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Adventures in getting on line

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My absence for a while, has no doubt been good for some.
But too proof this big country gives no reason to forget we are not all served the same.
Some years ago, after great problems even getting on line at any speed via land line, I received government help.
Satellite, paid for me as one of hundreds not able to get any other service.
Never met its promises but it was very good in comparison to 26 to 56 KB,s on land line.
Here the copper is aged and fades at the first drop of rain, an exchange unable to handle the optic fibre that passed us by mid Howard era.
I return now on wireless, the tower not even built one my leaving land line is a great help.
Difficult however for the average user, it took external aerial, but at very little cost.
Not going to mention my ex service provider, they may care to advertise here.
But after initial contract I was offered insurance,and took it, for 3 years.
After that, as problems became more likely, no insurance was available?
And service stopped.
For the first time, yesterday, while testing signal strengths, I climbed on my roof.
And found recent torrential rain, had flooded part of the dish.
Never offered a service call,at my cost, but offered yep! a full NBN system, 3 times in fact, at no costs.
I am in favor of NBN but waste concerns me, I over and again, informed my provider NBN site was informing me, wireless had come to my area.
And others? telling me, no wireless can be found here.
An adventure, but for 30 dollars,I am receiving full strength signal.
My donga instead of being plugged in to the PC on my desk, lives at the end of a 10 meter cable up the mast.
From a 486 15 years ago to wireless how much further can we expect?
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 12 February 2012 5:52:52 PM
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English archaeologists were digging at a depth of ten metres when they came across an old copper line.
They declared that this was proof that England had telephone a hundred years ago !
Not long after a scottish team was digging at twenty metres and found a copper line.
They declared that that was proof that Scotland had telephone 200 years ago !
Not to be outdone an Irish team dug to thirty metres in a peat bog and found absolutely nothing.
They excitedly declared that that was proof that Ireland had wireless 300 years ago !
Posted by individual, Monday, 13 February 2012 6:22:05 AM
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good to see ya posting again
maybe now..we will get more notices[my inbox looks empty..comparitivly]

the game is changing ol mate
recall we all go dig'etal/

then all that new spectrum..will be released
if you recieved gotta recieve the web..[via that specrum]

but the cost of that spectrum
thats the huge key mate

those in high traffic areas
will pay billions..for the airspace
and those in areas like yours will go for a song

except then
you need to become a service provider
[and your govt mates have set that game bying in
will cost you low desity areas..NEEDING THE SERVICE]
compared to the cheapnness..of that actual/old tv specrum bandwidth

in the end you will still have little ol mate
and costing ya the earth

heck when signapure[singe/yapoor][opt-us]
a govt..sells us web acces..prices our fuel price
accordinmg to their super priced fuels...[and how much more]

ya just know
its not about getting us online
as much inline[sukkers only please]

we use your super contribution
to make you pay the earth for acces to services
cause its all about the shareholder..and who votes on the share

and who gets what bonus
for what sir-vice
Posted by one under god, Monday, 13 February 2012 7:24:09 AM
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I can, at best raise a quite but pain filled groan at that attempt at humor.
But thank you for it, it helps prove my point, we are not all served by the same urban conditions.
Small country towns, some of 2 or 3 homes, are subject to ancient lines and sub stations.
My area is one, but it now has hundreds not tens of connections.
Still 120 klm from our third biggest City, NSW, we get subsidized satellite, full NBN via land line, slow to nothing via land line, and wireless.
NBN will not change this, wireless seems the only long term here.
Not enough users and very hilly country = high costs and that says no upgrades.
Shame, truly, mobile towers can not be shared by all providers.
Considering the right to take private property even if not wanted by owner, install towers.
And considering by tradition, towers have been used by all services for years.
Some hill tops have masses of antenna on a single tower.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 13 February 2012 7:25:15 AM
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belly/quote..""we get subsidized satellite,""

funny how you say 'we'
lets egsamin..this we..who get govt subsidy

govt pays you
you pay for the satilite acces
in short all the cash..goes to stalite provider

WHO BUT FOR THE CAPITAL..from govt and you
would soon go broke...!

cause that a dead end
[as any affordable solution]..if it did go broke
capitalists,,[specularers]..would do their capilalist game
for cents on the dollar..and make it work...not by govt teat subsidies

corperate welfare
govt picking winners
now to that next eliphant

""full NBN via land line,""

fibre to the node
was subvetted..into billionswhat 6 million./.turned into 60 billion?

for what?
for doing what we payed telstra to do
[via COMPLUSORY line rental acces cost]

who spent it all on dividend..for capitalists

let the copper decline..didnt replce copper with fibre to the NODE!

''slow to nothing via land line,..and wireless.""

yea that renting the landline
was wasted..billions..that raises
like fuel taxes..

