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ALP The Future

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Aime knew some one like you would wander in.
Sorry but on the evidence of your post good by.
SOG, again you prove not every one who posts has any understanding/manners/or original thoughts, good by too.
Ludwig Lexi.
My position in the ALP is that of a mouse waiting till everyone leaves to hunt for crumbs.
But I will continue to offer the ideas of a foot soldier of 48 years.
80% of voters are committed, know who they will vote for always, nothing can change them.
The Greens, as they become more extreme, are dying,just watch.
Swingers unlike my opponents,are not leaving Labor because they are too much like the conservatives.
But because they are seen, but not for much longer too close to the greens.
The box full of lost causes they have become.
Labor is,always was the party of constructive change.
We fail to sell our success, we take it for granted voters understand.
We opened the banking system,a hundred platforms put in place by Labor.
Abbott and his Medea mates are selling shadows, but those swingers are buying them.
The very left, foot stamping holding their breath left are hurting Labor,and every issue left of center, in a RAGE!
Because they are unable to understand middle Australia will always elect governments and they are at best wreckers.
Labor must continue to bring change and follow the voters not the lost property box that is the left.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 5:48:19 AM
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Lexi and Belly my diatribe has never been pro the Coalition, my leanings are social democrat and my expectation is a competent government that holds the future of the Australian electorate as the prime consideration. This government caters to the UN and the Fabian doctrine of world "oneness", this doctrine does not seek to elevate the chaff to grain status, it wants the grain to become chaff, the lowest common denominator is the goal.
Posted by sonofgloin, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 7:44:11 AM
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Belly>>80% of voters are committed, know who they will vote for always, nothing can change them.<<

Belly this is not a fact as exampled by the last federal pole, the last state polls and the news polls. Only the implacable simpleton sticks to the "my party right or wrong" mind set. You describe yourself as a Labor foot soldier but you are the same as every other Australian...just collateral damage to this post graduate ideological government.
Posted by sonofgloin, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 7:50:13 AM
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Dear SOG,

Ever since I was first able to vote I voted for the Liberal Party. I followed the family tradition. However, with time, and observing Liberal Goverment and policies I began to see that the Party did not really represent the needs of the greater majority of people. And despite every effort to understand the logic of many of the Liberal policies I concluded that the Party did not deserve my support.

That does not mean that I will not support a government that has the interest of the greater Australian nation no matter what the government's persuasion. However I will not support the current Liberal Party leadership that have so far not demonstrated any logical policies beneficial to the nation.

I still feel the after-effects of the Howard government, and in Victoria the disasters casued by the Kennett government. The best government for this nation would be a government formed by people with no party affiliations who would work in the interests of the entire nation and not in the interests of the party support base.

Dear Belly,

For me this thread has run its course. I'll see you on another thread.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 11:23:22 AM
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Understand Lexi.
ALP has not sold its self Medea is giving Abbott a free run.
Some who should be at war with him are actively supporting him.
Labor must remind over and again, Abbott's carbon reduction is to cost 30 billion dollars.
Not paid by emitters but tax payers!
He is not taking the mining tax? who makes up the lost income.
Tony is to fund high income mums and dads with baby leave.
He,Howard,Rudd, Gillard waste cash by funding increased births but not at welfare problems about to harm our country.
Look at Abbott's promises,see he can not fund them tell the world ALP every day every inter view the lies are screaming to be seen.
I am in no way shocked to know some true left are unable to count.
Two party preferred is 44/56 after preferences labor about 34 primary vote and conservatives about 52 86%
Greens 10 others are mostly throw away as not counted invalid.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 4:05:13 PM
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Condolences on this post Lexi. I enjoy reading your perspectives on most subjects.
Posted by thinker 2, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 10:42:45 PM
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