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NBN suspends tender due to price concerns

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Hay Thinker, I find it interesting that you have to justify the lousy performance of our Labor lot, by suggesting that they are not as bad as someone else.

Wouldn't it make more to judge our governments by how well they do something, rather than cast around to find someone even worse?

I suppose with Julia in the chair it must have taken some time to find a worse example, even if only in your mind.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 2 April 2011 10:21:20 PM
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Lexi and Thinker2,

The NBN will actually hinder growth, as it will restrict people to only the inflated expensive NBN.

Internet is presently cheaper than the base level offered under the NBN, and the format of wireless is growing at exponential speed:

With the continual delays and cost increases, we will all be saddled with the most expensive white dinosaur in the world.

PS. The voluntary take up rates have been well below those required for the NBN to be financially viable, which is why Federal Labor is going to pass a law to require Opt out.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 3 April 2011 6:05:16 AM
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Ironically SM the only way I can post on OLO without internet dropouts is by plugging the cable in. My wireless service in a regional area is rubbish . I have been complaining to Telstra for over 2 years. They have been unable to resolve it, so instead of ringing them now I just plug the cable in, that fixes it, at least long enough to post successfully.

And if you are looking to list monumental blunders Rehctub, the sale of Telstra and the signing of the U.S Strike fighter contracts are economic monumental blunders of unequalled proportion.

You and SM cannot simply portray investment in infrastructure such as the NBN as waste,
without addressing the damage done by the sale of public infrastructure and the issue of communications sovereignty.

Committing to the massive spiralling cost of investing in theoretical aircraft just because they're American has far more ramifications than waste.

Rather than justifying the Gillard Prime Ministership, I am just pointing how bad Govt can really get, by citing just 2 monumental mistakes made by the Howard Gov't. I've got plenty more if it is to be a contest about the number of mistakes.
It is the gravity of the mistakes that concerns me.

Spending taxpayers money on the NBN will never do as much damage as selling the asset in the first place.
Legislation should be passed to ensure that the NBN, (should it be built),
will never be sold to private interests and remain a publicly owned asset.
Posted by thinker 2, Sunday, 3 April 2011 6:52:10 AM
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There's no doubt that the NBN will chnage the way we live and work in Australia. It will drive economic growth and open up opportunities for local businesses to expand and reach new markets. It will also mean that our children will get access to education through new delivery models and that all Australians will have access to health care services without leaving home."Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 2 April 2011 2:15:41 PM


This is the burning issue here as nobody, not even the government can tell us how much it will cost.

Furthermore, will the NBN make it even easier for much of our 'retail', manufacturing and 'IT' work to be taken off shore?

Just take a look at the recent 'toll roads', Sydney and Brisbane, they cost billions and nobody is using them as they cost to much!

Don't you think there's a lesson to be learned here?

There is little gained out of putting the cart before the horse!

We are simply in no position to take such a huge gamble, esspecially considering we have to borrow the funds to provide the NBN, while, at the same time try to repay labor's massive debts, without selling off one of the few assetts we have left.

I'm sorry, but simply taxing the rich is not the answer.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 3 April 2011 7:00:13 AM
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thinker 2,I hear you loud and clear with regards to Howard's waste as well.

In fact, it is my belief that we should have a panel of 'experts' that can be called upon to assist in critical decisions when needed, deployment of troops is one example, the insulation program is another, who can be called upon to discuss these serious issues when the need arises.

These people can be selected from leading business people, to bankers and alike.

We simply can not keep trusting governments to make huge 'life altering' decisions simply because they have been elected.

Major decisions should be made with the assistance of those who are accountable for their day to day decision making, and governments are not.

Another problem is that we have governments elect on say $400K per year, compared to CEO's on millions per year. Who is most likely to be the most competent.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 3 April 2011 7:15:13 AM
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Dear rehctub,

May I humbly suggest that you go and see the documentary film entitled, "Inside Job," (now showing city-wide). It won an Oscar this year for the best documentary. It's a real eye-opener on what caused the global financial crisis. It may answer your question about the competencies of company Chief Executive Officers - and where their interests really lie.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 3 April 2011 11:17:20 AM
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