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Now here is an interesting heads-up for the Washington Post editoriate from US Senator for Arizona, John McCain: . The link in the tweet ( ) is to an item in the Washington Post of 5 October 2012.

The essence of that article by Patrick B. Pexton, the Washington Post Ombudsman, can be encapsulated by his introduction quoting one "John Curtin, a Fairfax reader", a week after the attack, to wit:

“Why has the Post let Fox News lead on the issue
of the murder of our Libyan ambassador and other
Americans? For the Post to survive it needs to
swallow its tendency to look the other way when it
comes to Obama and not surrender what we rely on it
for — expertise in foreign and military journalism.
That it took so long to ‘discover’ that the murders
were calculated, and that warnings were ignored, is
an embarrassment for the Post. Never sacrifice your
credibility; it’s all you have.”

and his concluding paragraph:

"The Post needs to keep digging. That gap in the middle
enraged many readers and reinforced their false suspicions
that The Post is trying to cover for Obama, and it can’t
let that happen."

Of necessity, the attack in Libya must be set against the backdrop of 'Cablegate', and the attempts to extradite Julian Assange to Sweden as a tacitly accepted stepping-stone to his removal to the US. Whilst it might not be unreasonable to point out that that attack, and its consequences, may have constituted a case of 'chickens coming home to roost' as a result of the pressures believed to have been put upon the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Secretary that culminated in threats to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in order to effect the extradition of Assange to Sweden, there could be an even darker aspect to it. There is a report as to Stevens having attended a conference in Stockholm in the weeks before his death. Could he have learned, or revealed, something there that made him a 'problem' to unidentified others perhaps already 'communicating with the enemy'?
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Tuesday, 9 October 2012 9:20:49 AM
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I guess its just one of those coincidences of life that the Washington Post Ombudsman's correspondent, John Curtin, who provoked Patrick Pexton's article to which US Senator John McCain referred 71 full years after the swearing-in of Australian Prime Minister John Curtin on 7 October 1941, happens to reside in a place called Fairfax (be it VA or DC), and that in Australia Fairfax is a national newspaper publisher. Spooky, perhaps, to an Australian eye, what with Assange being an Aussie and all.

Speaking of spooks, it is interesting to note another tweet by Senator McCain, , in which, with respect to the attack upon the US Consulate in Benghazi, he asks the question: "Now who in intel community was responsible for reporting "spontaneous" demonstration?", and posts this link: . Well might that question be asked, given that there may exist some question as to whether there had been any security breach as to knowledge of Ambassador Stevens' presence in the Consulate in the time before the attack was mounted, and especially so if it was the ambassador, rather than the consulate as such, that may have been the target.

It is doubly interesting to note the recent contact, on 12 October, between Senator McCain and UK Foreign Secretary Hague ( ), followed as it has been by the announcement by UK Home Secretary Teresa May of the blocking of the extradition to the US of Gary McKinnon, on 16 October. See:

It is also spooky, given that one of the grounds upon which McKinnon's extradition was blocked was that as to there being a perceived likelihood of his committing suicide if extradited, and that John McCain is a Senator for Arizona, that Brian Howes, finally extradited to Phoenix, Arizona, in July 2012, very nearly perished in the same manner as Ambassador Stevens, from smoke inhalation when he set fire to his cell in a last attempt to avoid that extradition.

Brian Howes does not show up on the USDOJ BOP Inmate Locator. . Un desparacedo? Sextradited as proposed for Assange?
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Wednesday, 17 October 2012 9:45:12 AM
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Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Tuesday, 6 November 2012 6:33:42 PM
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