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Indonesia gives nod to coalition tow backs!

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What happened to BTT?


Tony Burke just said that "everybody" on the latest boats will find themselves in PNG.....maybe months along for women and children.

Should be great for the kids in tents in a tropical zone, with tropical diseases. I'm wondering why tents are acceptable in a tropical environment, as opposed to tents in a drier middle-eastern environment.

Yes, I know this is supposed to stop the flow, but aside from that, I can see a health disaster primed to take place with Australia presiding over it.


Food for thought from David Marr:

"Meanwhile let's hope PNG doesn’t twig to what’s really going on here: we are paying it some enormous bribe and flattering the country to its face, while selling it to the world as the sort of place no one in their right mind, not even someone fleeing a well-based fear of persecution, would want to live."
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 22 July 2013 2:30:20 PM
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Vulture capitalism.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 22 July 2013 2:33:23 PM
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Labor going all out to win the election.

Here's their latest contribution on the Immigration webpage.

(Fodder for potential Labor voters) shame.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 22 July 2013 2:59:08 PM
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Just in the life of this thread Rudd has pulled a rabbit out of his hat, any one seen Tony.
The on going lies are clear to see.
The claim that PNG plan is different in saying it will not take those it rules out?
How dumb do they thing we are?
That is the rule in every country taking refugees, do they think we will not know that.
And the intention to blind us, claims PNG will take multi thousands but not stop them?
Who truly thinks at the cost of ten thousand dollars they will keep comeing and not stop?
Abbott paints himself in to a corner if he under mines this he may fall in to his own hole.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 22 July 2013 5:57:04 PM
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Poirot, the first photo in your last link apparently shows a person who is unhappy with failing to gain Australian residency. So be it.

Carrying on as if living in the tropics is beyond the limit of human endurance is silly. I did so for many years, and without air-conditioning. Australia will do what is necessary to ensure asylum seekers are settled safely and comfortably and the numbers coming by boat will dwindle to a trickle, as it would have under the Malaysian solution blocked by the Greens and LNP.

As I asked you earlier, how else do you propose we should deter arrivals by boat with their accompanying deaths? Should we open up the alternative of flight arrivals, so creating a massive influx of genuine and non-genuine asylum seekers we would not cope with processing or accommodating? Please don't hide behind the "relatively small numbers" defense if you do intend a response, as that is only true while irregular arrival is by the small boat fleet we are trying to avoid.

I find myself in agreement with you on many fronts but you are beginning to sound like your head is either in the sand or in the clouds when you reject pragmatic solutions and offer none.
Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 22 July 2013 6:58:23 PM
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The bottom line is that this decision was taken for purely political ends.

Considering our refugee intake is less than 0.3%, and that we are a very wealthy country, we could up our intake from Indonesia or Malaysia. Perhaps , in that case, people would desist from taking the boats as they would know there is a more comprehensive flow to Australia.

(This is for Luciferase, so the rest of you needn't bother to start your xenophobic ranting)
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 22 July 2013 7:11:20 PM
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