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The greatest moral dilemma of our time!
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Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 14 July 2013 5:06:57 PM
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Yeah, Rudd is doing a Gillard. 'there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead' Just watch and see if Labor win. Sheez, looks like there are some gullible people that believe what this bloke says. I said years ago, it was not just Gillard that was incompetent, it is the whole lot of the current government. I would not trust them to buy chips at the local shop. It seems lying is bred in them. Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 14 July 2013 9:21:18 PM
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give him credit. At least Mr Rudd is now admitting that man made gw is c-ap. He is now Abbott lite instead of Howard lite on refugees, gw, and economics. Surely people are not gullible enough to believe him after 5 years of stuffing the country.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 14 July 2013 9:47:44 PM
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Dear Banjo,
<<Yeah, Rudd is doing a Gillard. 'there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead' Just watch and see if Labor win.>> He could say anything whatsoever because he will never lead a government again and he knows it: if Labor happens to win, the day after the elections it will be Gillard again - Rudd is only a decoy! Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 15 July 2013 7:17:14 AM
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Does shifting the goal posts by 12 months constitute a shift in GW. Or a fair tactic. Rudd stole Abbott's thunder.
A carbon tax that delivered 7.5% instead of 10% as estimated is small fish. Rudd is systematically dismantling the rantings of the libs. So what that is politics. Turnbull knows he is more popular than abbott, ans so does you know who. Posted by doog, Monday, 15 July 2013 7:21:32 AM
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Hasbeen you should see this mornings polls.
They bough me to try a thread on this subject. Events have moved fast from the first uttering of Abbott,s words *climate change is crap* I think right now, he would give the world-to take those words back. As is his habit he has two views on this subject. He and his party *are committed to cutting by the same amount as Labor* He however never said it will not coat tax payers, he however intends to reward, not tax offenders. We pay for that . This mornings polls should warn, the days of negativity are over. Warning. Turnbull apart from his anti NBN stand can come in dump the Negative man and his policy,s. Every one of you past leaders from Howard forward wanted a floating price on carbon, we are about to get it. Posted by Belly, Monday, 15 July 2013 7:31:41 AM
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Poor old Abbott has just been the recipient of a hefty left hook. "Abbott is of course worried. As Rudd has just knocked out what was the core of his message these past three years. “Great Big Emissions Trading Scheme” is a less effective slogan. And it’s more than three words. “Axe-the-Great-Big-Emissions-Trading-Scheme!” Hmmmm, not quite as catchy as “Axe-the-tax!”." Posted by Poirot, Monday, 15 July 2013 8:46:00 AM
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A little more info on floating the carbon price one year early: "Starting a "floating" carbon price one year early is not such a big deal, really. The fact that every political party is screaming about it just proves how twisted the politics of this issue has become. For Kevin Rudd, it's a way to reboot a debate Labor has been comprehensively losing, and provide businesses and households with some very short term cost relief...... ......But it's a price reduction that would have happened when the system moved into line with international prices one year later anyway. The real impact Labor is hoping for is political." Posted by Poirot, Monday, 15 July 2013 8:52:18 AM
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Belly, Poirot, your posts totally confirm what we have seen of Labor these past 5+ years. How any of you have the gall to mention policy I just don't know.
With this acceptance of Rudd's new crap you have shown that after years of ranting about global warming, it doesn't matter a damn, if there is an election to be won. If you can accept this bit of garbage you are telling us that all your tears about global warming were just crocodile tears, produced when required by your illustrious leader, who ever that may be, or how disgusting they may be. I doubt the Oz people are quite dumb enough to vote for this opportunistic bit of garbage when the time comes, but it will tell us if the education system has won the race to develop a people fit for a "1984" world. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 15 July 2013 12:07:54 PM
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So, Hasbeen, please explain the great advantage to Labor or the country of not shifting to an ETS a year earlier than planned and enunciated.
You think AGW is cr*p anyway, but I'd still like to hear you reasoning given you probably received the same education I did (except for the science part, obviously). Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 15 July 2013 12:28:10 PM
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More porkies - or ineptitude - from the Coalition. Posted by Poirot, Monday, 15 July 2013 1:47:28 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,
As Laurie Oakes jokingly remarked about Tony Abbott: "He's got more positions than the Karma Sutra." Mr Abbott prefers clear, simple, answers to complex problems. The following link explains why: There's an interesting chapter under carbon pricing. Posted by Lexi, Monday, 15 July 2013 2:20:35 PM
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Here you go, Hasbeen, On Abbott: "It has been an incredible feat of political double standards: to have a policy that matches the ALP’s emissions abatement target while appealing to those who believe it’s all a load of rubbish." It's certainly worked with you. Posted by Poirot, Monday, 15 July 2013 2:26:22 PM
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Here you all go again, worrying about the wrong problem !
The IPCC Chairman says that the earths temperature has not changed for 17 years, and says you will have to wait 30 years to see IF it rises again. The IPCC still has not accepted the lower computer model output temperature rise due to using the Uppsala Uni's Global Energy Systems Group's figures on realistic fossil fuel availability. BTW, it now seems that CO2 rise follows temperature rise not the other way around, Hmmm Posted by Bazz, Monday, 15 July 2013 3:15:34 PM
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Lexi, "Here is my umpteenth post from THAT site again. Instalment 27653 of my daily feed to OLO from it"
It is only fair to ask if there is anything remaining on THAT site that you haven't posted on OLO at least once and in the last fortnight? Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 15 July 2013 3:42:17 PM
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You have to love it! Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 15 July 2013 3:54:38 PM
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Don't throw a hissy fit old chap. I shall go on giving links that I feel appropriate from wherever I like. You are under no obligation to read them. The same as I'm under no obligation to read your posts. I give links from a variety of sources. However, Independent Australia - has covered some issues rather well - that I thought people might be interested in. If that upsets you because the links happen to disagree with your views - well as they say - tough cheddar. I prefer to use independent media (like New Matilda, and Independent Australia) because they aim to challenge and provoke and there aren't that many alternatives in the barren Australian media landscape. You can stick to the likes of Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt, et al, with all the usual factual errors and misconceptions. And I shall stick to independent journalism. Posted by Lexi, Monday, 15 July 2013 4:00:49 PM
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Have to use up my daily quota here, I'm still ROFL!
