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The Forum > General Discussion > Sewerage Fertilizer Farms Making us sick

Sewerage Fertilizer Farms Making us sick

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This mornings headlines say very dangerous substances are found in such farms, is it harmful?
A story like this grows more than food and plants it grows wings.
Within months some will find fault with every effort to recycle this by product of humanity.
I Will leave my home, garden In a tank water township cutesy of my recycle system.
Drive past over 300 acres of forestry , powered by a council recycling system.
What danger are we in.
What future for sustainable waste managment.
Or is it a paper Tiger?
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 8 May 2011 5:12:31 AM
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its not a great worry belly
when raw serage gets into waterways
the poop[nutrient]...turns one type of algie...
[a plant...into a lower form of animal]...that poisens people[working in that water]..making them dumb...really]

fishermen first noted this
getting blotches...and forgetting things like the way home
but it was found..them being IN the water...was the only way they could get it

of course it applies to anyone in the water
so its important to avoid the waters after floods
or discharges of raw swerage...[ie treat it before release]

but accidental releases..needs to be told to the public
[or else they too get the symptoms...

[it might even be linked to autism]

its a big thing[potentially]
but one we need to be arefull of
whenever were walking in raw sewRAGE

it might also be related to fertilisers
and thjings like dog poop[never put it into stormwater drains
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 8 May 2011 9:32:03 AM
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At this point I would take it with a pinch of salt.
See what developes from the story, could be a press beat up, with just a little bit of foundation.

I would also think animal manure has the same pathogens and we have been using that raw for centuries and human manure as well in some countries. The fertilizer that I have seen from sewerage farms seems to be mainly lime which is used in the process.

Maybe not wise to use it on playing fields or root vegetable crops but I would think there would be little risk in grain that is harvested or grazing paddocks.

Bit early to jump to any conclusions.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 8 May 2011 11:47:10 AM
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you might recall 5 large fish kills in this year
these are via oppop building up nutrient levels
mutatingthe organism...but

it gets into sea/ of it
within the poluted area

thing is eating this stuff
is as bad as workibng in it

also what with the japan meltdown
expect suss thoughts on imported stuff
gabby will be happy

anyhow its an important issue
as its not strictly speaking the poop
but the water born bacteria in the waters

lets just hope medicine[poor medicine delivery]
dont mutate it..into the next supper bug

but seriously
just be carefull out there
mad cow takes twenty years to show its symptoms
and one sick mad cow...can find its way into a million hamburgers

the tubs they mush em into..are huge
there are sure plenty of scare stories out there
so we dont lok to closely at the lies/spin

like ol bin lid getting killed...
in a safe house prison/9 years after he died

[no wonder they had the dna..for the 'test']
he died in a usa hospital pre 911

the rest were dopple gangers..[bad/actors
computer generation and pure spin

that allways seemed to come at the 'right' time
to get bad news off the news...?]

but sing the song
dont worry
be happy

god is love
thats enough for us all
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 8 May 2011 12:18:52 PM
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Every story in the Medea is a beat up.
It is in part put together to create a story.
Air blown in to inflating let fly,Medea is a tart.
Some basis in fact in this one.
Strange as it may seem fresh poo is not the problem.
Science has found population and living organisms in the concentrated left overs.
The exact reason we gardeners want to buy and use such, but can not.
It largely reserved,for those reasons, for bigger commercial farms or test bed farms.
Deaths,illness,and plenty of it,have come from even compost and potting mix.
Few would know China,and Chinese market gardeners here, use the fresh product.
We country folk grew pumpkins in the old burial grounds for such waste.
I am aware America has seen food poisoning in green food crops, never seen here.
Of course no Gardner I know would be so silly as to use even Grey water on food.
But this story will grow,some always blow such up to make an issue and Begin a crusade, watch this space.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 8 May 2011 12:51:43 PM
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Belly sewage is the stuff that flows through the pipes and sewerage is the pipe system that carries the sewage.Therefore they are sewage treatment plants.

By the way I met an engineer who was involved in this industy and he devised a system that used the pool filtering system to recycle all water bar sewage for the cost of $800 and Sydney Water were not interested because this would destroy their profits.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 8 May 2011 7:21:00 PM
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