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Abbot and Liberals kowtow to gun fanatics

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Well maybe Banjo; but they were not only NOT my claims, they were so over-the-top they appeared to me to be self-refuting.
Posted by ChrisPer, Wednesday, 11 August 2010 2:17:47 PM
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US versus Switzerland gun politics:

"The bottom line is one of attitude. Populations with training in civic virtue, though armed, do not experience sensational massacres or high crime rates. Indeed, armed citizens deter crime. Switzerland fits this mold. Similarly, America's lawful 'gun culture' is peaceful. Sadly, some of its subcultures are not."

From The Wall Street Journal Europe
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 11 August 2010 3:48:46 PM
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I agree that the issue is largely culturally induced attitude and therein lies Howard's best legacy.
Posted by examinator, Thursday, 12 August 2010 7:54:51 PM
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So, having accepted that you are culturally disposed towards violence you should now do the decent thing and ban yourself.

Or are you fearful, again like John Howard, that violence might be imported like a commodity and you will catch it? Be proactive man, ban yourself now, if only one child is saved it is worth it.

Then again you could be thinking that what is 'immunising' Switzerland from the inevitable violent destinies of the US and Australia is that Switzerland is not multicultural, ie its monoculture somehow protects it against violence from within or of the imported kind? Gosh!

Instead, what about taking the easy, obvious and scientific way out and concentrating on the real presenting problem which is violence. Do that and follow where the evidence leads you. Got to be better than stereotyping and blind belief.

You see, it is more probable that the differences lie in simple, good things like Switzerland's better care of its citizens, than the 'cultural' dispositions and attitudes you are fearful of. Wouldn't you agree that it is more likely that (say) living in an overcrowded urban slum, having nothing to eat, no education, no health care and no prospects might contribute to violence? Hey why not do a drug deal?

Violence is a more awkward problem to solve than Howard's easy-peasy "Beware of the US gun culture". However the old fox JH was just playing politics and that was his goal, not reducing violence. JH blew a cool $1billion that could have been put to other worthwhile purposes. John Winston Howard deserves all of the credit he is due for his cynical wedge politics and his wastage of public funds.
Posted by Cornflower, Friday, 13 August 2010 12:42:51 PM
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I can remember, on the Thursday before Anzac day, 1956, as the senior cadet under officer of our high school cadet core, handing out 31 fully functioning WW1, & WW11 303 rifles.

These were issued to the 14 to 16 year old members of the cadet platoon who were to be the honour guard at the dawn service the following Sunday.

That afternoon some kids were walking or riding bikes home with their 303 slung over their shoulder, others were climbing onto the school buses, & even the school train, [yes we still had one of those back then] with their "gun".

Amazingly, no one even noticed. No one died, road signs did not suddenly cower in fear, in fact it was a very minor event. It also happened when the cadet core was having a Saturday rifle shoot at the range. It was too difficult to carry the 80 odd rifles to the range in bulk, so they were issued on Thursday, the cadet parade day, for the kids to bring themselves.

Back then we only had to issue a slouch hat, & a pair of decent boots to the people of Oz, & we had a ready made militia. You know the type. Their the ones who fought the Kokoda trail fight.

God help us now, if ever we did have to fight half our population would run away, if someone tried to give them a gun, let alone point one at them.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 13 August 2010 1:47:57 PM
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There is a lot of hysteria in Australia.

Queensland has a draft change to the Weapons Act to require that anything that could resemble a gun, such as toys and even guns made out of materials as unlikely as soap or plastic have to be registered and kept in a special weapons safe under lock and key. The owner of the toy would have to apply for a gun license and a $4,500 fine would apply if any of those conditions were breached. All up to the discretion of the police. George Orwell, you were right.

That should sort out any kid playing John Wayne, including those who mould soap in the tub. Such playfulness if observed by one of the easily-traumatised hysterics that seem to abound in Oz, could result in the men in black tactical response team with Glocks and other nasties breaking down the door.

There are already hefty fines if a policeman doesn't like that handy Swiss Army knife or penknife you are carrying to deal with that orange or apple. However concealed knives are OK for (multicultural) reasons, "religion will be a lawful excuse for carrying a knife".
Posted by Cornflower, Friday, 13 August 2010 3:04:23 PM
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