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Ex CIA Warn of Israeli Attack on Iran.
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Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 7 August 2010 1:17:38 AM
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In a "civilised" world, weapons inspections would be mandatory for ALL countries!
But we're not that "civilised" yet. I doubt we ever will be. And most of us couldn't care less. Posted by benq, Saturday, 7 August 2010 11:28:27 PM
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Surely you don't want that to happen, Arjay - because once Israel is gone, what are you going to write about? you're going to be bored to death, or otherwise, which other country will you be picking on next?
On the actual point, I believe that those two American clowns have not done their homework. They overlooked the fact that Israel is so divided within, so splintered, that it is practically paralyzed and cannot possibly initiate such an attack - which is a pity, because in 5-10 years down the line that means Iranian nukes falling on most European capitals. Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 8 August 2010 12:56:02 AM
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Dear Arjay.. me mad ? :) of course... I'm one of Pauls mob remember... see what Festus said to him during his defense to King Agrippa ...
Acts 26:24 At this point Festus interrupted Paul's defense. "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted. "Your great learning is driving you insane." You ought to read the whole chapter.. have you ever done so ? It makes great 'thriller' reading mate. Perilous..what about you ? Arjay.. Pericles kinda rounded it up in his 3rd sentence. I worry more about you though, it seems you have become so addicted to all this stuff that you have gone from sniffing the occasional pot of petrol, to mainlining on conspiracy heroin. You speak as if 'we' can do something about these things... good grief. I can tell you where it's heading, but you won't like that. "Armageddon" seriously. I don't know when, but as sure as day follows night there will be a mega conflict which wraps up history and the timetable is beyond our comprehension and understanding. These things you mention are but bit players in the final scene. The *only* question you (and all of us) should be primarily concerned about is.."are we ready"... in heart and mind and spirit, to face our maker on the Last day. As Jesus said when his disciples were in fear of man "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matt 10:28 Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Sunday, 8 August 2010 8:04:01 AM
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Yuyutsu,There us no proof that Iran has nukes.It's only error was to have too much oil and now we find has even more natural gas.Iran's leaders are oppressive but also are many countries around the planet.The USA backed Pol Pot whoe murdered at least 1 million ,they created Saddham and removed him when he did not bend to their will.The biggest mistke of Saddham was to stop trading in US $ when selling oil.It is the petro $ that props up the US currency.
We find the same pattern if Afghanistan.UNOCAL oil wants the pipe line.Hamid Karzai used to contract to them.Now we find there are $ trillions in resources there. It was always about energy/resources.Zibigniew Brezezinski pre 911,"What we need is a truely massive and widely perceived direct external threat." Clinton is reported to said to the Taliban," You can have a carpet of gold ,or a carpet of bombs." Enter terrorism the enemy to replace communism and thus Al Queda with the evil Osama who nobody can find.Now we have scientific evidence that 911 was another false flag event like the 1966 Liberty event,staged by Israel.How stupid do you think we are? You people are trying to deny the reality and defend facism. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 8 August 2010 3:29:38 PM
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*Calm down, take a deep breath, and say to yourself "it will be all right, don't worry Arjay" in a soft and soothing voice.*
Hehe Pericles, I love it ! But that would take away his thrills, which conspiracy lovers live for. Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 8 August 2010 4:20:01 PM
What hypocracy! Let's put and truely international team of inspectors in both countries and determine the truth.
You and others are quite happy to let Israel instigate a major conflict and let the USA suffer the consequences.China and Russia will not back down.Admiral Mullen has expressed his dimay at Israel's attitude.The US Congress is in the grip of AIPAC because they have strong backing from the Federal Reserve.They hold the purse strings but not the allegiance of the Military to the US people.
Do you not see the conflict of interest here?