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A huge black hole in his budget she says

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Meanwhile we continue to suffer through terribly low unemployment and no sign of the massive recession that the rest of the world had to endure.

The only downturn in consumer confidence has been the result of scaremongering by Tiny Rabbit and his gang.

You really need an attention span beyound two weeks to know what's really going on.
Posted by wobbles, Monday, 15 August 2011 4:32:04 PM
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wobbles:"The only downturn in consumer confidence has been the result of scaremongering"

au contraire. My business began suffering a significant downturn at about the time the last election was called and has not yet recovered to even 80% of what it was prior to that time. It was already down about 10% on the previous year. The notable thing is that the business that has gone was nearly all consumer-level. While business-to-business sales are still OK, the small, discretionary, relatively high profit stuff has simply ceased to move.
Posted by Antiseptic, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 2:48:33 AM
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Anti, I here you loud and clear.

My business suffered a 40% downturn in august 2009 the same time as interest rates first increased. I has got even worse now and in fact, if not for my capacity to keep propping it up, I would have been another of the growing closures in qld in recent times.

I am now at the point of saying that's enough. If it fails, so be it as I will be in pretty good company.

The likes of wobbles and co are so out of touch it's not funny.

Those who are provided with jobs simply don't realize how close things are to collapse, but they will soon enough.

You see when things get tough they just seek a pay rise, but in reality, pay rises must come from additional profits, or, they place strain on the business which, if not addressed can lead to closure, resulting in no jobs.

Their world is crumbling around them but they are to narrow sighted to see the trees for the Forrest.

Trouble is they are taking us all with them, otherwise I wouldn't care a less.

But back on topic, how dare this rotten woman accuse Tony Abbott of having a black hole when she knows damn well she and her useless government are the cause of any hole should it exist.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 7:05:49 AM
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So the Gillard government is now to blame for the GFC. Really rehctub that is just party political speak. Business goes through cycles all the time, and in the US business is far more affected than we here in Australia mainly thanks to better regulatory frameworks, many instigated by the Liberal Party.

By all means criticise waste and government policy but stating the ALP is to blame for any downturn in business is inaccurate without taking into account global influences. Retail business is down too because people are now preparing for the impending 'gloom and doom' touted constantly in the media.

wobbles is right about the 'sky is falling in' tactics of the Opposition fuelled by some of the media usual suspects. Many loyal LNP supporters are just lapping this stuff up without any deeper reflection.

Much of the outsourcing of welfare functions was done by the Howard Government and the ALP continued the trend. What is worse is that many employment and counselling based functions have been outsourced to foreign owned companies over Australian companies. It is ironic that government tendering processes no longer include an Australian content clauses which would do more to aid business than any stimulus package. The opportunities for rorting are rife in many of these arrangements.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 3:56:05 PM
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Thats the usual dribble you get from rechtub, blind in one eye and can not see out the other.
What are they going to do when Toni ain't there any more.
Posted by a597, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 4:43:15 PM
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Actually a597, you lot should be thanking your lucky stars he is there. Because, unless you are all totally blind, you would realize just how poor your leader and her team are,as they are running a distant second to this person you refer to a a looser.

While I accept the GFC had a huge impact it didn't cause the insulation, solar, school halls, grocery watch, alcopop tax, fuel watch, cash for clunkers, live export or the copenhargen debacles, Did it!

Forgive me if I have forgotten anything as there have been so many stuff ups in such a short period.

Nor did it give a fair excuse for madam pms lies about a carbon tax.

So, when you add it all up, no matter where you li on the political side, it ain't to pretty, is it!

Now if hats what you call, usual dribble, then w will need a huge supply of napkins, cause the majority of voters agree with me.

Of cause, we dare not ask these incompetent fools to come up with a scheme to deliver the napkins, cause chances are they will stuff that up as well.

Just remember, the easiest way to stall an economy is to insill uncertainty into the masses.

It's about the only thing they have actually achieved, that is to set out to ruin the economy.

Now if you are one who thinks things are rosy, then by all means, dream on!
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 17 August 2011 12:44:10 AM
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