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World Growth and Economys end times?

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Hasbeen it is my view we, to do justice to the true in need people,must reconstruct welfare.
But to, even for a mili second consider the worlds troubles are welfare based is bizarre.
OUG I think Socialism is worse than the system we have in place.
In fact, consider with me, more Socialism for the extremely rich, is paid in America, EG refusal to increase their tax rates in America.
Humanity develops fine words and principles in relation to helping others.
But western country,s, not one more than America, see street people eating from rubbish bins.
I put my self up for ridicule, but warn, unless we fix the world other will do it for us dictatorship of the rich and powerful, those who inflict these wounds is likely.
So what do we do?
Bank interest should be fixed in the whole world.
No borrowing without property to be sold to repay loans.
No trade in currency.
Others may know far more than me rather than endless posted links I think those views would be good.
When it comes to profit do not take good wil in business for granted.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 13 September 2012 5:59:59 AM
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yes you make a good point re fixing intrest rate
any sennsable servant..working FOR YOU*..would advise locking in fixed rates now!

thats what the rich do..fix intrest
as inflation doubles..its MONEY values..[cost in paper dollars
IN SILVER DOLLARS ITS STIL EGSACTLY THE SAME* what the silver price/copmpared to its fiat price

eg the avaege house still costs arround 300 pounds
[in silver...but they stole our pounds of silver
gave us dollars plus hyper intrest..and thats the onlt fix they got

unless they restore true values back to out coin
i cent coin=1$
5 cent COIN=5..all of a sudden EVEN KIDS got serevious COIN to SPEND>>

people spending means others got jobs
and with a cup of coffee..cosyting either 5 paper/or credit..actual coffe can be bought once again for 6 pence..[or a 5 cent piece..

for 6 p..or maybe a shilling[10 cent's]..thats how they play the game their way

then ALLOW HYPER INFLATION..that increases prices..wages etc
ie our compulsory pension cash cow flow..OUR PENSION MANAGERS..locked into hyperinflating cash the top1%.. does their cream scrapping off the top

thats the way it is
govt should LOCKIN>>everyones intrest rate
the second..the rich collapse the system yet again




boom bust
dont say you aint seen it
goods inflate wages stagnate mate..its the workers that get shafted

im noting you and that nice police fella..[a unionist and a cop
lol no mention of south afrika unionists shot by cops

but hey both just do as their told
any govt working for them would work for them
by doing the clever things..locking we dont need MORE WAGES*

they steal
cheat deflate TRUE values..
pump up goes up
wages dont..but the rich used nmext years harvest to get at govt subsidy to turn food into diesal fuel for a yuyppies 4 wheel drive
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 September 2012 7:58:59 AM
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Belly, from my reading there are only two ways out of the problem.
We can let the countries that cannot repay debt simply go bankrupt and
the banks, countries and people they owe the money to stand the loss.

The alternative way is to print money until inflation depreciates the
value of the debt. In this way you rob the worlds savers of their
wealth to save the those that were reckless with their management of
financial system.

So far it is this second way that has been adopted.
They give it silly names like "Quantitative Easing" because people are
generally suspicious of printing money, or worse pixel money.
Pixel money is generated by someone with a mouse clicking and sending
$billions to banks. So our money these days is a string of bits
flowing over the internet to various banks so they in turn can click
their mouse and give some business some credit in their account.

However you put your finger right on the problem when you mentioned
that naughty word GROWTH !

Growth is dependant not on money but energy.
To have growth in an economy you must have new energy in the system.
The catch is we have little to no growth in energy.
China has growth because the "west" generally is using less energy.

That can only continue for a short time.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 13 September 2012 9:16:45 AM
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there are huge capitalists organisations/instruments
they plan to get our attention off the issue..[to bring in the traditional cure..OVERNIGHT

like all sneaky stuff goes down[like the drug laws for lawyers income

but worse even than that will be..the overnight disaster
and its red flag blackl israel choses to end the rule of the goy..or revenge on some primative fued of one form or other

its a family thing..but genocide is its fruit
then the bankers do what bankers do..go bust..or install a new intrest to poor peoople..all fruit of capital lists gone bad

nuthin like ongoing avoid that which needs urgent RE BUILDING*

restore that destroyed via war
transaction tax..[double on HIGH*speed traders
on everyone..every transaction..every exchange of value*
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 September 2012 11:13:27 AM
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cash is king*
hard cash..coin..worth its weight in gold
it is distictly a share holder of due course..CASH..upon which the rest stands..thus ITS TIME YOU SO CALLED SWORN TO THE QUEEN

treason has DEVALUED HER COIN..[her face has been the worgth OF HER IMAGE >>not having ITS ASSURED assayed VALUE*

thats why HER FACE is on the FACE of the oin!
but that is disrespected..her people impoverished*
the value of the coin they are opaid in has been despoiled

a stain on her face and ours
its time to bailout the poor..govt revalues the face..into dollars

in time we know 1 cent=1 paper dollar
yeah we want them back too..they are only one two dollars

ONLY THE COIN cent=dollars
bailout the poor they spend their coin

revalue is added

govt can cut its virtual issing coin
paying in coin..those getting 1000 fiat cyber dollars..wage now
would take a pay dividend IN COIN..of ten dollars..

so govt wages[if you WANT to be paid in CASH*,,in coin]..come down
without cutting sacxking anyone


getting THE SACK*..[in the old days..before your time..if the job WAS OVER* got 'sacked'..BY THE BOSS giving you a sack..TO CARRY YOUR TOOLS

what come commies can steal NOT only OUR tools..but their WORKPLACE too?
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 September 2012 11:24:00 AM
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Bazz on a first thought basis I agree.
However who made the debt that threatens these country's.
In Greece in large part it was the people.
That country,s attitude to personal income tax is madness, you virtually pay if you wish to.
And32 hour working weeks not helping.
Spain too but it spent most on phantom money, borrowed to build infrastructure.
I would hope we need leave no country in a hole.
But too that every cent of debt was paid, in time.
Interest rates once did not play as big a role, and this futures trading and trading in money is surely not helping.
If we fix interest rates at say 2,5% world wide, investment in other things for profit, may make true improvments.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 13 September 2012 12:28:04 PM
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