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The Forum > General Discussion > Can we transcend tribalism?

Can we transcend tribalism?

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Why? I have remained consonant in my wedded life, behaving myself at all times, yet have heard no sound reminiscent of a wedding vowel.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 6:22:39 PM
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Dear The Blue Cross,

Consider the divine Y as an anatomical metaphor.

Dear runner,

Christianity, like all religions, has incorporated myths current at the time of its invention.

Carpenter in “Origins of Christians and Pagan Creeds”:

“The Etruscans, the Persians and the Babylonians had also legends of the Fall of man through a serpent tempting him to taste of the fruit of a holy Tree. And De Gubernatis, (2) pointing out the phallic meaning of these stories, says "the legends concerning the tree of golden apples or figs which yields honey or ambrosia, guarded by dragons, in which the life, the fortune, the glory, the strength and the riches of the hero have their beginning, are numerous among every people of Aryan origin: in India, Persia, Russia, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Greece and Italy."

The mythology of the snake is also pre-Christian and from other sources besides the Hebrew scriptures:

From Carpenter:

“The fascination of the Snake--the fascination of its mysteriously gliding movement, of its vivid energy, its glittering eye, its intensity of life, combined with its fatal dart of Death--is a thing felt even more by women than by men--and for a reason (from what we have already said) not far to seek. It was the Woman who in the story of the Fall was the first to listen to its suggestions. No wonder that, as Professor Murray says, (1) the Greeks worshiped a gigantic snake (Meilichios) the lord of Death and Life, with ceremonies of appeasement, and sacrifices, long before they arrived at the worship of Zeus and the Olympian gods.”

Carpenter points out the myth of the Fall is similar to other myths.

“(1) Compare also other myths, like Cupid and Psyche, Lohengrin etc., in which a fatal curiosity leads to tragedy.

(2) German Sunde, sin, and sonder, separated; Dutch zonde, sin; Latin sons, guilty. Not unlikely that the German root Suhn, expiation, is connected; Suhn-bock, a scape-goat.”

Plato also writes of the Fall from an ideal form. Every copy is imperfect.

Christianity incorporates both Jewish and pagan mythology.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 2 November 2011 6:40:34 PM
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david quote..""Christianity incorporates both Jewish and pagan mythology.''

lets just add in..that jewish is essential
to grasp that jesus came to reveal

like the importance of ritual
[where jews refused to 'eat'
with unclean hands]

ie the rite of handwashing
[or more hand wash jars on the mount

meaning 4000/5000 'jews' couldnt eat[with unclean hands
thus did 'eat all they wished''..noting a clever seating arrangement
ensures none broke that rite]

or the importance of jesus appearing 3 days after death
[indicating there is no 'reserction 'day'..and no judgment day]

so much more is noted
once we think like a jew

yet those not knowing these things presume a miracle

yet fiorget..that even jews plagerised 'other; beliefs
notably egyptian beliefs via mosus..raised in upper class egyptian mythology

im sick of tribalistic claims
what is isreal to a xtian?

when only jews can enter heaven
so the jew claim

just like only cathjoholics can enter heaven
or only the 'jehova witlessness'..or only the moremons
or other elitist tribes

its time they all wioke up to the fact
god gives all living their life to live

one god...who wants only to serve..
who said via jesus[joshua],..we shall call him emanu-el..;[god with [in]]..all

jusu the mess-iah
who said the new commandment
love god by loving neighbour

jesu..the messiah..rejected even by his own tribe

jesu..from the tribe of david?

not the tribe of levi?..
[the priest class]

jesu..born of a virgin..[virgin means simpy unwed
for those who know hew]

not john born of an old high priestes[78?..years of age]
concieved 5 months PRIOR to a marriaged pair of high priests

yet john ...lost his head
only then did jesus admit it may 'be his time'
cause his time wernt yet at canna

where he said words to that affect
and sais as much as its not my problem
heck i couldnt care less if you feed them toilet-water

[most vile unclean water]

like..from the toilet water..
ie..the [unclean..handwash jars]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 3 November 2011 2:28:17 AM
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david f

yours and others denial of the fallen state of humanity does not change the clear evidence. I think you are the one creating the mythology.


Your insistence in keeping the faith with such a failed Governement displays far more faith and bigotry than that of which you accuse me. Just reread a few of your posts. You were recently caught out lying and refused to acknowledge it ( in accusing me of saying a Christian could never vote Labour). Your rants certainly confirm the adamic nature along with david f's.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 3 November 2011 12:37:02 PM
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Dear David F.,

The Divine Y as an anatomical metaphor?


Metaphors be with you!
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 3 November 2011 1:31:04 PM
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Dear runner,

No matter how strong one's belief is it does not make the belief a fact. Mythology remains mythology. However, I appreciate your correct grammar, the clarity of your expression and the brevity of your posts.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 3 November 2011 1:31:33 PM
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