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Two weapons of Mass Destruction: MC and PC
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Posted by ronnie peters, Wednesday, 14 February 2007 7:55:39 PM
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the Hitler thing always worries me in connection with this type of discussion. Hitler wanted a 'pure aryan' race.. a genetically pure nation. I advocate a blended one.... where the distinction between 'tribes' (and the associated competitiveness and racist suspicion) is faded. Its not something that can be forced, but it can be stage managed to a degree by Government initiative. Just as there can be an emphasis on 'diversity and multi' culturalism, there can also be a shift to 'blended' culture and race. Its a matter of pulling a few policy levers. Imagine if communities were rewarded not for 'difference initiatives' but for initiatives which demonstrate inter-racial/cultural solidarity, and togetherness type activities. A multi pronged campaign, media, education, local area.. would all contribute to the lack of need for MC or PC because we would see each other as 'Aussies' rather than Greek. or Italian, or Irish or..whatever. A media blitz showing images of various skin colors doing things together would be a great advantage. -Black couple A has dinner with White couple B -Asian couple C has picnic with white couple D -Inter-racial couple E has a barby with Black couple F -Family Gathering showing various races together, all connected by marraige and f'ship. Here is a controversial one :) Greek and Macedonian family symbollically drop the Greek and Macedonian flags in the bin, and point to the Aussie flag ..woooo... now that might raise a few eyebrows. I'm sure there is some more delicate way to get the same message across, but job is to keep the thread interesting :) etc etc. Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 15 February 2007 6:17:49 AM
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St Paul, Minneapolis Taxi drivers.
Muslim drivers refuse to carry passengers who have alchohol with them. (i.e. in their baggage) EXCERPT FROM LETTER FROM AIRPORTS ASSOCIATION TO ME regarding my sense of outrage over this blatant discrimination. [For the past several months, the Metropolitan Airports Commission has worked with airport taxi industry representatives and with leaders from the Muslim American Society and the Somali Justice Advocacy League. The goal was to find a solution acceptable to everyone and transparent to the customer seeking airport taxi service. Unfortunately, those discussions have not resulted in a workable, voluntary, consensus-based solution. As a result, the Airports Commission is proposing stricter penalties for refusal of service: a 30-day suspension of a driver's airport taxi license for the first instance, and license revocation for a second instance.] NOTICE the part "has not resulted in a voluntary solution" In other words.. all I've been saying all along about Different Societies/Cultures will CLASH and COMPETE is totally validated in this incident. Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 15 February 2007 10:00:34 AM
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One correction -if I may: Australia /Australians did not “embraced multiculturalism” rather, multiculturalism embraced Australia, much as a hungry lion would embrace its prey. You see it all began when one day some lefty “intellectuals” discovered a lion cub by the roadside ( some other country had had the good sense to dump the beast). The lefties (being always on the lookout for something novel) took the sweet little kitten home & nurtured it, but when it grew into a predator & began to eat them out of house & home, the lefties conscripted the tax payers to help maintain it -and alas its been that way ever since…. Posted by Horus, Thursday, 15 February 2007 11:30:10 AM
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Well said Horus.. I think we read the same Jungle Doctor book :)
Today in the SMH (what ? not the Daily Terrorgraph ? sheesh) [LIFE can become untenable when the Muslim population of a non-Muslim country reaches about 10 per cent, as shown by France, a Jewish expert on Islam says. "When the Muslim population gets to a critical mass you have problems. That is a general rule, so if it applies everywhere it applies in Australia." He said Muslim immigrants had a reputation for manipulating the values of Western countries, taking advantage of their hospitality and tolerance. "Greeks or Italians or Jews don't use violence. There is no Italian or Jewish Hilaly"] Yes.. of course he is a Jew, so would have a degree of bias. But has he spoken truth ? Observations of world events for a few decades and even many centuries suggest he is smack on the money. So, perhaps its time to call for a low profile POSITIVE and SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE SELECTIVENESS in our Immigration. Points can be awarded on the basis of the propensity of a particular community to: -Seek to advance the interests of those groups and countries who's values are counter to ours. -Who's basic religious values call for divine destruction of other specific groups who form the foundation of our existing socio/economic/cultural structure. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that "IF it is in the Quran, then it can and should be proclaimed and preached" Which includes "May Allah's CURSE be on them, May Allah destroy them,they are deluded, wicked, evil" (combined translations of Surah 9:30) Who are the 'them' ? Why its Christians and Jews of course. So, there is a most fundamental incompatability between Islam and [Jews+Christians Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 16 February 2007 7:53:37 AM
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Sorry I haven’t the time to address your post in detail. I would only be going over old ground. Just to let you know I read your posts and do consider your words.
Before I start what do you think of Howard not referring to multli-cultural affairs as such but as citizenship something or other. So maybe we’ll shift from the emphasis on ethnicity. So let’s go. My beliefs are not main stream. I value individualism above all else. I think that we all have our own personal culture. I want to live in a culture where I can be authentic and outwardly be my true self. So I reject any culture which impinges on this basic human right (within reason). For instance: In Islamic thinking it is not politically correct for these people to speak of new ways or others or to criticise the paradigm they set. Did you read about the French philosopher and teacher, Redecker. He wrote an article (I haven't had time to find it - read it) which was from reports a purely academic look at what the Pope said in relation to Islam. He is in hiding now because the fundamentalists tried to kill him. However, I think you need to be a little more temperate in your thinking. Ask yourself, if Islam was so fundamental in all these peoples thinking wouldn't we all be dead right now? If all Islamic and Christians actually believed the fundamentalists and their writings we would be stuffed. The truth of it is I think that there are private selves and public selves. I know of an Iranian who (I can’t say much) hates his culture but “goes along”. He can’t immigrate so he has returned to a way of life he hates with a passion. Living a lie where he publicly says what is expected but longs for a better way of life. continued Posted by ronnie peters, Friday, 16 February 2007 2:28:48 PM
Oh golly gee, you want a Utopia where everyone is your in tune with your conservative “values”, were everyone is like-minded – one nation, one people, one idea. That is what Hitler conned the people into thinking, on the other hand, Australia embraced multiculturalism - now where would you sooner live? Oh yes you want to join the monoculture ideal of fundamentalist Islam, some strains of Christianity and Nazism. Good for you – so very PC of you in your perfect conservative idealised world.
So Boaz and Leigh you want your own caliphate where MC and PC are against God and country. The Islamic culture/religion/ideology doesn't allow MC or PC and neither did the Nazi regime. (Leigh you know very well, I didn't say you were a Nazi. Leigh just pointed out that you seem to forget that those kind of societies where MC and PC are fazed out have in the past led to disaster.)
As for PC, well the conservatives and reactionaries just replaced the other peoples PC with their own PC. So you howl down those that question the current orthodoxies. You discredit their ideas with claims of leftists (rather than racists) and all the other negative carry on - rather than encourage analysis and actually comment on the content. Worked pretty well with global warming situation. Poor old greenies couldn’t get a word in edge wise without being howled down by the conservative version of PCness.
No wonder the National Party in Qld only get around nine percent of the vote.