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The Forum > General Discussion > I thought you were an independent mr windsor

I thought you were an independent mr windsor

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Ind Tony Windsor has said Tony abbot is wrong when it comes to carbon tax.


Tony abbot wants what most of us want and that is for the tax to be a global tax.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Looking forwards to your retirement are you mr Windsor.

Boy have you done some damage to future independents.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 20 July 2011 7:54:31 AM
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Oh come on rehctub, everyone knows Tony Abbott thinks climate change is c##p- global or otherwise!

Like most Christian Conservatives, he does not believe that humans have any likelihood of 'causing' or contributing to climate change, because only their God can do climate change.

Tony Windsor is a very rare politician in my opinion. He seems honest and genuine, and says it like it is where his opinions are concerned.
I would certainly follow his line of thinking before any of the bumbling utterances issued from Abbott's mouth.
Posted by suzeonline, Wednesday, 20 July 2011 9:12:03 PM
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I agree Suzeonline, Windsor is a fine politician and person it seems.
A person of principle even. And also thoughtful, intelligent and genuine.

That is certainly rare in a politician.
Posted by thinker 2, Wednesday, 20 July 2011 9:18:10 PM
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All I know for sure about the man is his locals have tried to lobby him to support building a abattoir. Tony isn't interested and supporting live exports. He is ignoring his own and its a pity because he is in the right area to support more jobs for his own folk.
Many of his locals who know him best are very upset with him on local issues and promises broken. However Tony Abbott isn't in their radar either other than to run. I will make a point to ask my cousin who lives there about the other issues and get back to you on it rehctub
Posted by Kerryanne, Wednesday, 20 July 2011 9:42:40 PM
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Dear suzieonline,

Totally agree. There are not too many other politicians who would say during a soil carbon debate “I am pleased to see the member for Wentworth in the chamber. He is one of the few people out of all of us, myself included, who has some real credibility on this issue. I congratulate him for that. Some parts of the debate might not have been easy for him over the last few years, but he has shown a degree of consistency that I think people have appreciated—even those who may not have agreed with him at various times. The rest of us probably do suffer some degree of guilt for understanding the need but not being prepared to follow through—and I again include myself in that.”

Hells bells! I'm willing to concede that the imperatives of being in a party forces members to toe and tout the party line, often against views and values they have held for years, please see Greg Hunt for a prime example, and admittedly Tony isn't subject to those, but that was some rare self-effacement and empathy being uttered in our parliament.

He has more than one policy I disagree with but wouldn't Australia be far better served with a Senate full of Tony Windsor types.
Posted by csteele, Wednesday, 20 July 2011 9:51:24 PM
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Agree with suzeonline, thinker 2 and csteele. Tony Windsor is that rare breed of politician - down to earth but able to see the big picture, gracious, strong and able to put the good of the country before his own inclinations. Yes, a Senate full of people of the integrity and calibre of Windsor would be a fine thing to see.

Trouble is, we'd have to get rid of political parties from the Senate - I wonder if such a thing would be possible? Just a pipe dream, I guess...
Posted by morganzola, Wednesday, 20 July 2011 10:06:15 PM
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