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The Forum > General Discussion > Sewerage Fertilizer Farms Making us sick

Sewerage Fertilizer Farms Making us sick

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Sorry to hear that weareunique, avos are a favorite,have only been for 10 years but love them.
Trying, but failing, to get back on my diet fruit and veg so they are playing a part.
The implications I saw in starting this thread concern me,sustainability seems a must for our future.
And recycling a big part.
Food from China has been found to be contaminated and America is seeing too much of it.
We recycle far more than most know, and I think a return to backyard gardens is coming and some will be unaware of dangers.
As a side issue, needed to build my drive way up, treated sewage from uphill was intruding.
Drained it away, bought road base fill.
Morning after project was finished, by me and hand spread.
My new drive glittered, 12 tonne of gravel? no 4 tonne was crushed glass!
few know what takes place once our recycle bin is empty.
A third of my gravel is glass $25 a meter glass must be cheaper.
My yard proves we can not trust governments or any one to care
Micro manage just my problem, no one doubts the sewage is running in my yard, every one council included understands its source is operating outside the law.
Yet it has continued to run for 4 years.
It killed 4 fruit trees and is killing two more.
Council, intent on doing as little as it can ,has given one month , for the 4th time,for it to be fixed.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 May 2011 5:41:44 AM
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That is dreadful Belly, I would be demanding your money back regarding the rip off ie glass fill.

As for the sewerage, the Council should be made to wear the costs of your fruit trees, phone calls and time spent over the complaints.

Send the Council all of the bills.
Posted by weareunique, Friday, 13 May 2011 9:19:49 PM
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Wish I could mate.
Truth is we had a out break of Hep b via sewage being disposed of in our lakes system.
And my first concerns went in in 2002.
You just can not move this council.
Loved those trees lemon 2 apples and the best of all my Navel orange near dead.
Planning a bit of a trap, news Medea has all correspondence and 3 state decs from others, they will be here on next council inspection.
The glass? looking into it, how can a rock crusher crush glass safely.
Dust and more in the air is a concern for those working there and at my home.
Will look in to it.
Bottom line seems clear,take my back yard,know every word is true,and think how many things like this take place.
still have fruit trees away from neighbors swamp, and turning the swamp back in to his yard soon no answer but he may act if it hurts him, not me sad old world.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 May 2011 10:17:56 PM
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