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the following link may be of interest:
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 24 August 2012 6:31:42 PM
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The second of the two wikileaked cables with which I have any familiarity was that identified as STOCKHOLM 748 from 2008. A link to it (one that no longer works, unsurprisingly) was posted on the OLO General Discussion thread 'Sanctuary' in December 2010, from which I made a transcription of parts of its content that are still accessible on OLO in several posts to that thread.

The major part of the cable dump took place on 10 December 2010, and came about not through Assange's direct action, but as a result of some claimed screw-up between the MSM interests, interests then purporting to be working with Assange to responsibly progressively publish the cables, that resulted in the publishing on the internet of a password that gave access to ALL the cables. The point is, that though blamed for the entirety of the cable dump because the digital records were in his possession, Assange may well have had no control over the timing of this claimed 'stuff-up'. Remember that.

On 11 December 2010 the first-ever terrorist attack on Swedish soil took place. A bomb exploded on that Saturday afternoon in the Stockholm CBD, with the only casualty being the alleged 'terrorist' suspect.

I have speculated elsewhere on OLO that on the balance of probabilities this bomb blast is more likely to have been the result of an 'agent provocateur' scenario in which a Swedish citizen of Iraqi origin who had been a long-term resident in the UK up until just before that blast, one alleged to have been a 'radicalised Islamic', may have been the victim of an extra-judicial killing at Swedish, British, or American hands, or some combination thereof, in the orchestration of that blast.

That Stockholm blast could have been seen as a 'hurry-up' directed at the Swedish government emphasising a US interest in having Assange 'temporarily surrendered' by Sweden under the already existing extradition agreement and BEFORE any rape trial took place.
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Sunday, 26 August 2012 9:31:11 PM
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Absolutely fascinating, in the light of hindsight, how the attempt to shut down OLO by attacking the site's revenue, allegedly over the publication of the Muehlenberg article on 25 November 2010, occured in virtual lockstep with discussions and events relating to the Assange issue at that time. See this post for a partial chronology in that respect:

This post by Geoff of Perth on 9 December 2010 to the comments thread to the OLO article 'The arrest of Julian Assange - a reality check', by Marion Dalton, published that same day, is what set alarm bells ringing in my head as to Assange being likely 'set up' with respect to allegations of sexual improprieties committed in Sweden:

Was discussion on OLO getting so close to the bone with respect to Assange as to move certain interests to attempt to shut down the whole site, rather than requesting/requiring of OLO the taking down of certain posts, the doing of which may have been thought to have pointed too specifically to areas of sensitivity or exposure in relation to the Assange matter? It should not be forgotten that Internet Advertising Sales House (IASH) was a player in the OLO revenue scene, a player of seemingly quasi-US-governmental status, and that it was IASH's own 'hate speech and advertising code' that was the basis upon which advertising upon OLO was at that time withdrawn. See each of these two posts in GrahamY's 'Wanted - new financial backers' comments thread: and

Perhaps posts like this one to the 'Sanctuary' General Discussion thread started on Wednesday, 8 December 2010, were causing some angst:

Interesting that I ran into some of these while accessing my user history for this post:
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 27 August 2012 1:49:58 PM
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im sure its only coincidence forrest
but i cut your last 6 posts out, join them into one topic at my other behold i was logged out of my forum..and cant get back in..

so went my other forum..

just to see if its radio silencing chatter before the ballon goes up..anyhow its a lead ballon for me


"If you program a computer to solve the square root of two, it will keep working at the problem it until it runs out of resources and crashes.

The smartest computer in the world is not intelligent enough to recognize futility; that some problems cannot be solved and that the best thing to do is quit before you destroy yourself.

Americans have been given a problem with no final solution; to repay the debt of a financial system that by design creates more debt than money.

We can either keep working at that problem as commanded by our rulers until we run out of resources and crash, or we can exercise our intelligence, recognize the futility, and quit trying to complete a task which is by design impossible to complete."

-- Michael Rivero
Posted by one under god, Monday, 27 August 2012 3:08:50 PM
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while ronpaul supporters are watching him..there are some nations recognising iran

but i rekon its about ol mitt
being a know FOREIGN donations=treason..foa a pres of ol us/of a..high court has ruled it OUT*

Foreign nationals, other than lawful permanent residents, are completely banned from donating to candidates or parties, or making independent expenditures in federal, state or local elections.

Mitt Romney's advisers (the same3 one who thought it was safe for him to make jokes about the birth certificate) may have assumed that the Citizens United decision granting First Amendment rights to corporations meant all corporations could donate to Romney, including corporations in Israel. But we all know what 'assume' means. This article confirms that the United States Supreme Court has already ruled that Citizen's United does NOT extend to foreign corporations. So Romney has committed multiple felony violations of US campaign finance laws. FELONY! Men who commit felonies are not allowed by US law to be the President!

Perhaps not so amazingly, the TV network news show have yet to mention this story at all.

So, here is a call to Rivero's Rangers. Do not wait for orders but grab thy keyboards and blog towards the sound of corruption!

Grab these stories about Romney's Israeli fundraising and start flooding the social media, the websites of the corporate news, anywhere Romney's drones like to hang out and masturbate to Mitt's pictures; get this message out!

The GOP's favored candidate has already broken major laws before he is even officially nominated! The GOP leadership and trying to get you to help them put a criminal into the White House!

red flag or musical chairs

who really cares
Posted by one under god, Monday, 27 August 2012 3:20:05 PM
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i note the new discussion thread for assange..actually a few
this indicates a red herring..under it all..but im over speculating

still cant log into my other site
but can read..this one is the same thing belly went through
[for egsample

anyhow im pretty much over the whole blooging thing
so thanks for the fish
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 August 2012 7:31:07 AM
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