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I know your busy would you change the world?
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Posted by jinny, Friday, 8 October 2010 9:35:00 PM
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even/in heaven...people debate..divergent/vieuw-points
jinny/quote...<<johan: ..I personally do/not know you...I understand/appreciate..your views...As an individual, you really expect/ listen/to..your views?>> its not important/to me/jinny i was given/ reveal my vieuws..on qctv[the grey-area,..just tonight...].. i did so..because i was asked/to..[in reply/to an email... as i said at the shows end...its not about me.. but/you...getting to know..the god/..within-you i/fully-agree<< We are all/just..mere humans>> but/even the least/of yet god[at/a truelly personal/level...our very lives. <<Unless you/have power,fame,money, are/your-views..going to make/a difference?>>we live/in a time...where ideas/have value where every-words we egsamined..and filed/away we never know/when...something we said...could/make a difference or when/if..we may be called to explain[like/tonight] <<I wonder why/you type..funny.>> its funny...we did a retake[on the greyarea] that was the replay...[basiclly..i went to 12/ 11 years/of education[in two 4 states im one who slipped through the cracks taught myself to read[very laboriously...and only had an learn/to write..5 years-ago you will/ many say..they cant comprehend[even-now]..what im trying to say..but believe/me..this is as clear as i have/been get[so-far]...i only learned/of-vowels..when my kids/were reciting-them/when they learned/them <<time to research/you..>>would/be wasted...its better to rebut/refute..what i say...many cant/thus they say they cant comprehend/me....i dont-get/me...either..[no peer/influences] <<You mentioned/ expect to-take/your The Hague>>...its only a loose-plan... i figure/there must be a an out-cast/ this land[terra/nulious]...[my/ancestors...called..'new-holland'...the bible calls..the great-south-lands... this/land..was one-time/called..Van Die MEMS-land that translates..into...'of the peoples land' one translation land/of god' another.. it depends if..its mens...or MENS as/in...VanDieMENS?-LAND what more logical/than to go back/to my tribe... and ask/ come they drove-my/parents.. out of the nether-lands..thus making outcast..stranger in this..empty[nulioyus/land}terra..strange[many/ as my criminal-record/reveals...[all/statuted..criminalisations.. not injury/to any/other's...just dumb/ letting..a plant-grow] <<no one cares... reality.>>. hey/tell-me something i havnt heard many-times/ <<You think/you-can fight..the system?>> if i cant/no-one/can...[see i have/been criminalised/jailed..lied-to/decieved..but i have/a tribe..of netherlands.. they just might want-to hear.. a report/from one/they..let get-away or/ past caring...i will likely still be in court it took..near a get this far <<Your against how many>>not that many the..really guilty/vile..are actually very-few globally/there is only 144,000...that even know the issue.. .possably only 1000/ with any real guilt Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 October 2010 10:41:25 PM
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<<With what/power..are you/going to fight them-with?>>
just words... [you may-have noticed..i have a sharp/tounge] swords=s/words s=sacred..i try to make every word sacred saxcred/words=s-words[get it sword] the pen is mightier..than the s-word? im hoping/im not what..i think i might be but till/then..i might-as/ he/would..need to-be doing <<You spend so/much time..arguing about..the system>> but also offering m,ercy/grace/understanding <<...Yes, make/other-realize...what is wrong/with-it,..but is it..making a difference?>> it/dosnt/matter-to me/jinny [i have./been join/them] but i cant join-in..their love-of..the vile/ you must remember..they REALLY-love/ if you lay/with dogs/..ya..get-fleas i plan/to face...god..saying..i tried/lord We DONT/all want..change jinny thats the the muck really love the vile/they do <<If you..try-to/fight the system, will/not-be..accepted by society.>>>[im hard] what makes/you think-i <<Tha' works now...>>i prefer/currently/works i like/to think/i helped..kevi/wayne..head-off the last-crash kevi...made wayne write me a letter of thanks i wont/be making the same..mistake/ <<Change the/things you-can,..not the/ can't.>> how/can-i tell..the difference unless i try? Posted by johan hendrick johan-nine one/under-god Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 October 2010 10:47:39 PM
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OUG: I checked out you vid link. Are you indicating that you are the "Johan" in the interview? You used to type normal too, a year and more ago. Strange...