I know, let's collect the CO2 into containers. Oh darn, I just gave Greg Hunt an idea. HaHaHHaHa ROFLROFLROFL! The cost of the ETS to the budget is around 4 bil, not 15 (see the video accompanying my link above.) Please LNP, can we not have Abbott as PM? Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 15 July 2013 4:07:25 PM
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You didn't answer the question, "It is only fair to ask if there is anything remaining on THAT site that you haven't posted on OLO at least once and in the last fortnight?" It is only fair to show some politeness and regard for the administrators of OLO by letting up a bit don't you think? Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 15 July 2013 4:11:46 PM
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Wow, otb!
Am I allowed to put up a link to the ABC? (wouldn't want to insult your sensibilities or anything) Ooops! Here's goes Tone... "It's a so-called market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no-one." "Ever since Copenhagen, it's been absolutely obvious that the world is not moving towards taxes - whether they're fixed taxes or floating taxes." But what about this, Mr Abbott? "The coalition will consider ramping up the national target for reduced emissions as part of its Direct Action policy, The Australian Financial Review reports. According to the newspaper, Opposition environment spokesman Greg Hunt told an audience in Canberra last night Australia would “easily meet” the already set target of reducing emissions by five per cent by 2020. Mr Hunt conceded his confidence was rooted in a future coalition government’s willingness to consider raising the emissions reduction target as early as 2015." Oh dear.... "Mr Hunt’s concession comes as opposition leader Tony Abbott unveiled plans to play a lead role in convincing China and the United States to sign up for a global climate change deal if he wins government. Mr Hunt said under a coalition government Australia would still be part of a UN climate change process but would also pursue action with key members of Group of 20 nations. “Where a real global agreement will come is when China and United States reach a point of common position and when that’s backed up with India and the EU,” Mr Hunt told ABC TV on Thursday. Mr Hunt said Australia would chair the G20 summit in Brisbane next year and it was in a unique position “to bring together the G4 as the basis for a global agreement”. Posted by Poirot, Monday, 15 July 2013 4:30:02 PM
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"A whole new level of stupid." See what happens when Mr Abbott finds himself having to define what his government stands for? He's still negative - ad he still can't get it right. Posted by Poirot, Monday, 15 July 2013 4:35:12 PM
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Fate Hasbeen has been cruel to you.
How could you anyone, know this was to be the day Abbott lost the plot. Those on your side of the fence went down with him. Enough after this day will not vote for the man. And you need to know red neck stuff is not going to help. Mr Turnbull, how will you keep the extremes in your camp under control? Posted by Belly, Monday, 15 July 2013 4:46:57 PM
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I shall be happy to respond to you in greater depth when and if you say something intelligent. In the meantime - keep on stirring! Posted by Lexi, Monday, 15 July 2013 6:01:03 PM
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Tony should have stuck with "it's a load of crap" and stuck with the facts that seriously question whether CO2 is pollution and climate change being a natural occurrence. Instead his mistake was trying to appease both camps and failing both.
Rudd is cleaver, his offer to replace the carbon tax requires getting elected, just as Julia's promise not to introduce it also required the faith of the public. I fear we are seeing history repeating itself in more ways than one, including another three years of Labour decimating small business with phoney taxes and excuses to redistribute wealth. Posted by sbr108, Monday, 15 July 2013 9:05:10 PM
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Oh, seems that Mr Abbott's "invisible substance to no one" was lifted from this: ".....the carbon market is based on lack of delivery of an invisible substance to no-one...." No doubt about it, our Tony is a towering intellect. Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 11:25:09 AM
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hilarous how the sisterhood applauded Gillard's deceit with the carbon tax and are now cheering on Rudd who has demonstrated that he believes Abbott's conclusions on gw. So blinded by hatred. no moral dilemma for those who have no compass.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 11:49:47 AM
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Tch, you go again accusing people of hatred because they hold an opinion contrary to your own. You're really are quite a limited tyke, aren't you...always the same "no argument" at all Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 12:18:49 PM
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Dear Poirot,
runner is a "beacon of humanity," and he displays it on this forum consistently. Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 1:29:32 PM
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cont'd ...
Dear Poirot, Ben Eltham stated in a recent article that "If Tony Abbott is concerned about people paying for 'invisible things' than anyone who owns intellectual property should be very concerned, likewise people in the futures and financial derivations market." Eltham added that, "For years now the Opposition has escaped serious scrutiny on some of its more outlandish policy positions. As the campaign develops that's starting to change." Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 16 July 2013 6:16:42 PM
We all know they showed him the door.
So now he wants his Oz job back, what do we find.
The greatest moral delimer has to be trying to believe anything this shonk says.
I just had the unedifying vision of a Labor Polly trying to defend KRudd & his turnabout. Talk about a backflip, with quadruple pike. Yep Ruddy has piked it, & will say anything he thinks the gullible will believe.
Belly & friends, do try to come up with something rational to excuse this would be, & his vile ethics.