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The real Julia Gillard

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Yes it may well be very close seems the media wants it that way.
We all should be afraid of what we are not seeing in the media.
RObert is partly right it is a fight between leaders, Julia has the press against her.
If we focus on Abbott we ignore his party and its policy's.
The divisions in Australia can get very much worse and maybe will.
Remember Abbott's parental leave? funded by a tax on big firms? now it will be partly funded by pay as you earn tax payers and 12 months later than promised.
PAYE paying wages for very high income earners?
We are starting to see the real Abbott not before time.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 5:06:06 AM
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I never said or even expected that the coalition could win, and the disintegration of the Labor campaign is as much due to Labor ineptitude and in fighting than brilliance on the part of Abbott. The playing field is now even.

The Coalition has differentiated itself very well on the economy, which Labor waste has handed on a plate, and shot itself in the foot on the boats and the climate.

Thinker2 - "If Australians are dumb enough to elect Tony Abbott as PM,
frankly they deserve him."

Personally, I don't think anyone is bad enough to deserve Labor.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 5:22:24 AM
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Consider this.
When madam became Pm, labors popularity soured, but not because Julia (fake or real) took the helm, but because Krud (Mr waste) was gone.

Now that the voters have seen ‘the fake Julia’ (her words, not our’s) they obviously don’t like what they see. Or at least that’s how she sees it herself.

So, one must ask some serious questions about the two sides of Julia Gillard.

While in her role as #2, was she real, or fake?

While in charge of the schools rebuilding programme, was she real, or fake?

While objecting to both maternity leave and the pension increase, was she real or fake?

While making major changes to IR laws, was she real or fake?

Now think about this. If she was ‘real’, during these major policy changes, then that’s a huge worry ‘moving forward’, as the decisions made were her decisions, not those of others and, they have cost the tax payers billions.

Now remember, if elected, she will have the greatest say in the entire country, that’s if she remains ‘the real deal’, however, if she was ‘fake’, then that’s even more to worry about as the labor powerbrokers are still there in the background and will continue to drive the labor party and continue to waste billions we simply don’t have.

Now if the ‘real’ JG gets elected and governs ‘her way’, then isn’t that exactly what Krud did. My way or the highway, which by the way, is why he got the chop.

One can only assume that Krud 'was real' and that's why the labor powerbrokers cut him out.

So, what's in store for mandam PM 'moving forward' if she wants to be 'real' and not be a puppet to the labor powerbrokers.

Food for thought, hey!
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 7:00:32 AM
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Robert “watched an interview with Julia Gillard on the Today Show this morning where Julia was talking about how she is going to let the real Julia show through.”

Regarding “let the real Julia show through”

Reminds me a bit of what another lady politician said

“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”

If Julia need to reveal her real self, I ask myself this

Why has she needed to deceive the electorate about who she is so far?

Do you want to vote for a party lead by a prime minister who is a mere shallow front, like a poorly made paper mannequin?

If you do ...

Please do the rest of us a favour

spoil your vote
Posted by Stern, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 8:01:19 AM
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I'm afraid the Labor spin department thought it was necessary to give Julia the "election" treatment - a style and substance makeover. And being her first experience in her present position, she just went with the flow. I think she is regretting it now - time will tell...(well, not much time - hope she can pull it off).

(I was absently thinking to myself that Prime Minister Poirot has rather a nice ring to you think I've left my run too late?)
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 8:20:41 AM
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I still cant believe you lot actually believe it was Gillard who decided to show the 'Real Gillard' and not the hollow men of Labor.

I'll let you all in on a secret; There is no Real Gillard. Well, certainly not to those who don't know her personally. Same with Abbott.

Look at the Monkey, Look at the silly monkey! You've all fallen for it so easily.

The spin masters have changed the channel and you lot think you have the remote. That's the most depressing thing!
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 8:41:34 AM
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