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RSPCA calls for ban on sow stalls
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Posted by PF, Sunday, 29 April 2007 3:38:15 PM
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Australia pork limited and Austrade working together. See Searches
APL [ The indusrty and the Government put Millions of the tax payers money into marketing and Promting Overseas. Unfortunetly they only push the Industry thats involved in intensive farming. The Public Are paying For this without their consent and mostly their knowledge. There is NO marketing that I am Aware of or funds going into the Smaller Free Range Pork. In the interests of the fair Go Aussie Sytem we Call upon Austrade and The Government to spend at least half of the public funds on promoting Free Range Pork. Also In the Interests of Animal Welfare. The Same exsists regarding other meat Industrys. The public would like to see some of their own funds going towards promoting co joint free range Farms Of All Types In Australia. It has been my own expereince that this is something they refuse to do. Rojo There are ast least three free range farmers posting so I dont get your point. You have already read about the large company that changed from Intensive Farming to Free Range. As farmers I should think they might know. Also you are exchanging posts with a pork Farmer so why not at least listen ' Surley that will not hurt either of us. We are happy to learn Also the picture tells a thousands words applies. Intensive pig farms are cruel. Thats a fact. I will continue to lobby the Government for at least 50 percent of the public funds spent to promotre overseas products be Free Range. Surley that is fair. Half the public funds spent on p-rompoting free Range Pork and half On Intensive. Mind You its quicker and easier without them There is HUGE interest in Australias Free Green Meats products and that what the intensive and live blokes know and fear! the farmers will realise and do their own marketing. Wouldnt that put a fly in their ointment! These farmers can do without the Government mate and the public. Its Us who cant do without them. Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 29 April 2007 9:15:48 PM
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Breaking Rural News : LIVESTOCK Pork's animal welfare code endorsed Australia Friday, 27 April 2007 The Federal Government has endorsed the pork industry's new Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals, despite a push from animal welfare groups to have the use of sow stalls immediately banned. The RSPCA made the last-minute push before last Friday's meeting of the Primary Industry Ministerial Council (PIMC), saying sow stalls were unnecessarily cruel. See full Story By clicking on above link. Its just more of the same old industry onside with their Government buddies. There are hundreds, actually thousands of Vets and farmers that will say intensive piggerys are cruel. Its time we had a Nation Federal Case heard before a court to expose the Australian Governments and make them introduce some proper Animal Welfare codes in Australia. Our Act is a hundred years old for god sake. I am certainly not sitting on my hands any longer watching this mates rates operation continue throughout this country. Over the years we have been contacted by several people from both overseas and Australia offering to give expert advise. The AVA should hang their heads in shame because they are traitors to the animals they swore their allegance to. As we take in more and more people from overseas into Australia it seems to me to make perfect sense to set these people up in small Free Range Pork Farms Poultry farms and others. The AVA silence is deafening . I encourage every Australian citizen while writing to Emanuel Exports and letting your what you think about their cruel live exports to also write to the AVA. They are the body reasonsible for both. AVA Why are you not protesting about cruelty to pigs? Write to the Australian Vetinary Association and ask why they are not looking after the animals. Why are they not screaming about the cruel intensive piggerys? You may if you like approach them on their support of live exports as well. We certainly will be asking our lawyers to look their way. Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 30 April 2007 7:45:53 AM
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pale - the endorsement of the Model Code of Practice was no real surprise and while I am outspoken in my condemnation of sow stalls, there was no way they could make radical changes to the industry in one step. 10 years to impliment these changes is completely unnecessary though.
I think it is pointless now to keep screaming your protests at deaf ears. Public awareness of intensive farming conditions is the only thing that will put an end to this practice. Its is happening already and APL know that. The Code is now set in stone, forget about it and put energy into making every australian aware of how their food is grown. Dont under estimate the power of personal choice. As pork sales keep diving and more and more intensive farms are driven out of the industry, they may wake up to this fact. Our town was once a large pork producing area. Now there is only one piggery left - and it is free range! Posted by PF, Monday, 30 April 2007 8:06:58 AM
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PF, I don't know what the DPI has to gain from telling porkies. I accept your concern about Media Relations companies. It is the qualifications of the people quoted I value, not the messenger.
Are animal welfare groups not adept at media utilisation? Farming groups often have to hire that expertise. I hear you on the over production issue, unfortunately lower margins tend to fuel productivity gains, further lowering margins. Intensive farming has been too effective. The question is will this productivity be required as world population grows? I take back my postulation on pork consumption per head, Denmark consumes nearly 3 times more pork/head than Australia and more than double it's consumption of beef. Yet it's price is less than half that of beef. Is it because the pigs feed conversion ratio is so much better than cattle and sheep? More than double the efficiency for grain. Posted by rojo, Monday, 30 April 2007 10:22:19 AM
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you should remember that The Australian Peoples Party has the animal welfare policy that is required but see no outcome when you keep going at the others to listen. It seems that you get many emails but do they know about tapp and its policies. Posted by tapp, Monday, 30 April 2007 10:54:56 AM
Cold/drizzly, hot/humid weather is also unsuitable for sheep, in fact pigs will cope much better with those conditions than will the sheep. Does that stop people farming in these conditions though? No it doesn’t. Why single out pigs?
Pork prices have changed very little during those years. The quality of intensively produced pig meat does nothing towards growing the industry and increasing consumption. I believe that intensive farmers are slowly killing the pork industry and now with the latest consumer must have – a social conscience – the end of factory farming is much closer than they realize, they just have their heads firmly in that sand right now.
If APL put as much energy into market research as they do into defending the intensive farmers, they will find that a lot of consumers have simply stopped eating pork for both animal welfare concerns and their own health.