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Sven-Erik Alhelm’s expert testimony at the Extradition hearing was in large part discounted by the Judge because it relied on the false statement by Assange’s Swedish lawyer Bjorn Hurtig that the prosecutors had not attempted to interview Assange in Sweden.

His main argument that the EAW was unfair was shot down by Assange’s own lawyer attempting to mislead the court. On the other matters that Assange’s legal team attempted to argue, Alhelm sided with the prosecution in his court testimony. His testimony was that the EAW was valid and had been produced by a valid authority. Alhelm also stated that it was not possible for Assange to be further extradited from Sweden to the US.

Given his expert testimony was tainted by the reliance on Hartig’s false statement, I wouldn’t rely on it too much.
Posted by Agronomist, Friday, 17 August 2012 7:09:38 PM
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He is an egotistical fool and a coward.
He should have kept his mouth shut and his face out of the media. By whoring himself around with press conferences and public appearances he set himself up as a target and he took the focus off the actual content of what Wikileaks released. Julian Assange became the story not collateral murder or the numerous unsavoury diplomatic cables not to mention the war crimes and atrocities detailed in them. Instead it was all about that blond prat and his conquests.

He is a coward because once the "authorities" had him in their sights he ran like a scared puppy and is now holed up in an embassy in London with no escape. He should have dared the Americans to abduct him and even been prepared to be a martyr. If thats what it took to get the world to listen. If the Americans did "acquire" him I am sure it would spark an outcry around the world and would prove to many that the US really is an evil empire. But no he is going to rot forever in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and just keep on overshadowing anything Wikileaks does. Selfish git.
Posted by mikk, Friday, 17 August 2012 7:27:42 PM
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mikk - Wrong he was a target as soon as the documents etc were released nothing would have changed that fact staying out of the public spotlight would have done nothing as the bulls eye was already on him. The conferences etc at least will give him a degree of public support.
Would you in his place have given up to spend the rest of your life in Guantanamo bay or as some American politicians stated he should just be killed.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 17 August 2012 7:43:32 PM
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Dear Poirot,

One thing's obvious. Assange does have genuine concerns
about being extradited to the US. Both the Prime Minister
and Foreign Minister, Bob Carr haven't quite answered
questions over whether they've asked the US what their plans
are for Mr Assange. The PM skirted around this issue on
Q and A, when Tony Jones tried to get an answer from her.

I find the attitude of the British government quite bizarre
when they threaten to remove accreditation of the Ecquadorian
Embassy in London in order to arrest Assange to send him over
to the Swedes, so that they can ask him questions... How strange
is that.

Why can't the Brits invite the Swedish prosecutors to London
to question Mr Assange? If that's all they want to do.

I'm not as a rule into conspiracy theories. But this entire
sorry saga - smacks of ... the Yanks must really want this
guy badly! I'm truly
amazed that it's come to this. As for waiting for any Australian
government support. Assange shouldn't hold his breath.
He's right to be concerned.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 17 August 2012 7:43:59 PM
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Apparently there are negative consequences and repercussions associated with leaking sensitive information of the world's most powerful nations. A sense of humour isn't their best attribute when it comes to these things.

They'll get him, in the end. He knows it too. We all do.
Posted by StG, Friday, 17 August 2012 10:10:17 PM
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We humans are indeed different.
We clash verbally on any issue and in my view say things we surely in reality do not think.
I hope hasbeen does not truly think that.
Let us look, in a world that asks us all questions, why so many dead civilians, friendly fellow fighters deaths.
We in my view have a right to know why, Lexi do not write of conspiracy's so quickly.
Is the American pledge of freedom of speech only for some.
Look at the brilliant American now resident here, ex military lawyer who defended Hicks.
He proves the real proud America exists still.
But look too at the British/American/Australian grubs trying to harm this man and his source.
FOR caring about wrong! and our right to know.
M/S Gillard ex far left ex lawyer is a sad shell of what she once was.
If they get him the movement against that action will be bigger than David Hicks one was.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 18 August 2012 5:59:01 AM
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