I don't find it laughable that you do not want to fit in to society. We are the same species, nobody wants to be an outcast. We are all different yes, but not wanting to be able to live with the rest of the world is acceptable behavior for you? You are good with your words yes, some you mistype with dutch spellings. I have the same problem to being brought up speaking different languages. You think nobody cares, you think society is such an ugly place to live in? It isn't! It's how you perceive it. I am sorry to hear of your troubles and how you have been mistreated and abused. I hope things work out for you and you finally get a piece of mind. You are doing your part in trying to change the world. I respect your views and appreciate your thoughts. Blaming society for your misery is not a good way to go about fixing your problems. "how/can-i tell..the difference unless i try?" Trying is always good. You never know what you learn and gain unless you try. There is a lot of good in our world.. we just have to focus the good side and not the bad. Posted by jinny, Saturday, 9 October 2010 5:41:51 AM
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i certainly hope so
i have his [and carry his/fat..carcuss around] <<You normal/a year and/more ago...Strange...>>. dont confuse..that i type..with one-finger.. and quoting [i prefer to use..quotes.. that-way..there/ least-two..agreeing.. on that/ least <<I don't find-it..laughable/that you-do/ society>>hey neither do i.. but lets face-it..ya either accept...things as they are [or laugh...or cry]. <<We are..the/same species,..nobody..wants-to/ outcast>> i didnt/ outcast..does...but you-know..when your out-cast[then either..laugh/or cry]..i laugh...its/their loss dear/ a strange-one sometimes..i dont know/why..i even..put-up/with me im told/to be me... but/changing-me..isnt..being/me <<We are/all..different yes,..but not/ live with..the rest/of..the world-is acceptable-behavior..for you?>> i get-on..well with the casual-accaintance/social/level its just..relation-ships..i fail-at..[i] <<good/words..yes,..some you/mistype..with dutch-spellings.>... [i did-do..grade4/5/ netherlands <<You/think..nobody cares>>>no jinney...people care, i hear-they do..{in words}..often.. talk just..dont match/deed if i say..i care/for-u but..try to change/u.. into what..i think-you SHOULD-be do i care/4-u... or am/i trying-to..create...a thing... i that..looks/like-you? <<you/think..society is-such/an..ugly live in?>> one...' society.. we..[ok/ a family] we..interact/socially..within..society] i dont-think/ ugly its just/not-me.. i hate pretences/ too/old to pretend <<It isn't!>>..i isnt it just..isnt/4-me <<It's how/you..perceive it.>> yes it-is <<sorry to hear/of..your troubles>> really/jinny..i dont-feel/sorry would/ feel-sorry..for-me... [i often..feel/sorry..for others.. but means..people use.. to..put-others-down...[oh/poor-you...etc] i suppose/out-casts..prefer..not/to think..about personal-things.. cause/ obsession <<mistreated and abused>>..not at all/jinny. i have no-time..for..idle-social/natter..[chit-chat].. that dosnt..try/to..expose/truth..or mutual-learnings..its-jus..not/4-me [social..chit-chat=gossip/boasting/pretense/ social intercourse..for/the sake..of not..being..lonely... not 4/me <<things/work-out..and you..finally/get..a piece/of..mind>.. thank-you.. for-giving/me..a piece/of your mind...peace-ah.. <<Trying is..always good>>. yes..i <<You never/ learn>> true what/we..l-earn..<<and gain/ try>> i be-more..a giver/..than a taker... much/ guess <<There is/a lot-of..good/in..our world..>> true/again i see love-every/where..i just..dont/ its/cost pretense/change...similtude/condecention..predicability <<we just/have-to..focus-on..the good-side>>> absolutly but lets not pretend...its all..good..if its not..'all'../good <<and not/the..bad.>> yes lets/let the bad..ignore itself and dont ignore/us..we will still..ignore it turn-the..other cheek cheers jinny thanks-for.. the{dis-course?] weeks [thanks../4..the convo] Posted by one under god, Saturday, 9 October 2010 8:26:40 AM
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*You want the employer to reap the rewards of their innovation or risk but don't want the employee to be recompensed for the value of their labour.*
Err not so Pelican. I think that both should be treated equally. That is not the case right now. Employees hold all the legal cards. If and employee wants to move on, they simply resign. If an employer has a drop off in business orders and needs to dismiss staff, they demand termination payments. Even if they find another job tomorrow. Meantime the employer could be losing his house. If an employer sells goods, it is the price that the market will pay. No matter which day of the week those goods were produced. If an employee works Sundays, its double time etc. On one thing we agree. Employees should be compensated for their labour. Not all the bells and whistles now added on as creamy bonuses, for doing nothing. Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 9 October 2010 9:29:16 AM
Most contributors spend so much time trying to prove each other wrong. trying to prove that their believes are more 'correct' then the other(s).
One Under God: I personally do not know you. I understand what you say and appreciate your views. As an individual, do you really expect everyone else to listen to your views? We are all just mere humans. Unless you have power, fame, money, how are your views going to make a difference? I wonder why you type funny. I don't have enough time to research you. You mentioned somewhere on this website how you expect to take your case to The Hague. Why are you so special. Well you most probably are, but no one cares... that is reality. You think you can fight the system? You against how many? With what power are you going to fight them with?
The rest: You spend so much time arguing about the system... Yes, it helps to make other realize what is wrong with it, but is it making a difference?
We all want change because where we are heading to does not look very bright. The ones who takes actions against the system, for whatever believe, ends up in trouble. If you try to fight the system, you will not be accepted by society. That is how life works now... Change the things you can, not the things you can't.