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The Forum > General Discussion > Please do not burn those books

Please do not burn those books

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America please stop the burning of Muslim Holly books.
Nazis tried to burn ideas so very few in that church yet more than their numbers could be murdered because a few hate before thinking.
I am no Friend to Islamists but know the very idea is reason for more deaths and hate.
The cartoon fiasco showed us that.
Confrontation helps no one, and if America can stop this lets hope the prosed Muslim building near ground zero can find a home further away.
Both sides need to find a better way confrontation is not it.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 8 September 2010 5:45:09 PM
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This is a deliberate provocation.
It will cost lives.
Nice one godbotherers.
Posted by mikk, Thursday, 9 September 2010 12:38:23 AM
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Well I imagine that the cartoon fiasco would have made quite a few fundies think twice about heading to Denmark.
Ultimately, if locals in one area are hostile to a certain culture, openly broadcasting it in a publicity stunt in which nobody gets hurt and thus, effectively warns the other group of what to avoid, they technically did everyone a favor.
Same deal in countries where they burn effigies of Western figures I might be associated with by the locals- also taken off my own travel list.

The "ground zero Mosque" (actually a community center quite a distance away from where the towers stood) I think deserves the same planning standards as any other place in NYC, unless a generic new law were to pass to block it (even if that includes local hostilities to the project, like in Switzerland where they reject buildings that locals don't like).

Also, there are way more sides to the equation than Americans and Muslims, especially when you mention the cartoons.

It's to me not such a matter of a downward spiral of entangled hate and violence, but an increasingly obvious hostility that was potentially always going to be there, being un-covered on TV- where the most that would happen is these two groups who clearly don't think much of each other won't interact- which is a good thing- kind of like separating two fanbases of a footy much.
Posted by King Hazza, Thursday, 9 September 2010 12:42:32 AM
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Let us for a start stay close to the burning of the Koran.
Clear up my stand too.
I will bring hate and spite PC insults but these are my thoughts.
I distrust Islam, feel we will fight a war one day.
I fear American fundamental Christianity too.
Not a hair splits them in the potential for harm, both would gladly kill the other, why did your God have so many faces?
This book burning is going to see MURDERS coming from a church with 50 people?
Starting what?
Build consensus not reasons for war.
Some roads only lead to war no one can know who wins a war.
I note, surely many of us do, minority's alway complain about the actions of idiotic minority's by? acting worse.
If the people get together stop this fool and his foolish supporters,and at the same time, take the hate out of that meeting place move it away .
We may progress in so many country's in the world Bible burning will only be the start.
We will see more deaths of innocents bought about by the followers of God.
What ever actions this lunatic takes, even if he backs down, the harm has already been unleashed.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 9 September 2010 5:16:48 AM
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There are two sides to every storey, unfortunately both sides consider the other to be dangerous to their lives and beliefs. To a great degree both are correct, the behaviour and lack of understanding by either group pushes us closer to that conflict that so many deem inevitable. I don't agree with this negative view but do concede that it is probable.
I don't understand why it is so hard to accept that a group of people have a different belief system to your own and live with different values. Why is it that both sides seem to consider it their responsibility to teach the other a lesson or wipe them out.
These are ancient methods and causes that we already know don't work. Apparently we are learning and growing as a species all the time, pity we don't show it. Where is reason, calm conversation, acceptance. They are lost yet again in religious zeal. When will we be responsible for ourselves instead of hiding behind a church or faith that continues to draw us into hateful conflicts and betray it's own cause of peace and contentment?
Posted by nairbe, Thursday, 9 September 2010 7:07:19 AM
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Come on Belly, the book-burners are just exercising their freedom of speech.

<< I distrust Islam, feel we will fight a war one day.
I fear American fundamental Christianity too. >>

I think there's a minority of Islamophobic fundamentalist Christians who would love to see a war between Christianity and Islam. Not just American fundies either - we see plenty of it here.

They're positively baying for it.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 9 September 2010 7:12:40 AM
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