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The Forum > General Discussion > Can we transcend tribalism?

Can we transcend tribalism?

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Human beings are tribal but throughout history the tribe can be seen to be widening and more embracing. First it was clans from within the same ethnic groups warring for land and resouces, then it widened to nations, there was colonialism, civil war, slavery and land graps, now there are various global permeations or blocs (eg. EU, Asia/Pacific, US Alliance, free trade agreements).

The world is too big possibly for one big tribe where universal consensus on anything would be impossible not only unwieldy. This is why in some spheres there always seems to be a rush to localism with good reason in most cases.

The fact is the human race is one big tribe and we are all brothers and sisters arising from the same African origins. It is only culture, size and historical distance that prevents greater uniformity or consensus. Even within 'tribes' there is tribalism which is reflected best by the proliferation of religious sects originating from the same core religion such as Islam and Christianity; or variations within ideologies.

Tribalism is certainly a very complex psychology with origins in the quest for survival.

There was an interesting quote which took my fancy while watching the Poet's Guide to Britain- Matthew Arnold's poem 'Dover Beach'.

"Resolve to be thyself: and know that he who finds himself, loses his misery."

Perhaps Arnold offers us the answer in self-awareness, confidence and acceptance.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 8 November 2011 8:32:28 AM
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pell's quote..""there always seems to be a rush
to localism..with good reason in most cases.""

isee idealy...many small fish
with small spheres..of lacal influence
rather than a one world govt..that orders laws/bailouts..from the top down

in the main..cause these few big fish..
will easilly be swayed by big do big busdiness adgendas

whereas locally..a big business..
will only have a small field of affect..[locally..not globally]

we cant trancent tribaliosm
so lets embrace it

have unversal laws..of rergulations over big business
a tax on al transaction..that distributes income locally
[to an elected govt..who spernds it locally]

to expect one world govt to serve its people
not legal incorperated 'person's'..[big business]
is too tempting for those who would be masters of the universe

thus im for tribalism..[or rather localism]
where even the equal to the most
or loose funding..

[all complaint must be heard]
and remied locally

what was that buzz word of the 70's

the true decentralisation of powers
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 November 2011 8:57:36 AM
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Tribalism is not as you suggest, necessarily a dirty word. In Australia I am glad to see a consumer push for localism in purchasing decisions around buying aussie goods, the rise of farmgate businesses and local markets. Food security and biosecurity is enhanced by these activities.

Tribalism is after all about communities with shared values. However, at it's worst manifestation, tribalism can also skew one's perceptions about others and then how one goes on to treat those who may not fit with the tribal values or order.

This sometimes goes beyond simple aspects of defence from invasion, but to unsupportable interference in the wellbeing of others whether it be through unfair trade arrangements or military intervention. That is the only global governance that interests me - freedom from wars and the ability of nations make decisions in the interests of their constituents; as opposed to an omnipotent world government which is an entirely different matter.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 8 November 2011 11:10:25 AM
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Great a very clear and concise analysis of our greatest challenge i hope you won't mind if i include your article in my next email to the Australian human rights commission as they don't know .That junkies suffer any discrimination.Well being banned from political office would seem the worst abuse of human rights i can imagine .But we are only junkies we would only vote for compassionate people if we got a vote .People who would free us from spreading the drug problem by having to deal drugs, and we would vote to rid D.o.C.S.of the 85 % of single [homosexual] people who make hateful decisions about giving away our children ,like we are animals but the middle class are preprepared to pay top dollar for our kids .So we get them stolen from us by a corrupt system that profits from our misery .WELL WHEN YOU ARE PUNISHED FOR JUST EXISTING.and continually traumatized is it any wonder no one wants to get off drugs the pain of our reality is unbearable and this is all by design of the D.E.A. THE FOREIGN POWER THAT DICTATES TO OUR SPINELESS POLITICIANS AND POLICE just what atrocities they will inflict on those with the illness of addiction next election vote for Jesus and Christian living foundation and we might try bout honest government for a change
Posted by motorcyclemessiah, Wednesday, 9 November 2011 12:54:50 AM
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hi motercycle messiah
i used to be in your tribe..[bikie]
the 1%...i also am a life member of the other tribe[hemp]

what you have to say on behalf of your true
so i fought the laws in the courts...[you know 20 out of 21 plead guilty..the first time the go to court]...thus cops have it only too easy

they search on suspition
treat a plant..[only god can make grow] a legal fungable
[fungable is a tradable 'commodity''..instead of the rightfull lawfull 'fixture'..a plant in the ground is]

search out the meaning of fixture/fungable
lawyers know that..yet NEVER say that in court

there is many reasons for this
the lawyer tribe..becomes judges
lawyers become polititions[over half were or still are of the lawyer tribe]

other lawyers become public servants[another tribe]
anyhow..the lawyers make the laws sign the treaties
and even claim god given right..[yet read that hioly law book

genesis 1;29
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 November 2011 7:57:51 AM
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A political analyst says that the Zionist regime is pushing a new law which would classify Jews as a separate race with links to the Palestine land - justifying their 'expulsion' of Palestinians.
An exclusive interview with Bruce Katz, co-president of the Palestinian & Jewish Unity (PAJU)

A political analyst says that the Zionist regime is pushing a new law which would classify Jews as a separate race with links to the Palestine land - justifying their 'expulsion' of Palestinians.

The irony is that Israel-born Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came from a Jewish Polish family with the last name of Mileikowsky, which his grandfather changed to Netanyahu.

heck why bother

tribalism...when one tribe wants to make their way global
we all go global..or get picked off one by one

heck read the news
israel beating the drums of armogeddon again
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 November 2011 8:04:50 AM
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