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Utah goes for gold and silver currency.
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Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 10 April 2011 10:47:00 PM
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If you paid attention Pericles I said either as a tax credit or debt free infrastructure.The Govt banks of China to create money in their computers and loan it out like the Federal Reserve but their Govt is not in debt to foreign banks like we are.30% of our mortage money comes from foreign banks like the Fed Res.We are borrowing OS to buy our own land.
The Commonwealth and 4 State banks used to be govt owned.They created a fair % of our money as infrastructure debt free and also as a tax credit, meaning the profits made by these banks reduced our taxes.Now we are taxed to pay for interest and principal to private banks who just create most of it in their computers or borrow form OS banks. Private banks should not be allowed to own our increases in GDP by creating the money to equal it and then profit again in charging interest.The whole of our society contributes to GDP and thus the Govt is the fair way to share it. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 11 April 2011 6:38:08 AM
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i seek no return to gold or silver backed currency
but do seek to sepperate the creation of money credit.. from the money this is best done is by returning the mint to govt control govt then lends to the fed via treasury [who holds the asets/securities..govt has monetised] coins return to true tradtional[constituted]..values one cent equating to a on paper dollar[as that is a fair value] that previously in rounded up to the nearest dollar.. [we lost the value of the copper in a cent long ago [when the copper value was 5 make a one cent coin] this was previous to *your quoted gold oz value QUOTE""Let's imagine that in return for a day's work at the call-centre back in 2001,..they gave you 10 OZ...Would you expect them to give you the same wage..(10 OZ) Given the price of the underlying metal,you'd be lucky to get 2 OZ."" your as usual twisting what im trying to say to your posting adgenda the oz you quoted previously ""You have a 1/10th coin,.."worth" US$25.66, on this day exactly ten years ago. Today it is "worth" US$146.90"" THAT IS A MEASURE of just how much..'value' has been styolen from the workers wage rates [its much worse over time.. thus the fairity..of returning to true values.. via a return to GOVT/controled [issued]..coin} the cent coins holding a perpetual fixed value of one cent=one paper[fiat dollar]...globally govt pays only in coin thus limits its own issue by supply [and REAL assets true securities..real things not paper promises] [a banker would get paper credit by govt holding the mortgauge papers] the coin tender would pay for all govt expenditure essentially a govt bailout would cost a trillion cents not a trillion dollars..[lent from the ones getting a lol bailout] that current system is simply speaking fraud.. with tax opayers bailout criminals..and its failing big time Is that..! starting to become clearer? Posted by one under god, Monday, 11 April 2011 7:59:20 AM
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as this conversation would be futile without offering solutions
i would add that the new cupra[copper/nickle coin based currency..would be under control of the senet must origonate in the senet just as currently laws muast NOT origonate in the senet [its my idea of sepperation of powers[a minour constitution change could tremedy and make lawfull the change to real values based currency..[if not globally we could go it alone] just in time to bailout the big final meltdown [the current real value of the nickle coins is their cupra nickle face price...which at the current rate would see the value of face be over the value of melt for 30 to 40 years.. [ie going by the values of your 0z egsample ..although why you confound the nanming of an egsample imaginary coin with an oz{weight value]..stil sounds like your trying to deliberatly confound the topic] ""Your idea that "real coin money" is somehow less vulnerable to fluctuation is,quite simply,wrong."" of course your right[the value of its metal has a market value as it should have, was gold and silver value that saw that system stripped of its metalic values just as it has been deliberatly suppressed* in real value by issuing 3 times more paper promises..*for gold trading..than we ever* real glold ""You also need to understand the sheer volume of metal needed to provide every Australian with "real coin money". yes thus the urgency to make it have its REAL values recogniised [befiore they disappear the whole concept of coins from our children [ie to explain it THEN to THEIR children we would need them to first know..what the heck a coin is] ITS NOW OR NEVER.. just as now im needing to explain tally tall poppies or gold one holding his own bonds or theft of our collective gold etc.. to one who is trying to justify its being just fine and dandy ""Contemplate that for a moment."" ""Then tell yourself.. what would happen to.."" cointinues.. Posted by one under god, Monday, 11 April 2011 8:15:23 AM
