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The Forum > General Discussion > Julia Gillard: - Affirmative action that failed.

Julia Gillard: - Affirmative action that failed.

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Historically Juliar's Prime Ministership will be seen as an unusually dishonest and incompetent period in Australian public policy. Her legislative disasters will be acknowledged.

I see Julia Gillard's arrogance and deceit under intense pressure as an flaw that all Australians of all stripes should loathe. It is precisely what we don't need in a leader. A person who's prone to panic. The trouble is Australians are not used to such stupidity in a woman and there are plenty who feel uncomfortable with it.

Of course being a deceitful female Prime Minister makes Juliar Gillard a obvious target - but what has been shown is that no matter stuff up she makes, she stands firm. Many find this unpalatable, especially as it contradicts their stereotyped notion of how humans should behave. However the judgement of history as I've stated previously will be harsh.

We've heard ad nauseum her lies. There is a gulf of difference between a broken promise in the context of altered circumstances and her deliberate decision to mislead. As such because of the PM of lying, and because that the carbon pricing scheme is based on a deliberate premeditated lie in itself displays some towering crap. That it has persisted for so long and spawned the meme "Juliar" (a term supremely applicable) says more about Juliar's guile and ability to manipulate the facts for her own corrupt ends than it does about the PM's competence.

Juliar will be remembered as an example of unbridled ambition with no scruples, and will sink into oblivion.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 6 June 2013 6:48:45 PM
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Dear SM,

What a meaty post. To which I shall give
an equally meaty response.

History unlike you, will judge Julia Gillard impartially.
So regardless of how you feel about her personally -
she's achieved a great deal legislatively, to be ignored.

But your reaction is understandable.

Because - as we all know
the truth is never as simple as it seems and invariably
the way we colour the world will be from our own
agendas, our own unique view. And that is rarely black
and white.

However it is important to remember -

If contemporary Australians are to live at ease with
ourselves, we need more education, less fear monge8ing,
and at least greater honesty in our political discourse.
It's amazing what can be achieved if we don't care whose
idea it is - as long as it's a good one and of benefit to
the nation.

"Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate
from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or
fertilised by education; they grow there, firm as weeds among
(Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre).

An open mind is better than an open mouth.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 6 June 2013 7:04:06 PM
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cont'd ...

I forgot to add - people
don't sink into oblivion who are known for
their policy achievements, who are prepared to
take risks and who have severity of will.
These people are leaders and shall be remembered.

"Her bum may be big
Some may find her a strain
But at least she can lead
"Cause she's got a beaut brain!"
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 6 June 2013 7:17:08 PM
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Foyle, enjoy your race to the bottom, but don't worry, because there are only a hand full of true believers left, so chances are, you will get a place, although it will be a tough fight between you and Lexi.

As for your comment on Abbott &Co pushing for a surplus, I guess you think they also put the words 'AT ANY COST' into the mouth of the worlds cleverest man, some 200 odd times.

Dream on, dream on.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 6 June 2013 8:51:12 PM
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Good evening to you LEXI...

Thank you for responding to my thread, apropos my own thoughts and views of, the character traits of The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.

I've read carefully, your observations, opinions and expectations of the PM, and unfortunately I'm not in a position to modify or vary my previous thoughts, or opinion on her, or the federal Labor Party, overall ?

I understand you have little or no faith in Tony ABBOTT, as an alternative PM ? As you would be aware, you're not alone with this view, LEXI ? His manner, his inability to 'sell' himself when confronted with large thongs of media about, is troubling to say the least. Where Mr RUDD, took every chance he could, to appear in front of the media ? Similarly, so did Malcolm TURNBULL, every chance he could ? Given the latter seems vastly more popular with the public at large, he too is an individual I'd not easily trust ?

Anyway LEXI, I guess it'll be all over at the end of September ? So, I wonder what we'll all talk about then ? Take care.
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 6 June 2013 9:42:45 PM
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The quantity of legislation passed is no great achievement, it is the quality by which one will be remembered. Presently, I can't think of anything Juliar has done that has been successful.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 7 June 2013 7:21:49 AM
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