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Future for women in Afghanistan

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SPQR, feminists took it upon themselves to promise a better deal for women. They were so successful because in appealing to women, they got the benefit of women's influence on women - "happy wife, happy life".

They used an appeal to envy, which is a strong social motivator that is a common cause of social upheaval on all levels due to the resentment it generates and is especially powerful in women. They were very clever about it, because they managed to make it a general envy of gender roles, which they conflated with financial success and they made it into a deliberate male policy of oppression, not just a social structure that made life better. They used women's experience of having to ask their husband for money to generate more resentment and said they were being controlled. They primed women to be resentful of men generally and with special reason to be resentful of their husbands, which was reinforced every Thursday arvo when he explained that she'd have to try to make do with less housekeeping because the car needed repair. So when they had a row, she didn't need much excuse to shoot through.

And so it went, for nearly 50 years, with the legislative changes to Family Law introduced by Gough Whitlam (inspired by his feminist wife, Margaret) and Bob Hawke (who wanted to get feminists on-side) facilitating it.

Islamicists can get influence only within small parts of their own community. Even the majority of Muslims are just too comfortable to bother and the cops are not going to be as lenient on them as they were on placard waving feminist agitators.
Posted by Antiseptic, Saturday, 8 June 2013 5:59:53 PM
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Hi Banjo,

Thank you for putting up this thread, it's very timely.

As to your question: "How can anyone pour acid over a girl for the crime of wanting to go to school?"

one could respond, "what sort of 'culture' can justify pouring acid over a girl for wanting to go to school ?"

Shouldn't this strengthen the resolve of the coalition to stay the course, to defend the girls and women there for as long as it takes ?

Best wishes,

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 8 June 2013 6:04:38 PM
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You are not expecting feminists to criticise Islam I hope.

As far as Western feminists go, they have sorted the veil as a matter of choice. Now it is back to the real priority stuff, how to get a leg up for positions on company boards (senior roles in the public agencies are already chockers with Grrrls of Emily's List), and shouldn't the work supplied freeby car be an Audi, now that Beamers are 'out'. But what colour?

The military mission into Afghanistan could have been done and dusted quickly. Any remaining threads would have been fixed over time by the large money on senior heads. However the feminists 'Feminist Majority' (remember the male and female celebrity feminists?) who suceeded in diverting the mission to 'liberating women' in lieu of its original goal have as usual returned to their whacky Left leanings.

As well, Western feminists must look to what is good for their careers - endless dissatisfaction and protest. They WERE forced to wear bras remember? How is that different from burqas, pray tell? Anyhow, burqas are choice and liberating somehow, but bras are neither. Besides, isn't it the fault of white middle class men? Kill them! More jobs on company Boards that way too.

Problem solved.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 8 June 2013 6:38:36 PM
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Any remaining *threads* would have been fixed over time by the large money on senior heads.

Should be threats.

Goodness, my editing sucks. Apparently white men can't multitask either.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 8 June 2013 6:42:33 PM
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Yeah you could easily add the cultural aspect as well. I expect the acid trick comes from SE Asia as it seems to be the treatment handed out by a rejected lover there and kerosene burning for an unsatisfactory wife. I am trying to find figures for FGM in Afghanistan as well, poor girls suffer everything else.

Judging by the disinterest here, I expect the Yanks do not think furthering the rights of the females is worth staying there.

I was not expecting anything, I wanted to see what interest there was and hoping someone would be the bearer of more optimistic news. I would like the girls to maintain the gains made, at least.
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 8 June 2013 8:27:55 PM
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Loudmouth - Ther are so many more absurdities that can go with part of your statement "what sort of 'culture' can justify"

what sort of 'culture' can justify stoning a 13 yo girl because 3 adult heroes raped her and she went to the police. There culture says she should not have said anything.

what sort of 'culture' can justify locking up a female who was raped by 4 workmates went to the police she got locked up for 6 months because she did not have 4 adult males as witnesses that the event happened.

what sort of 'culture' can justify or would allow a 12 yo to marry a 60 + yo man.

what sort of 'culture' can justify the male members of the family escaping so called danger coming to Australia and leaving the female members of the family behind with the danger that was so bad they had to leave. (see economic invaders)
Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 8 June 2013 11:13:23 PM
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