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US Presidency; Media tries to shun Ron Paul

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Texas Congressman Ron Paul has scored consistantly high in his straw polls over the last year. At the recent Iowa poll he was within 1% point of Michelle Bachmann but the media will not even mention him as a serious contender.Paul is doing this on a miniscule budget compared to his competition.Why? The American public have woken up to the scams of Wall St and the US Federal Reserve.Ron Paul wants to end the US Fed and its' monopoly powers of money creation.

Ron wants to go back to sound money and let the big boys fail.The US Govt is in over $14 trillion debt due to bailouts of banks,the endless wars and wasteful Govt spending.Obama has now increased the debt ceiling by $2.3 trillion.Rick Perry has now jumped on the Ron Paul wagon saying that the US Federal Reserve needs to be audited.The tactic here is to try and divide the Paul support.

The corporate establishment are in absolute terror of a potential Ron Paul Presidency because he is honest,incorrupable and means what he says.Can he win?
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 21 August 2011 8:49:01 AM
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I think he can win - but what a difference it would make!

America's troops withdrawn to within its borders. No more empire of perpetual war, constantly bombing third world countries.
The Fed abolished; and the supply of money thrown open to competition. The banking cartel abolished. The cosy relationship between the military/industrial complex, the big corporations, government and banking, broken open.
No more constant inflation, with all its attendant disturbance and ruination. Businesses funded from savings rather than debt.
The abolition, phasing out, or great reduction of all the unconstitutional departments, which is just about all of them. Is the power listed in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution? No? Then it's illegal and should be abolished. No more federal agents bristling with weapons breaking into people's houses to bust people for the "crime" of smoking dope. No more prisons overflowing with non-criminals.
The states instead would provide, or not provide, such "services", which means there would be greater competition between them and much greater choice for the ordinary people.
The demilitarisation of the police force and of American society.
Freedom to sell lemonade without the lemonade Nazis criminalising it!

The re-legalisation of civil society and productive activity.

Won't the statists, and the socialists, and the fascists, and the interventionists, and the Keynesians, and the high priests hate it?

BTW Arjay, note that Ron Paul favours open competition in the supply of money, not a government monopoly
Posted by Peter Hume, Sunday, 21 August 2011 11:00:47 AM
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Peter ,I'm a great supporter of Ron Paul also.While I don't agree with everything he espouses,he has the fundamentals right.We need smaller Govt that is far less interventionist.Right now we in reality have a corporate socialist system in which they capitalise the profits and socialise the losses.It is corporate socialism/communism.

If we are to allow the private banking system to create from nothing the money to equal our increases in productivity + inflation,then serious changes have to be made to let all members in our society share in what is rightfully theirs.

Banks are a special enterprises unlike other industries.For private banks to have the power of money creation,there should be no shareholders,since this gives the few who have money to take from the masses when thay have not added to productivity.

Depositors or workers who have an account with any bank should automatically become shareholders.In this way they will share in their own increases productivity.You rightfully are suspicious like Ron Paul of Govt control of money creation.I believe with a proper constitution it can work.However,under a private system it can also work if we make the lowest income earner share in their own increases in productivity be being shareholders by virtue of opening a bank account.This will mean higher interest earned by them via the creation of new money instead of private central banks owning and creating all money.In other words we eliminate central banks and give this power to savings banks and credit unions.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 21 August 2011 4:48:35 PM
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I didn't know much about Ron Paul, so looked him up today.

I thought he sounded quite bright about the financial problems affecting the US, and the fact that he had many of his own ideas about politics, rather than following one of the major parties.

However, as soon as I read that he was involved with the Tea Party movement in the US, which includes that dipstick, Sarah Palin, I have to say that I hope he doesn't become President.
"The Bloomberg National Poll of adults 18 and over showed that 40% of Tea Party supporters are 55 or older, compared with 32% of all poll respondents; 79% are white, 61% are men and 44% identify as "born-again Christians",[76] compared with 75%,[77] 48.5%,[78] and 34%[79] for the general population, respectively."

America has enough problems as it is!
Posted by suzeonline, Sunday, 21 August 2011 8:00:44 PM
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Suze you are quite correct! Paul wants to ban abortions, next
he'll be talking to the Lord for help, like Bush used to.
It did not work too well, just look at the mess he made of the
US economy.

Arjay remains confused about the Fed, but he's beyond help so
its hardly worth commenting. Suffice to say, of the 92 billion
they earned in 2010, something like 89 billion went to the
Federal treasury. A bit like our Reserve Bank, which pays profits
to Canberra.

