapists], doing it again.

We all know that rehabilitation is another pipe dream, it just doesn't happen. It is only the bleeding hearts & the psychologist, trying to justify their silly beliefs, that even pretend it does. One of the worst things in our present system is that parole boards & prisoner evaluation departments are full of just such people.

When these people are prepared to accept responsibility of their judgment, & undergo the punishment for the crimes of those they release, & make full personal restitution to those injured by them, they may start to gain some respect.

Far too many are injured by the release of proven murderers & rapists, & just one is too many. The whole catastrophe is best stopped by the death penalty.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 13 August 2013 11:36:30 AM
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