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Bible fan fiction

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UOG thinks he has "proof" that his deity exists. I just love it when the believers in superstition try to "prove" that their mythical supernatural creatures exist. They clearly have no "faith and belief". Why? Because they try to seek "proof".

The fact is, all religious superstitions are based 100% on faith and belief. Why? Because there's no proof, or even evidence ... just faith and belief.

I've read, a long time ago, ALL of UOG's so called proof. It's all been totally discredited, word for word, and the only people who believe such rubbish are people who "believe" anyway.

Christians and Muslims who are severely lacking in their faith and belief, get very offended when it's pointed out to them: People like UOG. They can't accept that their beliefs are just that, "beliefs".

Mankind is still very primitive, extremely primitive, and until science provides all the answers to existence, "some" people will continue to cling to ancient, uneducated superstitions.
Posted by FP72E, Saturday, 26 May 2012 1:17:34 PM
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as i thought
ya got nuthin

yopu claim refutal
present the link

clearly ya got no idea re the science

Posted by one under god, Saturday, 26 May 2012 2:42:26 PM
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Some form of religion has existed in every society
that we know of. Religious beliefs and practices are so
ancient that they can be traced into prehistory, perhaps more
than - 100,000 years ago. Even the primitive Neanderthal
people of that time, it seems, had some concept of a
supernatural realm that lay beyond everyday reality.

Among the fossilized remains of these cave dwellers,
anthropologists have found evidence of funeral ceremonies in
the form of flowers and artifacts that were buried with the
dead, presumably to accompany them on the journey to an

Although religion is a universal social institution, it
takes a multitude of forms. Believers may worship gods,
ancestors, or totems; they may practice solitary
meditation, frenzied rituals, or solemn prayer.
Many definitions have been offered in the past, but most
of the ones we are familiar with have been bbiased by
ethnocentric Judeo-Christian ideas about religion.

These ideas are based on a number of central beliefs:
that there exists one supreme being or God: that God
created the universe and all life and takes a continuing
interest in the creation: that there is a life hereafter,
and that our moral behaviour in this life influences our
fate in the next.

In cross-cultural terms, however, this particular
combination of beliefs is unusual. Many religions do not
recognise a supreme being, and a number do not believe
in gods at all. Several religions ignore questions about
the origins of the universe and life, leaving these
problems to be dealt with instead by nonreligious myth.

Many religions assume that the gods take little interest
in human affairs. Some have almost nothing to say about life
after death, and many - do not link our earthly morality with
our fate beyond the grave.

Obviously, religion cannot be defined in terms of Western
religious tradition alone.

cont'd ...
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 26 May 2012 2:44:26 PM
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cont'd ...

Emile Durkheim, one of the first sociologists to
study religion, pointed out that a single feature
common to all religions: a sharp distinction between
the sacred and the profane. In other words that
religion is a system of commonly shared beliefs and rituals
that are originated towards some sacred, supernatural

Durkheim pointed out that, whatever their source, the
rituals enacted in any religion enhanced the solidarity
of the community as well as its faith. Consider such
religious rituals as baptism, bar mitzvah, weddings, Sabbath
services, Christmas and Easter mass, and funerals. Rituals
like these serve to bring people together, to remind them
of their common group membership, to
re-affirm their traditional values, to maintain prohibitions
and taboos, to offer comfort in times of crisis, and in
general, to help transmit the cultural heritage from one
generation to the next.

In fact Durkheim argued, shared religious beliefs and the
rituals that go with them are so important that every
society needs a religion, or at least some belief system
that serves the same functions.

For many yeayrs it was widely felt that as science
progressively provided rational explanations for the
mysterieis of the universe, religion would have less and
less of a role to play and would eventually disappear
unmasked as nothing more than superstition.

But there are still gaps in our understanding that science
can never fill. On the ultimately important questions -
of the meaning and purpose of life and the nature of
morality - science is silent, and by its very nature, always
will be.

Few citizens of modern societies would utterly deny the
possibility of some higher power in the universe, some
supernatural, transcendental realm that lies beyond the
boundaries of ordinary experience, and in this fundamental
sense religion is probably here to stay.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 26 May 2012 2:59:46 PM
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Please explain how matter came into existence or how DNA came into existence in a sterile environment by science.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 26 May 2012 3:00:23 PM
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he isnt going to reply josephus
read his words

first context..

QUOTE..""..I just love it
when the believers in superstition
try to "prove" that their mythical supernatural creatures exist...

..""*They clearly have no "faith and belief".""


""Why?..Because they try to seek "proof".""

see he dont seek proof of nuthin
he has full faith in his diss-belief..

""The fact is,""..without any proof at all...
""all religious superstitions are based 100% on faith and belief.""

not based on scrolls//nor thoughts nor writing..or deep thought
""ALL ARE BASED faith.../belief""

""Why? Because there's no proof,""

sgt shultz sees nothing[needs no proof]
hasnt sought it mind..dismisses the whole concept

no proof,..""or even evidence
... just faith and belief.""

jesus said that without works
faith is usweless

..""I've read,a long time ago,
ALL of UOG's so called proof."""

ohhhh dear
thats clearly a lie
""ALL...of ougs proofs""

he never heard of strickland till 5 minutes before postying his lie

now instead of specifics..he goes general

""It's all been totally discredited,""

genericly..[but just in case you dont get grand egsajuration note

""word for word,""


""and the only people
who believe such rubbish..are people who "believe" anyway.""

and only ignorant fools
who refuse to try to decide true..from faulse...see nuthing
refuse seeing any proof..its sad but the ignorant just keep spoutinbg their ignorance..get some learning..give proof of evolution out of genus..NAME 1ST life from non away


""Christians and Muslims..who are severely lacking""

not just lacking..but 'SERVERLY LACKLING""

""in their faith and belief,
get very offended when it's pointed out to them:""

by numbnutts who got no proof of conmcept
yet stil blather on evolution out of genus

""They can't accept
that their beliefs are just that,.."beliefs".""

as is your faith and dis your
you take it on faith..HOPING science is right..but never egsamined the

some..will mindlessly..cling to faith in evolution
as a science..but at bests its a taxonomic theory

as the quaran says..[first make just one like it]
to wit one living from nuthing
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 26 May 2012 3:29:07 PM
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