Most Australians are already shareholders in banks, even if many
are not aware of it. Anyone who has money in a super fund, would
be a part owner of our banks, for they all own a stake in them.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 21 August 2011 8:24:49 PM
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Yabby you have no idea what you are talking about.The $ 89 billion which you say that the Fed gives to the US Govt is less than 10% of what they create from nothing to equal the American people's increases in productivity + populuation.The Us economy has a $ 15 trillion GDP.Inflation + increases = 6% in normal times.This is $ 900 billion pa and they give a mere 10% back and you call this a good deal?

This is not the Fed's money in the first place.The value of $ 900 billion belongs to the US people and they under the present system,have to pay it back with interest.It is theft!

Since 2008 the US Fed has created from nothing $ 18 trillion and loaned it out to Govts and institutions all around the planet.Very little of this went into the real economy.This is why jobs and businesses are evaporating.It went to the big end of town to buy depreciated assets,bailouts and inflate the derivative bubble.This again was stealing from the people and charging interest on it.

If you cannot understand these realities there is no point in you making anymore comments.

Suzanonline, you like many cannot understand the important issues.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 22 August 2011 5:50:07 AM
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yabby you are a bright bloke.
But I am forced to ask why do you bother.
Not being nasty just honest.
Entering in to debate with arjay, always leads to him/her telling any one with other views they know nothing!
I did not want even to post in this thread, but honestly, if we let such tactics stop free debates and other opinions we challenge the very term free speech.
Ron Paul, if he runs, will be of great help in returning Obama.
The true situation is this, the more radical the Republican candidate the better chance of Democrat victory.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 22 August 2011 6:20:11 AM
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Belly,Ron paul is running and his straw polls are close to Obama's.You need to down load 'The Obama Deception' by Alex Jones.Obama is just another corportate puppet like Bush.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 22 August 2011 8:23:39 AM
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Belly, I was simply responding to Suze, who made the valid point
about Ron Paul and the fanatical religious right/tea party movement.
They helped get George Bush over the line, what a disaster that was
but they have not learned anything.

Arjay, according to our Federal Govt, I am one of the "owners" of
MLA. I am forced to pay levies to them, every time that I sell
livestock. But I cannot sell my share, any profit they make they
keep for reserves. So the word "ownership" is a very flexible one.

So it is with the US Fed. All deposit taking banks in the US have
to deposit some of their reserves with the Fed. But they can't
sell their share or keep the profits that the Fed makes. The head
of the Fed is appointed by the US president, quite different then
if it was actually owned in the true sense, by private enterprise.

Yes, Bernanke has increased the Feds capitalisation, it is within
his powers to do so. His reasoning is this: For the 40 or so
years before joining the Fed, Bernanke's area of academic expertise
was to understand the reasons behind the 1929 depression. His
understanding after all those years, led to his conviction that it
was a lack of liquidity that was the major reason for the 1929
depression. As he did not want history to repeat itself and things
were heading that way, he increased liquidity as he did. It is also
within his power to pull back that liquidity once things get back
in order in the US economy.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 22 August 2011 10:42:43 AM
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Arjay! Mind your manners or you can go to your bedroom right now!

It's impolite to tell your friends to shut up when they don't play along with your silly conspiracy games.

Ron Paul is unlikely to win the Republican endorsement, regardless of the straw polls. This is why the media don't report on him as much.

Actually, considering that he's been in a similar position in the leadup to most elections and has only scraped in a small number of votes, I think the media gives him plenty of attention.

You're just complaining because your guy isn't being held up on a pedestal and getting as much attention as you'd like, in the same way Muehlenberg was whinging in an article a few days ago.

Don't ever, ever tell people to be quiet. That's the kind of dictatorial, censoring attitude which you claim is oppressing us all. You can measure someone's intellectual worth by how they treat those who offer an opposing view.

It's not your views I find objectionable, it's your habit of only relying on fringe sources and rejecting that which doesn't jibe exactly with your extreme views - and the way you treat others.

You want to spout silly conspiracies? Fine. But don't tell other posters to be quiet and don't accuse them of stupidity given your own proclivities towards sketchy sources.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 22 August 2011 11:32:05 AM
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TRTL you also have not a clue.This has nothing to do with the scientific facts of 911.This is about economic reality which you are incapable of debating.Move on.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 22 August 2011 6:41:36 PM
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I'm back Arjay!
I stand by my comments on the background and 'friends' that your hero Ron Paul has.

It really doesn't matter what financial credentials this guy has, when he has such 'holier than thou' attitudes.