*should go..where its meant to be going[updating]
not shareholder proffits

yep mate your right
""NBN will not change this,""

unless it immediatly restores the node
serrves direct,..not via agent...for commision's
via tricky lies and odious terms and conditions

""wireless seems the only long term here.""

ya could have mine
i got copper available here
but dont use it..cause of the acces fee
[lol] maintain the line


mobile towers can not be shared by all providers.""

no towers needs go direct peer to peer
every phone links to every other phone
much like computers pick the best path

others can form networks
in the expired tv air space
gotta clear out capitalist from one specrum
basic acces...and 1 gig per month..should be free

use double pay double
use tripple pay double

the biggest users
are the greates abusers
for every service..[water/power...etc]
the more you use..the more you pay

those wanting high/traffic 'zones'
naturally subsidise those few
like yo
Posted by one under god, Monday, 13 February 2012 7:56:45 AM
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Unless our internet providers go the rest of the world way of not placing limits on downloads then anything more expensive than presently is sheer pointlessness.
Posted by individual, Monday, 13 February 2012 8:06:51 AM
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Congratulations Belly for your new connection!

Now that you have yours, for which I am very happy, and so I hope will the rest of you out there in far country, will you please allow us, city and suburb people who are in an utterly different situation, to choose the type of service we want ourselves rather than having those copper wires that work and serve us very well, forcibly taken away by decree?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 13 February 2012 1:51:30 PM
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Good on you Belly, though not always agreeing with you, I
always enjoy reading your threads !

Occasionally, commonsense seems to evaporate
with the odd correspondent herein, who seeks to
enlighten us all with their intellectual mastery.

Great to see you back, Belly !
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 13 February 2012 3:36:32 PM
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I offer this thought, if the kid we all distrust, every village has one.
Takes the bike from the kid down the street, we get a little upset.
If it is our bike,or our child's, we get very upset.
I recommend we try to look at every issue from every side.
I think, not sure,John Howard may have funded my old connection.
It cost me $29.90 a month.
I pay that now,for fast INTERNET wireless.
And my home,while in a village is far from out back.
It is not a rort, one day while on community service, Radio involved, visitors asking questions,informed me of what they had under this scheme.
3 weeks after I had it.
We, those folk that day, about 2 hundred more, have seen technology over take us.
2 big telecoms plus patchy smaller ones, can cover us,with help.
It surprised me,go into any store any supplier, not one can help, or even wants to, with external aerial advice.
The money is in suburban average consumers.
Wireless can,and will cover up to 5% of the NBN.
I understand the disquiet with NBN.
Can we revisit the bycle?
As a road worker,I found my self frustrated,we built bridges that, just in my time, had to be widened,often.
Why not build for the future?"
Just in my lifetime, TV was introduced, valve wireless replaced by so very much.
Not in support of Gillard, or her Lemmings, the NBN is a unifying thing.
Giving all Australians a service we now depend on, one day it will, looking back, be seen for what it is not who implements it.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 14 February 2012 4:13:02 AM
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good tasee ya belly

i know how much you read the papers
but i should know...they..*source news..from outside
not inhouse..but outhouse...that cccrap that passes as new...sss

much the same as bbc
has be doing

ie prints news
please read it belly

love to hear ya thought
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 14 February 2012 9:06:06 AM
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OUG I read far more than newspapers and have a built in radar for the product you talk about.
I could, for hours defend my thoughts on the value of high speed communications and the net.
As a ham radio person , just over the last 15 years, I have had far less use for my extensive radio equipment to help others.
Mobile phones first the net second now does that, for some.
I ask this, should regional or very remote Australians not have it because of costs?
Then do we with draw health care education a host of other things too?
Is regional development still our wish.
Or do we drive folk back to the city's.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 14 February 2012 12:24:59 PM
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Religion is used by the elites as a tool to enable their wars.
That's what's written between my lines.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 14 February 2012 11:20:16 PM
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Oops, wrong thread. apologies.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 14 February 2012 11:21:38 PM
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I forgot to thank those welcoming me back, not in my mind I did in thought not here thanks.
My connection is not yet complete my gear strapped on top of a ladder.
But boy is it working!
Speed 5 times better than I ever got.
I may be away again next week, hospital looms, but do not count me out.
Getting a bit philosophical here but this form of communication can feed our isolation, and support it.
So many are quite happy to live alone and in some form of isolation,PC supports that.
You are never truly alone with this.
I think we are seeing a new community, new communication , via this.
But not without a warning.
I saw such in early citizen band CB Radio,a community of near a million, it turned on most.
Even murders and rapes.
At times our opinions clash, so they should, but civility should not be a victim.
I have had to confront real life confrontation, because of my health I stopped turning the other check.
And as is my wish learned something new, about opinions.
We, all of us, should put more thought in to our opinions!
I stopped mowing the front and back nature strips.
After ten years, driven by Barma Forest Virus, I at times am crippled.
My actions bought civil war.
How dare I!
My yard became again victim of deliberate flooding, by recycled sewage.
Not not complaining think with me.
These folk half my age, have no ability to truly think about their actions.
NO not evil just very much uninformed and unaware, so doing my block is not the answer.
I will however never be flooded again.
No 100% right or wrong in any thing.
We all can learn.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 15 February 2012 5:46:29 AM
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sure pc's make isolating ourselves easy
but i been out there/seen that etc
likely drove by many..just in driving through town

its funny seeing the ladder..send your signal to the world
but no more that radio..that at one time was huge

