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The Forum > General Discussion > Geert Wilders Closing Statement in Dutch Freedom of Speach Trial

Geert Wilders Closing Statement in Dutch Freedom of Speach Trial

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Yes hasbeen in fact this time we agree it must be understood.
The very left is drifting and always has.
It is unsure of its wants and needs defends the very thing that it branded the Opium of the masses.
And brands those who ask questions .
Questions have to be asked , not just about that post but a hundred of them.
My reference clearly, A CHILD could see it, was to French underground printing and distributing news letters on pain of death.
I charge the righteous of us with pure bigotry.
My concerns about every EU country being victims to a culture that is demanding so much and giving so little is truly held.
A culture that includes welfare existence funded by the very people it condemns.
That include unharnessed hatred of those country's by those using their freedoms to white ant them.
Bigotry that refuses to see the reality of ceding our freedoms to a living moving acting Culture/religion that has no basis in the Modern world.
Most ignore OUG I have had far too much regard for him, in understanding he needs a platform as a form of expression.
Sites such as this attract such as OUG most ignore I should but the increasing nature of his ranting is disturbing.
I except criticisms,we all do but just what is he on about.
[well stunned by the rubbish Ired again, lookalike OUG thinks I wrote about Christianity,any thing is possible]
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 4 June 2011 1:20:56 PM
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Ummm... like, what, Hasbeen?

>>Pericles, reading your posts it is quite obvious that you hate somethings.<<

I do not hate.

What I do, in fact, is to object strongly to people who use hate to project their own fears, as is so often and so amply demonstrated on this forum.

Geert Wilders speech was scripted for him as a politician, to use the court as a platform from which to make a political speech, in order to achieve political ends. It represents a cynical manipulation of the concept of free speech, to project his own political agenda, which is to remove an entire section of the population from The Netherlands.

Highly reminiscent of the tactics of many politicians, in many countries, in the 1930s, when their targets were Jewish instead of Muslim.

>>The thing I hate is the stupidity of some of my countrymen who don't have enough sense to know what they should see as dangerous to themselves, & the rest of us.<<

As far as I am concerned, the greatest danger we face in this country is our fear of "the other" and "otherness", a fear which is nurtured and fostered, daily, by shock jocks and self-aggrandizing sensationalists.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 4 June 2011 6:20:03 PM
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Banjo,Hasbeen, and me,we swim against the tide in a river of PC.
It drags us down,trys to blind us and its owners to simple truths.
We most of us, read those placards and signs, the ones calling for the death of a cartoonist.
Every day the God our folks follow is seen in far worse.
We demand no MURDER we call for not death to those who do not believe.
We see the Gods of our ancestors slipping away.
But the God of this group growing in power, soon to be by far the biggest one in our world.
We see, read and understand its holly book, and know both good and evil lives within its heart.
Just like any Gods group.
How many of us marched demanding the death of Christians for the very real Sins of past and present Catholic Church, or any other?
I have words of hope.
Here in the net the words of the few have far more impact than in the real world, most see our world not Pelicans.
And consider this, we from within our Church's and political party's, constantly unmask those within for not being the good folk they claim.
Tell me of one who supports this man defending his own country.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 5 June 2011 7:35:07 AM
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Does anyone on OLO know or can get info on when the court is to hand down its verdict in this case?
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 5 June 2011 8:46:15 AM
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I think my posts here have been edited !
I had made comment to the effect;
"I may disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it !"
I also commented that the speech sounded "Churchillian".
That comment also disappeared but was referred to by Pericles.

After I originally posted the item it was as I sent it.
It is now different.
This is the first time I have noticed editing taking place.
Is there a policy of political correctness setting in ?
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 5 June 2011 9:02:15 AM
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As Pericles says, there's no need to add to Wilders' self-serving hate rant. Indeed, given that he's just regurgitating the fascist fear and loathing that worked so well for his ideological predecessors, there is no need or place for such venomous rubbish in political discourse in the 21st century.

@Banjo: according to Wikipedia, the verdict is expected to be handed down on 23 June this year.
Posted by morganzola, Sunday, 5 June 2011 9:07:44 AM
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