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The Forum > General Discussion > The world will change on 8-28

The world will change on 8-28

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Interesting responses. Poirot dear.. you get the prize for most graciousness :) your quote of Jefferson was left dangling a bit, just enough for us to *think* a bit deeper... well done

Suze.. sorry but your prize is for bigotry :) hug hug.... you
*looked him up and see that he works as a shock jock in America,*

Suz.. you cannot evaluate someone by 'looking them up' but I'll stretch out the hand of accomodation to the point of asking 'where' did you 'look him up' ? Have you actually watched a full show? (from the TV/fox program)

The huffingtom post ? ye gads.

Do I see Beck as some kind of savior for WHITE America ? yes.. as much as I see him as a savior of BLACK america.

It seems to have been over the head of some of you that at his 8-28 rally.. DR MARTIN LUTHER KINGS NIECE is also a speaker... duh...which part of that do some of you not get ?

So much for 'white' America or 'trailer trash' grrrr

No..BECK is not the answer nor the savior...he is just a man... a man who is seeking to bring a prophetic voice to American politics.

For those who think Beck is about 'money' ? ? ? ur kidding right?

Who puts themself up for urgent assasination just to make money ?

Yes..he DOES make a truckload (as does Orielly) from his 'premium' membership income, in Becks case called "Insider Extreme" but both Beck and Orielly give TRUCKloads to charity also.

Beck could have the following happen to him at any moment

-Fall victim to a honey trap (Ooooh I'll be mr Soros is working hard on that one)
-be assasinated (Mr Soros or the Unions..Andy Stern the weather underground ? yep.. they call could 'make a few calls')
-die suddenly. (cia ?)
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 9 August 2010 6:41:30 AM
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Dear Poirot
I appreciate your contribution about the Huff n Puff diatribe :)

One needs to look at the BIGGGGer context of all this.

1/ The rally is 'not' being promoted primarily as a SOWF event. They are a partner in it.

2/ SOWF has been going for 30 yrs.. as 'if' this one event should characterize them ?

3/ Becks web site c l e a r l y states not in one, but 2 places on that side bar that income over and above rally costs will be for SOWF.

4/ ALL net proceeds from merchandise (T-shirts) etc goto SOWF

Imagine 100,000 T-shirts at a couple of bucks net eh..? not a bad haul for SOWF.

The Huff n Puff post is just that.. all huff and puff..and clearly much deeper in the leftist/democrat/Soros/Gore vested financial interest camp than Beck's movement is in the Republican side.

The Tea Party is a movement which both sides of politics want to hijack.

The Health care bill.. 1300 ish pages which will without doubt contain OOOODLES of tiny clauses which effect a lotttt of other law.
The rank base corruption of the arrogant democrats lately defies the imagination

The Madoff clan were also large donors to political candidates. They donated over $380,000 to individual politicians and political action committees since 1993, MOST of it going to Democrats but with a few prominent Republicans thrown in, such as scandal-tarred Rep. Vito Fossella of Staten Island.

(I could have stopped that quote after 'Democrats':)
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 9 August 2010 8:17:59 AM
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Dear Al,

I have watched Glenn Beck - I caught him during his " The Obama Government is trying to bring back communism" period. Quite frankly, the guy appeared to me somewhat twitchy and unbalanced.

I did notice the token King. However, Dr Alveda King is not Dr Martin Luther King.
She has an M.A. in business studies from Central Michigan University and an "honourary" doctorate from Saint Anslem College in New Hampshire. This college is very politically orientated and has held many debates and events during elections in the past. It served as Primary headquarters for Fox News Network during the 2004 presidential election and received national media attention from Fox News Channel in 2006. According to Wikipedia, Dr Aveda King is also an anti-abortion activist and is a senior fellow with the Alexis de Tocqville Institution.

It seems that the honourable attributes of Faith, Hope and Charity were in short supply in many communities throughout America when Dr KIng was driven to commence his sit-ins and was arrested and incarcerated in Birmingham Jail....
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 9 August 2010 8:19:37 AM
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Dear Al,

I understand that SOWF may be the beneficiary of Beck's event.
My problem is Beck attaching himself to the coattails of the legacy of fallen servicemen, their children and the revered memory of a well-respected civil-rights leader to push his own platform.
Beck is a Murdoch acolyte, and by that I infer that this charade has very little to do with restoring honour and very much to do with promoting the Tea Party's agenda.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 9 August 2010 8:38:07 AM
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I'd like to say that you are at you most annoying, Boaz, when you put on your opera-cloak of condescension, and patronize us as if we were a bunch of third-graders.

>>Poirot dear.. you get the prize...just enough for us to *think* a bit deeper... well done... Suze.. sorry but your prize is for bigotry :) hug hug...<<

But it's a close run thing. Your fear and loathing - which used to be all gussied-up with folksy, down-home ignorance - is starting to become equally tiresome.

Your new hero is brilliant. My almost-favourite quote of Glenn Beck (there are just so many to choose from) is this one:

"The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be President would be 'What the hell you mean we're out of missiles?'" (The Glenn Beck Program, January 12 2009)

Right up your ever-so-Christian street, eh Boaz?

And please, go easy on the conspiracy theories.

>>Beck could have the following happen to him at any moment... Fall victim to a honey trap... be assasinated (Mr Soros or the Unions..Andy Stern the weather underground ? yep.. they call could 'make a few calls')... die suddenly<<

That way lies madness.

I know, I know.

It's fun to think that there are all those nasty banksters who would hire assassins at the drop of a hat to eliminate people like Beck.

But he's just as likely, according to his own admission...

"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore...I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it,...No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?" (The Glenn Beck Program, May 17, 2005)

Your hero, Boaz.

Aaaah, sweet.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 9 August 2010 8:50:30 AM
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Highly entertaining.

3 stars for all.

Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 9 August 2010 9:22:41 AM
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