He won't get in, because the bulk of the American people can see right through his ultra conservative politics.
Posted by suzeonline, Tuesday, 23 August 2011 12:06:31 AM
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arjay I note your rudeness is still a part of your posts.
And ignored a verbal rock hurled at me in another thread.
It is in your interests, not mine, I think you should understand your concerns are fueled by ideas not shared by many.
It is unwise to stand on your hill blasting the majority for being Different, then making claim all but you are wrong.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 23 August 2011 6:21:42 AM
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Belly I've been ver patient with you in the past.You are also rude along with yabby and Pericles with your constant innuendo of me be some conspiracy nutter.I take exception to that.All of you constantly fail to debate the reality of what I say.I find that very deceptive and beyond rude.It is called obfuscation.If the cap fits Belly,wear it.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 23 August 2011 8:37:58 AM
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This, Arjay, is the crux of why you're gathering so many enemies.

"All of you constantly fail to debate the reality of what I say."

You use the term 'reality' to insinuate that what we say is not real, but everything you say is.

The chain of debate works as one person (Person A) puts forward an argument, then the next person (Person B) puts forward an opposing view, or critiques the first argument.

In that situation, Person A has the choice of providing sources that back his claim. Person B then has the right to assess the reliability of said source.

It's at this point that your arguments have tended to go off the rails. When people have pointed out that you discount the views of the vast majority and instead latch onto a single extremist who supports your views, you react with bile, anger and dismissal.

Which, tends to generate the same response in those who debate you.

You claim your opponents don't listen to you, but it's mostly because you've been a broken record - plus, you don't really listen to them. Case in point, I never mentioned 9/11 yet here it is.

Say what you will about me, but I'll defend your right to speak out. Sure, I've occasionally said you should give the conspiracy theories a rest, and I'll tear your arguments to pieces on occasion but I've never said anything like:

"Suzanonline, you like many cannot understand the important issues."

Isn't that a tad condescending?

I've also never told somebody to be quiet and not talk at all - I would quote that comment but I see that it's been removed.

Four key things for you to remember for next time:

1) Focus on the arguments, not the people.
2) Respect that other people disagree and the fact that they disagree with you isn't because they're stupider than you.
3) Your sources need to be defended, just like anybody else's.
4) Don't ever tell people to be quiet.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 23 August 2011 12:05:47 PM
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Case in point TRTL,you were not mentioned in the 911 issue.This trio of pericles,yabby Belly have had a long vendetta against me and will not argue the reality.There is no point discussing anything with them.This is why I tell them to move on.

Some people are so locked into their left or right ideology that they cannot see the forest for the trees.Belly is so tribal with his precious labor Party he will not find fault no matter how corrupt and dishonest they are.We cannot trust either of the major parties since they both do the bidding of large corp interests while pretending to help the masses.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 23 August 2011 12:53:01 PM
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Innuendo, Arjay?

>>You are also rude along with yabby and Pericles with your constant innuendo of me be some conspiracy nutter.<<

Innuendo -n 1. An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression

It hadn't occurred to me that I was being either indirect or subtle. I thought I had made it perfectly clear, on a number of occasions, that your fixation with conspiracy theories permanently clouds your judgment.

It seems that whenever you have a choice between a widely accepted version of events, and one that involves a New World Order, or a cabal of international "banksters" colluding on society's downfall, or the clandestine actions of the CIA/Military/Industrial complex, you go for the conspiracy theory, every time.

This is not healthy.

And this is simply untrue:

>>All of you constantly fail to debate the reality of what I say<<

On any number of occasions, I have pointed out that your source material does not support your theory - the Rumsfeld speech on 10th Sept 2001, for example - and also attempted to outline for you the basics of economics and banking, to help and guide you towards more intelligible posts. Your response is, invariably, to ignore facts, and cleave to your "theories". Even today, you regurgitate stuff that makes absolutely no sense, simply because you refuse to educate yourself on the basics:

>>One way forward is to make the RBA create the new money to equal GDP + inflation instead if borrowing from the US Federal Reserve who just create it from nothing anyway.What's wrong with the RBA computers? Are they inferior to the US ones or the Chinese ones?<<

There is so much wrong-headed illogic in just those three sentences, that it is impossible to know where to start unravelling your thinking processes.

Disagreeing with you is not being rude, Arjay. Questioning your interpretation of events is not an insult.

