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The Forum > General Discussion > Has Rob Oakeshott got no shame?

Has Rob Oakeshott got no shame?

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I look on with some amusement at Severin and Foxy firstly completely ignoring the topic, and then trying to divert the thread by inventing quotes by the coalition and then condemning them for it.

For example when has the term "destroy the NBN" or "destroy Labor" been used? I have never heard it. And I could not find it by Googling.

The closest I could find was TA saying that MT was to demolish plans for the NBN. Which basically means exposing the shonky accounting behind the proposal.

The issue still remains that Rob Oakeshott cannot take the role of speaker and then pretend to the electorate that he is independent. This comment has come from other commentators as well. Rob through his several attempts at a cabinet role, and now the highly paid cushy speaker role is after the cash. He must be extremely naive if his pecuniary interest is not shoved down his throat at the next election. Tony Windsor has not been so politically stupid.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 16 September 2010 2:51:39 PM
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Dear SM,

You protest too much Sir.

Severin answered your opening post quite
fairly, and I simply seconded her
opinion, because she expressed my feelings
as well.

As for diverting the thread - you're mistaken.
We were both merely responding to your
claim that Rob Oakeshott has no shame -
by pointing out who the real culprits were
who should have shame - but obviously don't.

I'm quite surprised that you were not able
to google and find any website references
to Tony Abbott's tasking Malcolm Turnbull to
DESTROY the Labor Government's NBN.
Perhaps you need help with your searches.
It's a question of how you search -
were you to google:

"Malcolm Turnbull - Destroy NBN"

You'd find heaps of websites listed -
including articles in - The Australian, ABC,
Sky News, to mention just a few.

Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey, and others have also
given interviews on Television stating quite
plainly that their intention is to DESTROY
Labor. And to force another election within the
next 12 months. Because as Abbott has stated
he has the supposesd "mandate" from the people
to be the next "ruler," of this country.

Even on Monday's "Q and A," references were made
to the fact that Abbott feels cheated that he's
not the current PM. He's even stated in the media
that he would not be the first "popularily elected"
leader of a party who did not become a Prime Minster.

Issues such as these have every right to be discussed
on a thread where accusations are levelled at only one side,
they are by way of clarification and providing balance,
to the argument. And they are crucial
on a public Forum such as this one.

In that way, we can all be amused - it's only fair.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 16 September 2010 3:37:34 PM
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For the coalition it's not about correctly costed and good policy, it's about attack, destroy, rhetoric and humiliation and it's often delivered on a personal level.

you're confusing Labor with Coalition there.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 16 September 2010 3:58:24 PM
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Shadow Minister

I listened to Nick Minchin on ABC local (Victoria) radio referring not once but twice that Labor is the enemy, like Foxy I have both heard and read that Labor policies, particularly the NBN should be destroyed. You are merely trying to provoke a brawl with myself and Foxy, because you have deliberately ignored the suggestion that the Liberal party actually provide workable policies for broadband, infrastructure, education, sustainable technology.

Calling Oakeshott shameful in the face of what Abbott and co continue to do - is petty and shameful. A definitive case of glass houses and stones.

You also deliberately ignore the point that had Oakeshott sided with the Libs, this thread would not even exist.

Simply to be a politican of any stripe requires a skin so thick that elephant hide appears delicate.

There is so little to differentiate between Labor and Liberal that the election resulted in a hung parliament - learn from this, create, inspire, revitalise and stop with the name-calling and insults - do something useful for this country instead of creating animosity.

Work with Labor, the Greens and the Independents - you can't keep the bastards honest unless you are honest yourself and your claims regarding Oakeshott are just a smokescreen to hide a lack of anything worthy to offer Australians.
Posted by Severin, Thursday, 16 September 2010 4:31:40 PM
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I googled your word combo, and in every case the words were by journalists not the coalition, whilst Severin specifically ascribed these words to the coalition.

If an idiot put in a blog that Julia Gillard had an abortion, it would come up if googled. If I posted it as fact, I would be an idiot. Even Severin has realised her screw up.

As for Severin's conjecture as to the existence of this thread in the parallel universe where RO chose to represent the views of his electorate, or didn't falsely claim to be independent, It is completely irrelevant. Or as my brother says, "if my aunt had balls, she would be my uncle".

The constitution is clear. The speaker has no vote, only a casting vote in the case of a tie. By taking the position, RO frees up a Labor MP to vote as per JG's instructions. To this end RO might as well pledge allegiance to the Labor party. The only apparent reason that he has not done so so far is that his electorate would never have voted for him.

His actions are shameful in that he has been duplicitous not only to his electorate, but in the negotiations post the election, and in his pledge to remain independent. The cash and prestige of the position of speaker would appear to be his prime motivation not lofty ideals.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 16 September 2010 5:12:20 PM
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Maybe it is time for the speaker to be appointed from outside the House, like judges and other public officials
Posted by Flo, Thursday, 16 September 2010 6:15:52 PM
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