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The Forum > General Discussion > Sewerage Fertilizer Farms Making us sick

Sewerage Fertilizer Farms Making us sick

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Thanks arjay, I needed your expertise
I never started the thread to offend, the substance in question is a solid waste.
Appearing like compost or dirt, we produce many thousands of tonnes of it.
And have done for an extremely long time.
In the 1970,s, about 74 and 75, NSW central coast saw expansion of sewage paid for under a scheme for unemployed.
I saw the plant in operation often, every time we picked a load of pipes up.
It was taken away by nursery men local home gardeners and looked like top soil.
You had to get in a Que to get some.
Like every thing man does some take short cuts.
Maybe we are at risk, maybe not,I understand world wide food contamination is increasing.
America has seen death and illness from green leaf vegetables, a stunning and worrying fact.
I have to retreat,got it wrong, said no sane person would use it on food, they are!
Grew water in use here is on lawns and the roots of trees, fruit too but not ever other food.
This is a growing issue, rather than finding answers and acting far better some will want no further use ,any use of this just watch.
You would be surprised my old mate arjay just how willing some are to start a conspiracy.
We should remember we also turn normal house hold waste in to such and use it much the same.
While we must know why Sydney is many times more contaminated than other parts of Australia, we should not panic.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 9 May 2011 7:32:11 AM
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Dear Belly,

You're right to be concerned. Professor Kerryn Phelps, former Head of the Australian Medical Association raised the alarm in the Sunday Telegraph concerning "a parasite outbreak (from symptoms some of her patients displayed) to the Sydney biosolids strategy, which takes human faeces and turns it into farm fertilizer." Apparently the Sydney bisolids program converts 180,000 tons of partially treated human sewer waste annually into fertilizer for farms and sporting fields.

However, as Professor Phelps points out - "it hasn't been independently assessed for its public health implications." But because of the health risks involved as gastroenterologist Professor Thomas Borody said, "there needs to be an investigation into the biosolids program to give the public certainty that human faeces is not infecting our food supply."
Posted by Lexi, Monday, 9 May 2011 11:06:54 AM
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I would like to think it is safe.
And that proper procedures are ALWAYS in use.
But that is not truly something I could believe.
Lexi that saw me start this thread, figures stated Sydney has around 7 times the exposure than the next state.
And we need to know why.
Recycling is the very backbone of sustainability.
Every day gardeners, few of us left, use bagged products that will include this product, without some ever knowing it.
Landscape gardeners will use it too, results matter and bring word of mouth customers so it will be used.
We recycle much this way, anyone bought ordinary road base ridge gravel with one eighth crushed recycled glass in it?
Compost heaps see this introduced to test the microbe activity.
Rubbish of all kinds get composted.
We must continue, but one muck up, one site found half cooking the mix, distributing poison to school or sporting grounds or our food mass growing farms and thousands could die.
Others will know more but given heat ;enough] and time it seems less a problem.
Why one city?
Posted by Belly, Monday, 9 May 2011 12:44:44 PM
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if its being 'done' properly
there can be no problem

but shortcuts/cutting costs etc
who really knows
as revealed in usa environmental depts have been highjacked
and simply speaking dont do their job

[too many managers..
not enough indians]

anyhow this waste
if its being composted..[is harmless]
the heat from composting..destroyed and bacteria]

if not composted..then 'maybe'
it is hoped they are both home compsting..
*and collecting the methane/gas..

then worm* it
[with fresh rubbish and wet..[paper/cardboard..etc]
feeding the worms into a fish farm
then discharges into a mussle farm...etc

ie saving its full best use

but i will bet thats not what they are doing
but if its composted..its harmless
[even if they are releassing methane..[then]..into the sky"

methane is one of the WORST
*greenhouse GASS-ses!
Posted by one under god, Monday, 9 May 2011 12:50:13 PM
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Dear Belly,

If it's being done properly - is the key. And this problem has arisen out of Sydney due to the fact that Prof. Phelps found a link with certain symptoms (parasitic) found in several of her patients - and she's warned of a link to the Sydney program. A thorough investigation should proceed - as apparently the parasitic problem if allowed to spread has disastrous consequences. Another thought has just occurred to me. What about the food imports from countries that use human fertilizers as the norm in their agriculture? How safe are their food products?
Posted by Lexi, Monday, 9 May 2011 2:13:40 PM
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Well Lexi maybe the problems are different with raw sewage than this.
Now OUG it may very much be a different product than the one I knew.
But that once the concentrated end product, a solid dry material.
We could be excused for thinking composting kills dangerous microbes.
It has not done so in some potting mix.
Others will know more, but I think the process may well be a breeding ground, safe haven, for some life.
After all such along with composting its self is why we want it.
Gardens glow after any compost is added.
My extensive garden is based on it, spent mushroom composts very much in use .
Lexi I think I went off early, it poses very real problem.
Food from these farms may one day kill many.
Not because it is unsafe ,but because men take short cuts.
With people very ill, dying, in America after eating Spinach, we must be on guard.
Why one city, why about 7 times as much, we will hear much more about this.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 9 May 2011 4:02:42 PM
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