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Royal Commission should first investigate Special Commission of Inquiry
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Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 15 November 2012 1:28:49 AM
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Suseonline very good very true this fact must never be set aside.
Peoples trust in the priest has let repeat offenders ofend again. And Children suffer. Is it not under stood. This RC in rightly targeting the worst of it CATHOLIC CHURCH. Will be in the end better for that Church if it ends these crimes before the Church dies. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 15 November 2012 5:20:09 AM
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its boring to read the same same..but lets get over 'confesionals'
and get into the 'in confidence' secrets..client lawyer privledges. its clear no priest in his right mind can absolve..any sin if its not..'going and sinning no more'..[pedophiles..I HATE THAT WORD..that means simply child lover..and who dont love kids anyhow these filth.. dont seek absolution..if anything its boasting.. any pennance done by deciete cannot gain absolution..child perverters dont believe in they govt law union buddist jew or muslim.. to raise the issue of child brides is not about protecting kids its name calling..spinning the destraction..['billies mummy lets him do it'..why cant you? just because someone else is doing it isnt relitive..unless their doing it here anyhow we all know its not going to change anything lawyers will allways defend the criminals..from justice the only hope is..that those hurt by their own justice...and expose the perverts..we got here..not elsewhere fix our own perverts first..plantem in the ground..make the punnishment fit the crime i go back to if there is no rule change nothing will change...getting a repeatedly question the victim..then a lawyer to rape the victim in pre trial then trial then appeal process..thats the real crime...while all the time a docs teaching the kid he/she is helpless..! recall that bbc pervert making fun of his victims who dared complain those in power are scum..thats how they got into power. all pervert's trial's must be by a jury..not fudggy judgies..keeping the perversions in house...the fish is rotten. if your not angry..think why. good men doing nuthin..means they wernt ever good....let no man think themselves god...or think that god will forgive taking others innocents...but as is clear in this thread..its the organisations..[watchers..not there to protect..].. ie the fox is in the hen house.. cause thats where he gets his kicks...his ammusements [read victims..his food and his friends...birds of a feather flock us together. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 15 November 2012 5:34:33 AM
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pedophilia, like many horrendous crimes, suffers badly from trial by media, so getting a fair trial, which any non convicted criminal is entitled to, is ne on impossible now, made even worse by the growing popularity of social media sites.
So, even if the priests dob these rock spiders into the authorities, chances are they will be tried by the media, well before they face the courts. Hence, they will most likely get off. Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 15 November 2012 6:10:03 AM
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Tony: “Priests also have a lot of discretion when it comes to penance: they can ask that the penitent submit themselves to the law as part of their penance.”
Wow, I didn’t know that. But the victims and the police and the people involved in relocating the priests weren’t in the confessional. But yes any adults committing crimes all deserve the same thing, or I thought Aussie law said they did. Belly: “TPP this is a different thing but will be so broad and so painful it will draw a line forever .” Wait – what? OUG: “the only hope is..that those hurt by their own justice...and expose the perverts..we got here..not elsewhere” Good point, it’s an opportunity right now for the victims to be heard. We find out next week what will be in the Commission... or how it is structured? “The Royal Commission into institutional sex abuse should be broadened to examine other forms of neglect and abuse of children in care, according to ACT Public Advocate Anita Phillips.” I’d like it to be broadened but not if (like Poirot and R0bert suggest) it will be too big a bite to chew. Surely these commissions are set up in such a way to handle the biggest problems? And maybe a broader focus will stop the trial be media rehctub mentions. Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 15 November 2012 6:23:27 AM
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Meanwhile, Premier Barry O'Farrell, a Catholic, was criticised yesterday for saying he "struggled to understand, that if a priest confesses to another priest that he's been involved in paedophile activities that that information should not be brought to police". Until August, the state government had the power to charge priests who refused to give up colleagues who admitted in confessionals to be paedophiles. However, state Attorney-General Greg Smith, a devout Catholic, passed on that authority to the Director of Public Prosecutions. Mr O'Farrell's spokesman said yesterday the government would not be taking back that power because the DPP was independent of government and therefore the appropriate body to make the decision. NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson said Mr O'Farrell should have known priests could be forced to reveal the details of confessionals. … now I’m more confused. Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 15 November 2012 6:41:47 AM
The paedophile can go to any number of priests for confession after each 'transgression', so how are the priests to know this isn't the first time?
What absolute rubbish this confessional business is!
Of course Priests should not be above the law and should report paedophiles to police immediately.
The church's position on this is that if they reported these criminals, then the paedophiles wouldn't come to confession and receive the 'counseling' that Priests could give them! Yeah right. Like that really worked well over the years.
This isn't a witch hunt against the Catholics at all. It was reported by many welfare groups and victim support organizations that Catholic clergy and Catholic institutions and schools were responsible for the bulk of complaints by victims.
That's why I think this RC should have started with them...