The Forum > General Discussion > I don't get this boat issue ... or do I?
I don't get this boat issue ... or do I?
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Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 26 August 2010 7:40:55 PM
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Where do I look up those laws Mikk and why is it that when I travel I am subjected to Laws.
Posted by Richie 10, Thursday, 26 August 2010 8:21:12 PM
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You know full we that it is unlawfull/illegal for a non citizen to enter Aus without a valid visa. You have been around OLO long enough to know that and yet you persist with propagating incorrect information. Because we are easy going we do not charge those with that offence if they then ask for asylum, but we can and do detain them. We cannot detain people that enter legally with a valid visa. Belly, Comon ole fella, there was not a problem with boat people when Labor took office. Labor created the present problem and if it cost them votes then it is their own fault. Do not try and blame others for things your mob created. I hope both parties now see that we people do not accept gate crashers and the uninvited. We are being conned by these boat people and at least most people can see that. You best tell your party members that fact. Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 26 August 2010 8:22:11 PM
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Don't ask mikk for advice, he will give you a bum steer. If you want to get advice ask the DIAC, most stuff is on their website. Illegal boat arrivals are detained to try and establish from where they came. Arrivals by air, without a valid visa are detained until the first available flight back to where they embarked, by the airline that brought them. Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 26 August 2010 8:52:12 PM
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Richie and the rest of you.
"Australia’s Refugee and Humanitarian Program offers protection to asylum seekers who have entered Australia, either without a visa or as temporary entrants, and who are found to be owed Australia’s protection under the United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees (the Refugees Convention) and relevant Australian laws." Taken directly from the department of immigration and citizenship's website. Where does it say it is illegal? It IS illegal to come here without papers and NOT apply for asylum. If you are a refugee it is not demanded of you that you have papers etc as refugees, by their very nature rarely have any. How many despotic and dictatorial states hand out passports and visas to those they persecute? How does a failed state provide documents to those who are fleeing? I state again... Anyone in the world is entitled to come to Australia and seek asylum by any means they have. Once they get here if they are assessed as a true refugee we give them protection and citizenship. If they are not refugees we send them back. What is so hard to understand and why do you keep falling for the dog whistles? Posted by mikk, Thursday, 26 August 2010 11:33:53 PM
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Dear Mikk,
Would it be stating the obvious to call them que jumpers as they must have had papers when they arrived in S.E.Asia before they took a very dangerous and expensive boat trip to Australian Waters. Either you are bloody gullible or very niave. You have to have papers to travel in S.E.Asia, I know from travel in that area. Posted by Richie 10, Friday, 27 August 2010 12:09:39 AM
In that case Mikk, we'd need a leader who finally admitted to
everyone, that the 1951 UN Convention is 60 years out of date,
full of holes and is openly misused by those with money, who
can tell a story and who seek economic migration for money
and a cushy lifestyle.
Meantime the poor buggers stuck in refugee camps miss out,
because all our resources (about a billion$ ) are thrown
at the boats. Hardly wise spending.
The solution is simple. Take no refugees who try to sail
here, take them all from refugee camps.
Visa overstayers have papers and they have return tickets.
They eventually go home and meantime pick an increasing
share of our fruits and vegetables. They cost us nothing.
The backpacker tourism industry earns Australia a fair
bit of money.