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The Forum > General Discussion > CO2 and Global Warming no longer a problem ?

CO2 and Global Warming no longer a problem ?

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This is not about whether CO2 causes warming or not.
It however now seems as though the question may no longer be relevant.
The projections of the IPCC for fossil fuel use in coming years has
been shown to be inaccurate and too high.
This URL is a reference to a paper by Prof Kjell Aleklett and others
at Upsalla University.

It is 26 pages and a slow read.
This is an easier read,

A google search finds similar articles going back over this year yet
it appears that government just does not know about it or does not
want to examine possibilities. Is it like the pink batts and the NBN
and they are hell bent on their path and cannot change ?

However the implications are very
great from the political and financial aspects.
The question it immediately raises is whether the carbon tax planning
that our government is intending to implement next year, should be
abandoned and the whole subject be reviewed.

There is another later article that I have seen by Prof Aleklett
that I have seen but I cannot find it again.
It was produced after the IEA 2010 Outlook was published and refered
to the revision of the date of peak oil to 2006.
It plotted the IPCC scenarios against the now real world values for
fossil fuel usage.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 1 December 2010 3:10:03 PM
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<< This is not about whether CO2 causes warming or not. It however now seems as though the question may no longer be relevant. >>

Bazz, I’d argue that this question of whether or not anthropogenic CO2 emissions are leading to significant climate change should definitely not be relevant.

We should simply be proceeding as if AGW was feared to be highly significant, regardless of whether it is or not.

We need to wind back liquid fossil fuel use and develop alternative energy sources so that we may smoothly transition out of the age of oil, and not suffer a huge peak oil crash.

We just need to wind back the global impact of humanity, end of story.

It’s time to head directly towards a stable population and then allow gentle population decline for a century or two. Winding back some of our per-capita excesses on the developed world is also extremely important if we are to live sustainably, planetwide.

On the other hand, if the message that AGW is nothing to worry about and oil reserves are much bigger than previously thought prevails, we’ll just plough on with business as usual, taking ourselves further and further out of balance with the global environment and our resource base, and causing the whole caboodle to come unstuck, big-time, before too long.

I just wish that we could get past this whole climate change debate and concentrate on the whole sustainability picture instead.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 2 December 2010 11:58:07 AM
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Some people who study systems, such as economic systems or indeed
civilisation systems believe that complex systems have a built in
weakness, in that when something fundamental fails they can collapse
in a catastrophic manner.

I can't think of anything more fundamental than energy.
So to my tiny mind this what we should be working hard at.
If we can construct, while we still have the money and other resources,
enough generating capacity to convert our energy systems to an
electrically based economy just in time to avoid the loss of coal and
oil systems we might survive comfortably.

It will as you say be to no avail unless we can start winding down our
population. While this transition goes ahead, we will not be able to
support the present world population.
We just won't be able to do both.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 2 December 2010 12:53:33 PM
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the simple fact is our electicity is due to double

because those in the know want 5000/8000..dollars
of free solar cells on their roofs....[thats the infastructure..they are building]

currently..less than one percent..of DAYTIME power
comes from this QUANGO,..a gift for those in the know..

THEn they still have the leech our off peak power[from coal stations]...and a tiny bit of hydro..and gas]

BUT WERE PAYING for the scam
its not the infastructure..that we need

whats the lie for...why cant we all be allowed into the scam
because were the mugs what need to pay for it

those in early..are doing great
selling THEIR daytime power for 60 cents
getting their highttime power..on off peak..via the other infastructure WE ARE PAYING FOR AS WELL

now we have investers building solar farms
[or rather building farm..WITH OUR COMPULSORY levies]
then we will need to hook them up to the grid too...

you can se the lie...[we got too much co2...right?]
so what do we do?

we kick industry into high gear..[making more co2]
just to make more solar cells
or wind turbines

and today i heard some retard saying we got this solar infastructure for the next 3

[the life of a solar max 20 years]

how many times you seen wind farms..with 2 or 3 turbines not spinning arround...[see they break easy..just google pictures of broken wind turbines...

[one big cyclone..and their gone]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 2 December 2010 2:39:24 PM
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trouble is we got numbnutts..guilt merchants..running a scam
and the clever guys..[from the top of the consuming pyramid
getting the this pyramid scam

think about it
your powerr bill was say 600..because you wasted lots of power
paying 400 to get rid of..or halve ya bill..and FREE SOLAR
that was great...*for them many claim..they get cash back?

total power use..*should be the measure

[my last bill was 50 bucks
i pay the same the fools using 500/1000
but they*...should be paying far more.
.because they waste more

and no..i got no subsidised solar cells
just dont use much power..[i like living like a blakkfella]

let the top 40 percent pay double
and make the benifitiaries..of free back*..its FULL_cost
not us who get nuthing but extra price increase

and stop lying about co2..[look at our last coldest winter
now europe etc is heading to their BIG FREEZE

in 30 years all this solar/
will all be broken or obsolete
builty in obsolesance
we will be doing it..ALL OVER AGAIN

this is no PERMANT FIX
its a guilt keep industry going
and get cash from YOUR pockets

to give to the loudest lier...or scam merchant..
talking about the sky cash subsidies
[and generate more co2 building it]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 2 December 2010 2:45:11 PM
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I agree with Ludwig and Bazz.

Instead of worrying about climate change, lets be more concerned about the world population. There are those that say when we run low on oil we will not be able to produce enough food and if they are right we should be looking at reducing the population.

Here is an article about how Iran reduces their birth rate from 3.2% to 1.2% merely by education about family planning.

Surely that is something we should be promoting. Maybe starting at the Vatican and some of the many over populated countries.
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 2 December 2010 4:00:54 PM
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