[i never got into to one..
not knowing who else is listening]

its too much like..telephone was..with party line's
[as seen on green acres]..amyhow

stay positive
its just when we think..'the adventure is over'...
that we find new get online..
and hopefully new do it cheaper

but for me
its getting harder.. to get inspired/angry...
or even willingness to read others posts

it just dont seem all that important
till you see others start leaving
and wonder wtf is happening in their lives

all these nicknames..feel real
allthiough many posts could simply be computer generated
[ie no thought or thinking involved..or the same/same negative's..or worse regurgitated spin..

our minds can only process
what comes in..but its what comes out
that reveals the most...[about the poster]

only occasionally adds to the info
i heard yestyerday a summation of some affair
i was in depth..[though i forget what it was informing]

but i that is what govt should be giving out
full situation reports..with the facts...revealed...

like proper briefings
[like julian released..but by govt minesters
and on every topic..even topic the media dont pickup]

you know..actually read the legislation
at the first second etc reading

not just the title
hiding facts/detail
i used to read hansard
cover to cover..but govt should summerise..everything they do
full briefings/debriefings on everything..

looks like the union official got off
sems hookers and such,,*is what them cards are for
heck too many got them cards mate..the card values used..should pay tax..!

over and abouve earnings taxes
wages taxes and income taxes
[they arnt all the same thing]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 16 February 2012 7:12:06 AM
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OUG for every positive a negative exists.
Far more than most are willing to think suffer from isolation and the black dog, depression.
We all should not forget to look for positives.
Mate not afraid to say this, PC was a big turn around in my life.
Socially active always, but stunted by my education I read more than one full book a day, every day.
Now I live to learn, and no better class room ever existed.
Radio? you should have dived in to that pool, it has many ends many users ,each far different than the others.
CB has made life time Friends and lifetime enemy's, but was ok over all.
Find the positives.
I want to end this thread remembering not every one knows as much as me, but far more know more.
My new server, waiting to get e mail sorted, is great, 5 to seven times my old speed.
Any one wanting to explore the possibility's do not buy external antenna until testing this.
Take the toggle out of the back, using 5 meter USB cord, weather proof, put it on that out side.
40mm pipe, plastic, on top.
From one bar signal inside to full strength out side.
Fellow hams!trying to get to Wyong Field day!
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 16 February 2012 12:11:51 PM
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Ahh yes Belly, the internet is a wonderful thing.... I think!

Or perhaps it isn't. I don't know if I wouldn't have been better off staying right away from it.

It works for a while, then something fu..s up and it is a mongrel to get fixed. I've just been through that shirtpile again today, with an hour-long call to Telfu.....stra, er, I mean, our lovely Telstra, after being offline for three days!

Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 17 February 2012 8:07:00 PM
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Nice to see you back Ludwig.
Yes left that mob,no home phone line,why pay that much for just line rental?
Get post working life month long mobile use for that only.
We are disadvantaged, most 12 year olds know more than we ever will.
My new servers is the next biggest starts with O and great.
As I confront a health issue find this even better.
But at any given time any PC can drive us mad.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 18 February 2012 4:30:11 AM
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im with ludwig
not sure if online is all that great

sure we put a lot of time into it..hoping
what we have to say..will make a difference

but so often it feels that it dont
or those..who dont want us online
simple make it harder to get online

its funny..i saved this topic
under the title getting in-line

and that is..what seems to be happening
so much i thought to know..overtime..was proved wrong

you people
are just about the only people i talk to
yet even times gets too hard..

but its not good to be alone
but i love it too much..

thus head off
govt getting any further..into my privacy..
when what they are doing..isnt what they were empowerd to do

im sick of the lies
thus risk..getting in-line

simply because i tried to get online
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 18 February 2012 9:32:29 AM
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Bloke sorry but I want to talk to you.
I made it as union delegate and then official because I believe and care for every one.
Mate my childhood moving a lot school to school hurt a bit.
But I over came that, I know the black dog, personally and well.
But I get on with all dogs, and can tame mine, by myself.
My day has been full markets garden, you mate need to keep on looking for the positives.
I do, every day, hospital briefly this week, if it turns out ok back to some work, unpaid community center stuff, just haveing some one who cares can help and I want to.
My views and yours are different but never give up learning and exploring your own views ideas and thoughts, I never will let the dog sit on my chest again.
And no room on my lap, two part foxies own that.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 18 February 2012 12:25:20 PM
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