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The Forum > General Discussion > Indonesia gives nod to coalition tow backs!

Indonesia gives nod to coalition tow backs!

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Indonesia is wondering why they have not been consulted about this plan of Tony's. Turnbull is watching and talking.
I thought the coalition had the problem in hand, but they seem to have nothing in hand.
All this time in opposition has come to nothing, have they wasted their time.
Slipper, Cambell, These were the tools that was going to put them in power years ago.
All the ammunition has been fired, so where to from here.
How many boats do we have.
Our politics sure makes world news, not sure if it is for the right reasons.
The latest world currency, Co2 and you can't even see it.
Who would want it, the big banks do.
Posted by doog, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 12:58:09 PM
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The general rule is that interception of vessels in international waters is not allowed, and Australia intercepting a yacht travelling from PNG to Malaysia would not be acceptable. But with this law, as with most laws there are exceptions. If a boat is known to be heading for your shore, especially with the intention of committing an unlawful act, then interception is allowed, and is used frequently by many countries.

Indonesia has never publicly agreed with the tow back policy, but the proposed meeting with the coalition shows that as with the pacific solution they will work with it, with not even a murmur. The only objections they give are prompted by the labor government.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 1:46:17 PM
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SM you are as aware as I am that is not true.
A nation of 250 million it has a problem.
As many other Nations in our area have.
It is no more happy with refugees/economic refugees, that we are.
Can you, and those holding similar views, tell me what we should do, about yesterdays arrivals, from Vietnam?
They as in the 70,s never came via Indonesia.
A regional solution remains our best, maybe only hope.
Twisting the words of that country,s visiting Ministers will not blind voters to Abbott,s increasing failures.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 1:56:13 PM
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onthebeach just for you.
You must keep your guard up, even if only shadow boxing.
Your question as to why this country,s Prime Minister is making choices.
Has as an answer why is Abbott a man who will never be Prime Minister doing just that, in the long run damaging his party and the task ahead for who ever takes over from him?
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 2:01:32 PM
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I don't know what the fuss is all about.
Indonesia is OBLIGED to take them back.
It happens quite frequently that people are deported back to Indonesia
because they do not have appropriate documentation.
Haven't you seen it done on that TV program ?
Whether they arrive by air or by sea the rules are the same.
I have never heard of Indonesia complaining about this procedure.
Even those that arrive right at Christmas Island are subject to
deportation to their last port.

Indonesia should support it because if it discourages the illegals
then they will leave Indonesia and stop coming.

It is a win win for everybody.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 4:33:58 PM
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Marty Natalegawa re-iterated Indonesia'a
opposition to the "tow-back" policy.
Mr Natalegawa stated, "Such a policy would
constitute a unilateral type of measure that
we do not support." He told Network 10.

Perhaps one political commentator pointed
out, "the Liberal Party could adopt the
Jolly Roger as its flag?"
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 6:10:07 PM
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