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The Forum > General Discussion > So when did Kevin Rudd change his view on asylum seekers?

So when did Kevin Rudd change his view on asylum seekers?

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If people have $10,000 - $14,000 to spend on illegal entry by boats; why dont they fly here it would be cheaper? That way they are checked at the border and sent home if illegal? No they know they are illegal entrants. Put them on a plane and send them all back to country of origin, unless processed as a genuine persecuted person. There is another agenda here most are coming from Islamic dominated war torn countries. They bring their primitive culture here and despise our personal freedoms.

In time Australia will become a third world country with people reliant on Govt handouts and having never worked or paid taxes. WE need tougher border controlls, and no one becomes a Citizen unless born here or worked here legally for two years.

Governments are prone to try to make friends with taxpayers funds. Kevin wants a population of 40,000,000 but at the current rate of job creation goes by 2050 35,000,000 population will be living of the 5,000,000 workers. The only people receiving a retired pension will be those who have superannuation; unless the Govt needs that to meet their budget.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 13 July 2013 10:06:51 AM
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Paul, everyone would love to earn more, but the reality is, you have to face reality, as there is simply no way we, the tax payer, can afford it.

America appears to be kicking some long over due goals, and guess what, their low skilled are offered low rates of pay.

Now this foes not mean they are all on low incomes, as many either work longer hours, or, are very good at what they do (waiting as an examp,e) and earn a great living.

Our mentality, or should i say, labor's, is to pay people for how long the job takes, rather than for a job well done.

The current case with Teys will be interesting one to watch, as it may well bring a few people back to earth.

Kerry packer had a similar 'take it or leave it' approach when his staff at Lakes Creek went on continuous strikes, he sacked 1300 of them.

Unfortunately, the good times have gone, so the conditions brought about by the shortage of workers have to go as well.

Like it or not.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 13 July 2013 11:09:15 AM
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Well Susie on line, I agree, I cannot actually point to somewhere where
you said that Julia did a good job, but you certainly lept to her
defense when she was criticized. Or was that just a sisterhood thing ?

Rehcub, I am afraid most on here belong to the business as usual team
and have no idea what is happening under their noses.
What is going on in Europe will happen here, probably when the chickens
come home to roost in China.

The entitlement brigade are already feeling the initial turn of the
screws with the cutback to single mums, pension when the kids turn 8.
I notice the show pony is making a big thing of Abbot going to do some
cutting back on entitlements. Well he simply will have to and I think
he should be saying to the public;

Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 13 July 2013 11:44:55 AM
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When did Kevin Rudd change his view on asylum seekers, or anything else for that matter?

Well probably last month, then again last week.

Of course he changed what ever passers for a mind in that strange head again yesterday, & then again this morning.

It is a pity he hasn't learnt to think about things over night, it would double the time he could hold an idea. Hell he might actually think about something, before doing it, but bl00dly unlikely.

His method is to have a ping, act in haste, then refuse to think about it, as it came from god, & god help us.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 13 July 2013 12:35:58 PM
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Rehctub Abbott would love to earn more, but the reality is, you have to face reality, as there is simply no way we, the tax payer, can afford him.
The Mad Monk's on a pay of about $350K plus what he can grab on expenses illegally, wants a hike to about $500K pa You must agree Abbott's productivity/performance makes a good case for lowering the minimum wage to about 4 bob a week.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 13 July 2013 3:25:27 PM
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It would be good if our politicians talked in the present or future tense. They seem to be stuck in the past. Old news today and old news tomorrow. Even the newspapers are doing it, or at least the Australian
Posted by doog, Saturday, 13 July 2013 3:40:12 PM
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