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Not Me Mate

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Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 7 December 2010 1:30:45 PM
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Well I did not quite get my point across, even in my posts.
And it seems time for the thread to fade away.
I wanted to look deeper, maybe explore why people, even non believers like me, take it for granted it will be ok.
And just maybe think about why humans do think like that.
Another thread on the way another subject, not always easy to pick one that interests most of us.
Thanks to the contributers, as I always do I have looked at every post twice.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 7 December 2010 7:06:00 PM
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Belly have you noticed there is a new theme in movies, or maybe I have run into a big line of coincidences. Unhappy endings seem to be the new thing. I remember years ago just wishing that sometimes the bad guy would win and now it is all about the good peoples losing.

I can’t claim to understand your point, I thought maybe this thread was about regrets then I was wondering if it was about anger at the happy go lucky people that often the rest of us end up paying for.

I get much angrier at base jumpers than I do smokers.

I eat lollies knowing how scared I am of going to the dentist. I don’t know why I do it Belly, really I don’t but perhaps that is a will power thing more than thinking ahead. Right now I am on a steady course of my own destruction which I wish I could get off.

But I don’t drive drunk, I am careful when up ladders, I don’t touch light switches with wet hands. And I will and have stepped in and explained loudly and clearly to other adults that they are being efwits and to stop and think about what they are doing.

Hope Jinny is watching – I set up a monitor in my baby’s room once and walked next door with the other end in my pocket and told them I had at least an hour for a coffee and a chat while she slept. My neighbor smiled and replied “and what does a fire on that sound like?” Bloody hell, had not crossed my mind. It is quite a feeling when someone hits you with what a dumb arse you really are.
Posted by Jewely, Tuesday, 7 December 2010 7:56:32 PM
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worry?..not me mate..!

i think it was an error in the title
you mentioned the happy go lucky victims of bush fires
mate thats just ignorance

then you drifed on to speeding after being stuck in traffic
mate thats human nature....i think you simplified the question to much about worry...and not the other contributing aspects of human need/want and desire

there can be no simple answers
its not as simple as you made out
you might worry about others
but are others worrying about you

thing is people need to earn a crust..
need to feel safe..need company..they dont need do goodeers telling them to do this..or worry about that...because those sorts have their own adgenda

everyone has an adgenda
just like the r5est of australia im getting more suss on the labourite least the liberalie partly...are clear about who they support and represent..[the elites]..

but the lab rats..are SUPOPOSED to be there for THE WORKER..but ever more reveal they are really there for their masters..[bosses../bankers/..

law and order..filling private prisons..or revenue raising..or building ever more exclusive franchise..for the rich hold as exclusive franchise..that which righfully belongs to us all..
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 6:31:43 AM
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Hiya Belly:

I've been thinking about this subject - and I guess as we grow up, our lives become so cluttered. We become shackled with responsibility and bogged down with work and kids and the daily rituals and problems of our everyday lives. We forget how to play. The everyday problems won't go away of course, and we'll deal with them as we've always done, but maybe, if we learned to relax a bit more, and lighten up, and tried to maintain some sort of a balance in our lives - we'd end up being healthier and saner all round? Just a thought.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 8:59:46 AM
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Oh good point Lexi.

It depends on the life you have whether the “not me mate” thing is a thought dwelling in your brain.

Cushy and comfortable and not experiencing a lot of human misery then you are probably more inclined to cruise through making nice sane decisions for yourself and society.

Others will be paranoid; they’ve seen all the bad stuff that happens to others, they know it could happen to them. They are probably stuck with “It’s always me mate”. Wonder if they spend a lot of time just wishing it was someone else.

Yep I might flit right on back to an earlier post where I decided it was about balance and I guess not getting paranoid is about learning to bounce.

But Belly you were referring to people not acting responsibly? Not thinking ahead? Why do they do it?

That means working out if they are being deliberately destructive either to themselves or others?

OUG pointed out ignorance and sometimes human nature with its needs wants and desires is running the show at times.
Posted by Jewely, Wednesday, 8 December 2010 11:07:31 AM
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