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World Growth and Economys end times?

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so remember workers
when the time comes for your workplace to close
fill the sack*..union leaders lost that lurk for ya..wrote conditions

oh well chickens comming home to roost
us fed to buy up them trillions of FAKE PRODUCTSD PRODUCED BY TREASON
to bring down..'the worker pay...via infaltion

yep its money good cash /[lol credit]..for bad paper BONDED paper[ie those COLUDIUNG FRAUD*

85 billion prer us fed

watch out for the stag flation..[in flation while the rest is the wages get adjusted yet again..

as inflation inflates costs..less jobs
cops shooting workers..police lying like in uk

fed BANKERS>>bailing out their own banks

printing monetise..BONDS
not meant to be monetised for decades

giving buy back papers..THEY INSURED?UNDERWROTE

now.BY STEALING THE THINGS>....a private franchise..
via PRINTING MORE buy back as if a value..the worthless garbage PRO_duct..the things only TRUE money SHOULD BE ALLOWED to buy

taking pefectly good money from make instruments
that fail..

till they hold many..bought at huge discount..KNOWING*..they will buy back at FULL VALUE..making fraud into cash yet again

nonus all rounbd
mery xmass

now where to hide the cash
jersy island..switerland..euro's
get ready..folks..somw wildr cash..NOT GOING TO TRICKLE DOWN..near any of you any time soon..then there is israel/iran..then diebold voting machines deliver the bush mark two

in the end we find we cant eat their lies
nor even the newly printed paper..[we hoarded it..rather than lertting them steal it..thats when they hyper inflated it..[klike they did with the natzies

hyper inflation..for all
all but the trading traitering bankers/and their lawyering mates the true natzies

those in the know
they had fixed rates..while the rest got our job money stolen by inflation..WHY..same thing over monetising..long term cash..FLOW*

the trickle..that susaions plenbty
not this flood..for the same chosen *^ the know..
'the chose few'.!..mates rates..and lawyering for fee
Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 September 2012 8:31:19 AM
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Not worth continuing the thread, some of your efforts that last one are very weird stuff.
To think workers wages and conditions, [have you ever been one?] are to blame for the worlds financial crisis, and at the same time believe in so many conspiracy is taking rational thought out of the discussion.
In just my lifetime by no ,means a long one, workers have gone from five and one half working days to 38 even 35 hour working week.
The sky never fell in as wages rise so do profits and productivity.
To remove the wages is to remove too some of the very fuel used to drive productivity, growth, sustainability.
World economy is no different than a household one or our national one.
If you spend too much on wacky tobacco and borrow until the next SS check comes to pay for it trouble follows.
Is an economy6 for every one.
Is the health of a Nation judged on it number of wealthy.
Or its poor?
And end to our current system has to happen, we continue to spend more than we produce, pay for homes bigger than we need.
And leave our casualty's far behind or in the gutter.
Mate you niggle unions I doubt you ever had a job to need one, complain about taxes you may never have paid.
In achieving shorter working weeks workers/Unions created our have a good week end life style.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 14 September 2012 3:09:15 PM
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ok reply re off topic troll
mate the first time police arrested me..i had two jobs
paid off two homes..but cause im not a drunk invested that other pee against walls

so your slur untrue
as is a lot of your assertions..its as if the eurika stockade never them dead unionists in sa..silence on that

mate its your lot retiring..
that saw the scamers need to raise the cash..for your payoffs

yes you put monery in
but the more you put in the more govt co contibuted
so those mugs working for casual one hour per day..pick up the cost

what i have seen over union the bass[the boss
da master's gifts respects honours..and as for the dirty workers..for every one like you..theres two out for all they can get

im noting SOME people are expert at getting gifts from govt
others the ones paying for it

the poor
you will allways have with you
why..cause therer are others expert at getting all they put in more*..not you mate..but not all unionists are as responsable as you..and the warfies.

much like police really..just doing the time
till that day..hyperinflation..taskes your big payoff away

like it never was
what then?..we bail you out again?
[you used genericly for those..trusting de bass*/duh paryty or duh cant get me cause im part of thye union too

everything from metal shop assist/real estate and local buisnes oaasociations..plenty of work payed to unions.../organisation's and govt

and not toughed any nedicare monies nor drug subsidy scemes
nor pension..nor jam your off topoic bell

its opinion..not accusation..i love you
hate parties and collusions to decieve the workers

thats all..say you
so be it bass
Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 September 2012 4:19:21 PM
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OUG touch, just for me, reality, I am far from rich or well off.
I gave up near 80 thousand a year to stand up for my members.
Yes I own a home not a castle.
And would give you, or even Shadow Minister, my last dollar if you needed it.
So how could I thieve from a worker?
I am, take house away, worth well under 100.000 and shrinking.
A secret, it is far better to give than take.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 14 September 2012 6:08:52 PM
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belly you take it personal..and often make it personal
im not into playing the man..the ball is in play

lets just watch the ame unfold

recalliong every time we hear of some retireee..loosing two his 'life savings' super payoff

most of that was tax free govt topup..
tax avoidance/tax minimisation.. tax avoidance

its allmost as if you never noticed the recession 'we had to have'
on 80,000..not bad work..if ya can get the workers/to pay you

most the unions I HAD TO JOIN..were employer unions..
like small goods at dandy..was dandies union..i suspect much the same when i was traineee manager for woolworths..coles ..

i forget which union..the tanery or the fertiliser plant..prawn trawling or mex food shop..but at gladastone the metal workers did it right

4 day..week..if we strike one whole day/
/the lower rate of tax..on only 4 days..means that day off only cost 8 dollars..then

i was working the futh day for 8 bucks
most of it went to govt taxation..when we got income tax..NOT WAGES TAX

and income aint wage
think mate that iognorance sees..that we got mug unionists working for less than the cost of a meal and the travel expenses..

MAYBE ALL could FINALLY get a 35 hour week
if unions OR govt was on our side..but it clearly aint

but no
unions past much like the greens..inbred

in your times..this you will see more clear

see how globally the mute.
...on unionised workers being abused globally*

even from the normally noisey *foreign mini/ster curs/carr.

that gets the cigar
say good by to much more even the clever people ignore
but royalists silence speaks volumes..just as the lap alp..union avoidance to support FULLY..THE WORKERS..
Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 September 2012 9:22:47 PM
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I get no joy out of seeing we do not want to truly see the crisis to come.
Not the end times my threads name spoke of.
But surely as the sun rises a day will come that rocks our financial foundations.
Because? greed and the creation of wealth is over ruling finding a way to fix it.
A thousand times, maybe more, in my life time have seen mass losses as a foundation firm miss managed fails.
The world is printing cash, without that legal tender printed on it is as worthless as any paper blowing in the wind.
We would need all the Gold on the earth, then multiply it many times to cover any gold standard,so the money is in the end worthless.
I hope we the 99% have a say when the change comes.
I would hope we remain free democratic and Capitalist, but have my doubts.
For me? fixed interest low and forever, an end to trading in currency.
Make things for ;profit not investments that put more value on paper money after all it has no real value come the crash.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 15 September 2012 5:53:20 AM
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