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""the price of the raw material,..if you turned every transaction into one that had to be backed by "real money""
well mate copper one cent goins got stolen was that true value that caused that or the wrong face value. thing is mate we got conned by those seking to steal our copper [after stealing the silver and gold the SAME WAY} thing is NOW they are after our NICKLE its return COIN to true value..OR let them steal THAT too they allready control values.. by setting the rate of inflation simple thing is we got nothing [NO CONTROL]..over them at all they can EVEN gop bust..and steal our bailout getting we AAA$$ume their debt liabilities i still cant get over how your defending their acts with petty excuses ""And a word about "discounts"."" isnyt it time the little guy got a disxcount IN HIS every POOR working slob..can get an instant WIN-fall..his goin jar can pay offa big chuink of his mortgauge/credit card or other bankers ABUSES all of a sudden shop kepers fine people in their shops spending their cents..the roaring twenties returns [it was bankers that killed it] stealing our gold/ then our silver,..then our copper the FAIR value of a silver coin must be its VALUE in silver the fair value of a gold coin MUST BE ITS WEIGHT in gold WE LIVE IN OZ au the symbol for gold if not here then where? >>discounting means someone gets the short end of the tally stick..[its the people getting the short end here]<< ""In this context, a discount simply represents risk,..and/or time.":" ITS TIME* we gave those who built and payed for everything [ie the workers]..a bonus back...our word is our bond but we got bound by trickery word bonds ""In the case of a Bond,it is mostly the estimation of value forgone,..from that point in time,..*to the Bond's maturity."" so THE PEOPLES BOUND/BOND has matured..!*!*!*!*! bankers can help a$set you freeeee Posted by one under god, Monday, 11 April 2011 8:31:43 AM
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guess what folks
your pennies are comming back ten cents+ten penies 100 pennies+one HUN..[hundred]dollar's its a maturity of value yiour trust in bankers paid off lets face it the rich will soon get our penies back into THEIR vaults and what yoiu said wil be truth inlue of a refutable[debaitable lie] ""No-one is robbing anyone with discounts."" LOL haaaa haaa please prove this deciete? ""They are a perfectly simple mechanism to satisfy buyer and seller, lol..that they are each getting a good deal." mate us bailing out bankers us globally asuming ODIOUS DEBT wrought by capitalists and bankers facilitated by govt unions big busness media and lobby designed to strip and devalue our assets homes pensions income/wages...savings ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ya think the current systenm is working? yes it is for some yes it is working...for now but too all goes pear shaped by then the ones holding the assets..will make your kids kids slaves and then it will be too late then the poor must eat the rich GLOBALLY revalue their coin while you can Posted by one under god, Monday, 11 April 2011 8:37:41 AM
But right now, you're just stringing words together without any idea what they signify, and make wild assertions that have no basis in reality whatsoever.
>>So by making the Yuan the world's reserve currency,they will have to float it,thus it will be valued upwards.<<
Does this mean that it is more, or less likely to happen? No-one can force them to float, after all.
Incidentally, there aren't enough expatriated Yuan available yet. That will take another decade or so, at minimum, even if they started now.
>>The intent of these Global Banksters,is too get a foot hold in the Govt Banking system of China<<
Even if we assume that there are "Global Banksters" with this objective, why would the Chinese let them? What could possibly be in it for them?
>>China however is the thorn in their side having so many Govt banks creating infrastucture debt free<<
Debt-free, Arjay?
"The credit boom helped support gains in the housing market, with prices across the nation's 70 largest cites rising 9.5% in January from a year earlier, accelerating from a 7.8% rise in December"
Are you sure?
"After a record high credit growth in 2008 and 2009, Chinese banks sold convertible bonds and stocks, and gathered $72 billion through it in 2010"
>>This is why China can grow at 10-12% while the West is lucky to get 3%<<
Yes, it is, but it has nothing to do with "Govt banks creating infrastucture debt free"
Precisely the opposite, in fact.
Is the light starting to come on, yet?