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The Forum > General Discussion > Why I think the carbon tax/ETS is wrong

Why I think the carbon tax/ETS is wrong

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rectub You best have another go at that, anyone can own carbon credits, it's not confined to the polluters. Electricity demand is on the decrease, It's not necessary to get your power from the grid. Price rises will be a contentious issue.
Posted by doog, Saturday, 20 July 2013 8:43:22 AM
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I agree that the Coalition is not perfect, not by a long shot, they have many frustrated Labor voters in their ranks. What I am agreeing to even more is the claim that ALP Governance has not delivered anything since the big Goaf fell into the position by being literally shoved into it as did all others, by ignorant idealists with no concept of planning for the future.
Where are the great, beneficial projects of the past such as the snowy scheme or Lake Argyle ?
Why not work on making the Bradfield scheme a reality ?
They blow vast fortunes on frivolous short-term nonsense whilst totally neglecting the future.
ALP always pounds it's chest for being progressive, what ? progressive regress ? Can anyone here point out a positive long-term benefit ALP infrastructure policy ? Morale is sliding into the pits faster than greased lightning. ALP has not lost the plot, they never had one, their continued existence being entirely due to continued stupidity by too many.
So far as the Coalition is concerned I'd like to say to them stop working towards becoming a mirror image of the ALP.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 20 July 2013 9:51:27 AM
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Where is the evidence that political action will fix a technical problem? National solar schemes have been a farce, making electricity more expensive by 25% margins and making little difference to carbon emissions.

We wont see effective results until effective technology is available. Currently it is not, and until governments realise and accept this fact we will keep suffering from ineffective and economically damaging political pseudo-fixes by self-absorbed pollies on delusional ego-trips.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 20 July 2013 10:22:57 AM
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Infrastructure must be in brick & mortar. IT should be dealt with what it is, an ever changing phenomenon which can not be looked at as a long-term solution. So, Government should keep it's nose out of it, it does nothing but interfere.
What we need is more useable land by using it smarter not by cutting down more trees. We need a sustainable water supply. Inland Australia offers plenty opportunities for the long-term investor, short-termers butt out. Somewhere along the track we've lost many great visions simply due to being blinded by extremely short-term vision.
The Carbon Tax/ETS are a burden to both man & environment & should be written out of the history pages. To save the environment needs logic not idealism. So far no political party has addressed that. We need many dams i.e. lakes for inland infrastructure & to saturate the artesian basin for good. To build this would not require half as much funding as is required to maintain present inefficiency which has no future.
We need to rid ourselves of the entrenched deadwood in the public service to get a move-on. Pressure the political parties to change senior public servants at the same time as the politicians. Stop sitting back & blaming everyone else. YOU (everybody) do your thing & if you don't know what to do read the internet & enlighten yourself for free. If you can't do that then there's no help for you.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 20 July 2013 12:24:56 PM
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Oops, should mean Internet Technology not IT.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 20 July 2013 12:26:12 PM
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Hi Individual,

I see government as being of great potential for solving problems. Where it gets hampered is when you get egomaniacs who imagine that they have the answers, dont listen to the expert advice and seem oblivious to their glaring failures. I can only wonder at how the many drownings and electrocutions are rationalised.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 20 July 2013 1:56:55 PM
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