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Glad to see you back Forrest and very interested in your thoughts.
I increasingly,question why so many stand against us being told the truth,even when it is uncomfortable to hear it.
Assange has never faced the charge of telling lies.
Those against him are so because in their view he told too much truth.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 4:32:22 PM
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Worth a look Banjo.
Any one using fire fox who can tell me how to use the spell checker?
Any help would be good.
Not able to fix highlighted wrong spelling.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 4:54:51 PM
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Yep, had a look. In particular about his role in dirt gathering on One Nation.

I believe Abbotts approach to the Qld Electoral Commission was rejected because they had already investigated One Nation's registration and found it complied.

I think Abbott was instrumental in getting the false witness to give evidence. However it was the Beattie Labor government that instigated the criminal action against Hanson and Ettridge. That Labor juristiction found her guilty on very dubious evidence and jailed her. Even The lefty, Margo Kinston, agrees it was a political jailing.

I am not a fan of Abbott and his involvement does not absolve the Beatie Labor government from its instigation of the unwarranted and wrongfull court action, as the appeal finally showed.

So, after aquital, where is the compensation and the awarding of costs? Where is the repayment of the funds Pauline repaid to the QEC?

Sorry to burst your bubble regarding your opinion of the ALP but Labor was directly responsible for our first jailing of a political opponant, without just cause. Hope all labor supporters are proud of that.

This disgracefull episode is partly why i am cynical of both major parties. They both have no integrity or morals.

Like Richardson said 'whatever it takes' One does not have to look outside Aus to see political persecution
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 10:27:44 PM
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I would never claim our hands are clean.
But you stretch it in down playing Abbott,s roll.
He lead the chase.
Never forget the Lady came from within the Liberal party.
And as strange as you may find it, she won support from both sides.
Her views, some, are held today, by some, on all sides.
Abbott, the real Tony Abbott, can be seen from those events.
I will until death, believe the ALP in failing to confront the bloke, with a leader capable of beating him, is betraying its foundations.
But lets remember, Assange like or loath, is charged with?
Being a messenger of truth!
Last word on your Lady friend, with hindsight she was a one issue person who has let her self down time and again.
That talking via her nose has warn thin.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 August 2012 5:29:15 AM
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A hint as to the existence of some sort of already-existing 'automatic enrollment' system emerged in the lead-up to the 2010 Federal elections. I drew attention to it in this post: . The punchline of that post was the heavily understated 'question':

"On the face of it, it seems unlikely that 47,579
persons out of the 30 June 2010 total of 59,831
provisional electors would be turning 18 between
30 June and 22 July 2010."

At the Federal level, automatic electoral enrollment had not at that time been legislated. In fact, I think such legislation may only now be being put before the Parliament in Canberra. The maximum number of 17-year-olds, if every single eligible one of them in Australia had been already provisionally enrolled by 30 June 2010, that could have been expected to have turned 18 during that 22-day interval would only have been around 14,000! Had somebody discovered the Elixir of Youth, fed it to many of the 17-year-olds, and caused them to turn 16?

We have Julian Assange and Wikileaks to thank for what may prove to be relevant revelations with respect to the operation of automatic enrollment systems, clandestine or otherwise. Here is a tweet about reports of Trapwire and related corporate developments like TartanMetrics online persona (not a typo) management disappearing from Australian media:

The articles are pulled just as the Parliament may be considering automatic enrollment-related legislation!

Think automated sockpuppetry as it might be related to electoral rolls, and, via such rolls at election times, to the influencing of electoral outcomes, here in Australia.

But hey, don't let me distract everybody from the Perils of Pauline in yesteryear. They all went for her throat because the upstart One Nation party, with every primary vote they gained, took some of THEIR, the sacred (and embedded?) major parties', public funding!

Much easier to control a nation's policies with only a few major parties within which to control the groupthink! Re groupthink:
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Thursday, 23 August 2012 1:47:05 PM
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Worth a read:
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Friday, 24 August 2012 7:59:31 AM
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