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The Forum > General Discussion > Latest news on Tobacco products

Latest news on Tobacco products

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My good Friend OUG take a deep breath, thanks for that Mr Bell, bloke/mate/Belly not Mr ok?
Ah I am CONVINCED smoking kills, and that it is a habit that traps us.
I smoked half my life, and wanted to give it up for two thirds of that.
Maths plays a roll here,your smokers party, if it got every smoker/victim of tobacco on board would not have the number to win a seat.
Not even a Senate one.
The poor are more likely to be hooked on tobacco, just look around you.
Tobacco lied for decades, aware its product killed it higher ed paid stooges to lie.
No saint mate, but forever and ever stand against big money killing people in the name of commerce.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 14 December 2011 4:02:19 PM
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