When you write outlandish and barely-credible stuff, you must expect to be challenged. It's called a debate, something to treat with respect, and to learn from.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 23 August 2011 1:02:02 PM
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Arjay it may be of use for you to know this.
Long ago you lost me.
I over 12 months ago said give it a miss, talking to arjay is not discussion, and not debate, its letting myself be insulted.
But we have different reasons for posting, some may have a need.
I just wanted to include you, to talk but not get to involved, so you did not feel isolated.
I have said good by to you many times.
Yet re entered conversations with you.
Your insults have become worse, I truly think, honestly, you are not totally responsible for that.
But mate, it is time, my honest hope you get control stay away from the conspiracy forums and get well.
Please ignore my future posts as I do yours.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 23 August 2011 1:23:18 PM
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I thought I'd ridden myself of Pericles,but alas the master of deception rises like a phoenix yet again.

Ron Paul is one of the few who has the integrity to set the West on the right path.With the Fed out of control printing money (Cyber debt) the world will experience stagflation and despair.The elites will once again pose war as a solution to their contrived depression.

The Fed and its' Wall St cronies are the lowest form of life on our planet.May they reap what they sew.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 23 August 2011 9:37:34 PM
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"The Fed and its' Wall St cronies are the lowest form of life on our planet.May they reap what they sew."

You're suggesting that they take scythes to their self-made clothing or haberdashery?

That doesn't sound particularly ominous. It would be rather counterproductive though.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Wednesday, 24 August 2011 12:06:07 PM
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Latest Rassmussan Poll has Ron Paul 38% and Obama 39%.Paul has improved his position by 2% points.With 23% undecided,there is a lot of room for movement.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 24 August 2011 7:11:58 PM
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In the beginning of a change. The patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned.

When his cause succeeds however; the timid join him, for it costs nothing to be a patriot.

Hang in there Arjay, not everyone thinks you're a loony!
We all know who the parasites in this world are and their day is coming!
Posted by RawMustard, Wednesday, 24 August 2011 8:24:51 PM
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Oops forgot the link!

And for those who criticize Ron Paul's involvement with the Tea Party.
Many hold Tea partiers in a much higher regard than any fool who thinks the status-quo must be maintained.

We could have our very own Ron Paul right here in Oz Arjay, his name is Barnaby Joyce! We should give him all the support we can. So far he seems to be fighting the good fight!
Posted by RawMustard, Wednesday, 24 August 2011 8:38:27 PM
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Rawmustard I was at the CO2 tax protest on 16 Aug in Canberra and Barnaby Joyce was by far the best speaker.We had at least 6500 there and Fox news reported 400.It did not seem to be a put up show.Barnaby seems to be a man of conviction.Actions will speak louder than words.

Thanks for your contribution.Let's hope that Ron Paul gets up since the rest are just corporate whores.Gerald Celente has great name for our media." Presstitutes!"
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 25 August 2011 9:36:07 AM
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I shouldn't get too worked up about the Rassmussen Polls if I were you, Arjay. They aren't much use in real life, because the question they pose is larded with irrelevance:

"What if the Republicans nominate Ron Paul? If the 2012 Presidential Election were held today would you vote for Republican Ron Paul or Democrat Barack Obama?"

The first thing to notice is the "what if". I'd put the odds of this happening at around 8 to 1 against. And I'm not alone in this view, it would appear:

The second is that the numbers are pretty much identical, whichever candidate the Republicans pick.

Apart from the fact that both Mitt Romney and Rick Perry scored better against Barack Obama than Ron Paul, the numbers are sufficiently close to postulate that the respondents' position is Party, rather than candidate oriented.

But please, do go on dreaming, if that's what floats your boat.

I'm intrigued by your support for Barnaby Joyce, but at least you cannot be accused of being inconsistent on that front.

Have a great day.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 25 August 2011 10:16:59 AM
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Rick Perry is just another false flag event. Here we see an executive of the Bank of America say to Rick Perry 'We'll help you out." Rick Perry has come out in supporting Ron Paul's Bill to audit the Fed.Perry assessed by past performances supports the global elite establishment.Why would he in all reality want an audit of the Fed whom he feeds off?

Pericles,Ron Paul is in there with a chance and that's what scares the tripe out of the establishment parasites.

Perhaps Barnaby Joyce is seeing the light which your ilk is trying to subdue.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 25 August 2011 8:26:19 PM
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If you understand the philosophical principle of the introduction of Zeitgeist and what it is in factual defined Non Ideas of its origin and purpose ; Type this into YouTube ; “ Zeitgeist the Movie” Not a technical conundrum to understand indeed ; But that is the Pan physical Gods of the new Fabricated Universe driving the space ship.
Posted by All-, Friday, 26 August 2011 6:59:21 AM
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All: See also 'Fall of the Republic' by Alex Jones. The Global Elites are taking us to WW3.It is our time to say no to corporate imperialism and theft via the counterfeiting of our money via their ponzy criminal scams.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 26 August 2011 10:36:51 PM
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