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Poker Machine Limit?

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Has this legislation actually been passed?

According to Rob Oakeshott on "Q and A," last night
it's currently only up for discussion in Parliament.
There is no legislation as such. Merely a report.
Sounds like it's a bit of a storm in a teacup at

What's wrong with putting a self-imposed cap for
problem gamblers? Of course not all problem gamblers
will want to impose caps on themselves. I believe
that the concern by the clubs is the installation of
computerised tracking of gamblers. Presumably all gamblers
would have to put in their ID, thus the computers would
determine those who have a gambling problem and would
automatically place a limit. Therefore I believe the
Clubs are objecting to the cost of this computerised
system and the loss of income from problem gamblers.

If the Clubs didn't pay huge salaries to players and
officials they wouldn't have to complain about losses
from gambling. In the past the clubs survived on their
own merit and supporter base.
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 27 September 2011 10:58:03 AM
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I do hate these pushes by "concerned citizens" to stop someone doing something, what ever it is, provided it harms no one else.

My father was a gambler, but I don't recall going hungry. On those occasions when he got lucky we all did. Gamblers are often generous people, & he would spread his good luck around everyone.

I have always been addicted to something. Flying, sailing, motor racing, show jumping, there has always been some expensive consuming passion. I have never had the time or money left over to go "clubbing", drinking, or playing pokies.

I do feel sorry for those who have so little in their lives that they do want to do these things, however I don't believe anyone else has any right to try to stop them doing what they wish. I presume they, like me, are getting their adrenaline rush, only in a perhaps more sedentary way.

I am very glad that those officious busy bodies who have this urge to control others, have the poor pokie players in their sights. This keeps them too busy to worry about me.

I sure hope they never succeed in their interfering efforts, because I & one of my activities are likely on their hit list of places to stick their unwanted noses.

That some silly little man, with just a few pointy head votes, from the funny state, should be given this much influence is truly disgusting. But then that's another argument.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 27 September 2011 11:46:45 AM
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Dear Hasbeen
You are right about addictions. I am addicted to letting people do what they think is right for them. There are many outlets for people who are in trouble with addictions, whatever they might be, so if people really want to stop their addictions there is plenty of opportunity to do so.
I was more concerned about the four corners on the ABC last night. Those poor disabled kids who were continually abused by the bus driver of St.Ann's school in S.A., that someone could take advantage of disabled kids (mentally) is beyond the pale. The whole program left me feeling physically sick. Then I started to watch Q&A, it all seemed to be so trite to me, after the program which came before it. Shame on all paedophiles, and more shame on the Priest who denied that it existed.
Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Tuesday, 27 September 2011 12:03:32 PM
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Good on you, Hasbeen, for not going hungry when your dad gambled.

We went hungry, sat in the dark and constantly moved house because my dad gambled...lots of fun for the kiddies.

Yes, it was his weakness that affected us. However, I believe, that the ease of access and the nature of pokie addiction is impacting the lives of many children as it did my childhood.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 27 September 2011 12:16:58 PM
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Many of my family members have been caught up in the bondage of gambling. Thankfully Christ Jesus rescued me from this curse before I was able to waste my and my families hard earned fruit. Other members of my family own nothing and even if they did would put it through pokies or on the next dish licker race. One of my first jobs in the public service (ha ha) many years ago as a young man was to pick up my alcholic/gambling bosses a couple of times a week from the clubs after very extended lunch breaks.

In all the misery that gambling causes it is only a small impact compared with the porn industry which degrades humanity, causes disease to be spread, increases sexual abuse among children and destroys families far more than the gambling industry.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 27 September 2011 12:43:40 PM
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belly your breaking your usual routeen
and made no further comment..either here..on this topic
nor the other one

your usually back on line after lunch
and i trust that your fine

or just reading the link
i suggested on that other topic

anyhow we are all addicts
mine is i worry about others
so please respond...soonish

i hate worrying

it cant be a shock
that ipods were invented iover 100 years ago

so much more has been invented since then
[and those in hell so love to gamble]

who can resist something...
apparently for nothing

or our blind luck beating the oddds

anyhow ol mate
hope to see ya soon

back on that 'other thread'

if not we know
we will meet again

love ya bro..

what you think is important
your questioning makes me think
let us know your ok

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 September 2011 2:34:33 PM
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