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The Kiss that Konfused the Electorate....

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Yes, I tink Squeers was trying to make that point, in a previous posting thread, that our current pace is not sustainable.

There were howls of protest from the 'right'.

I have not read the docos you write about, and frankly cannot be bothered to either, but I detect a greater degree of trying to deal with the issues in the Greens, than in any other political grouping.

I do indeed treat all political promises as lies, whoever they come from, since the same small piece of ground is being fought for by all of them.

There is no answer to our dilemma.

I think we simply have to implode, before anything will change.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Tuesday, 20 July 2010 8:06:11 PM
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On the 'Howls of protest from the Right'... I consider myself very conservative, which is supposed to make me 'Right' no ? but I am with you 100% on the consumption issue. We are indeed trying to grow and flourish, but unless it has a firm and enduring foundation, we will be like that grass which grows in segments... each segment is mean't to put down roots, and if it didn't.... then the whole thing will be blown around by the wind..buffalo or couch..not sure which.

There is an answer..but it is found in ourselves.

a) We need to stop electing people on the basis of our own hip pocket nerve.

b) We need to revise our attitudes about what we think life 'owes' us... the Christian view on that is 'our daily bread'... anything after that's a bonus.

I recommend an examination of the life of the early Church, a pattern on which it seems marxism is based, though wrongly. Marxism seeks to enshrine redistribution of wealth in government legislation but all that does is create frustration, and eventually if it becomes harsh enough outright revolution.

'Renewal of heart, and good will' are the hallmarks of a vibrant successful society.

Acts 2:44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.

That attitude is easily fragmented by lack of attention to our daily walk.

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”- 1 John 1:7

In the case of the early Church (referred to in Acts 2) they lasted a few years perhaps..before ethnic rivalry and suspicion eroded the purity of their walk. See Acts 6

1 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.

Daily...moment by moment.. on how our 'walk' should be.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Wednesday, 21 July 2010 9:39:42 AM
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examinator:>> Tony's political strategy is to keep a low profile so that he isn't a easy target and get the Labor to shoot themselves. He is hoping JG inexperience will give him government. Competence, policy and leadership are all faded ideals of a by gone era.<<

The Libs campaign strategy is as weak as it is hopeful. Abbott is the innocent, his political blemishes are not current, yet he has been on the defensive from day one because he is a klutz. The only saving grace is that he is only a figure head and he has an experienced professional team with conservative fiscal policies behind him, at a time when we need exactly that.

Gillard and the incumbent govt are as blemished as unsprayed fruit, but they face the electorate as if nothing has happened, with rhetoric about big plans and promises they move forward untouched by their track record.

Abbott feels he has to be all things to all people so he addresses everything put to him, a naive strategy that he believes represents him to the electorate as an "honest direct bloke" who speaks from the heart. The electorate is motivated by sound bites, quick blogs of information that directly pertains to them.

The strategy should be a campaign based on "before and after". Other than the release of the major policy initiatives I would doggedly only speak track record, with the "before and after" to combat the "moving forward" Labor theme.

Govt surplus $20 billion...... Govt debt $140 billion

Grocery watch/ fuel watch/ rent watch
Grocery up 8%/ bread up 11%
Electricity up 35%/ Gas up 24%
Water up 29%/ Rents up 15%

Boarder protection 2007/148 illegal’s
2009/ 2750
May 2010/ 2982....
etc, etc, ad infinitum

The Libs should keep telling the electorate that we are in trouble and these guys did it to us.
Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 25 July 2010 1:12:21 PM
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Did you get party approval for you political advert?

Objectivity and facts are, well, light on and some what biasly creatively expressed.
Tony is the innocent? MABINLOL :-\

You will be pleased to note that the incompetent that is our sitting member will probably returned ...he one of your lot.
NB Pound for pound person for person the Labor's candidate is equally uninspiring....they say the search squad are out looking for the Greens Candidate they report that they have good 3rd party intel that suggests that he's still alive. Then we have the independents . Is it to late to start a limited political cleansing and start again?

You'll recognize me at the booth I'll be the one who snarls and spits like annoyed Tassie Devil at all the how to vote cards distributors
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 25 July 2010 5:43:58 PM
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The kiss was not confusing. Campaigning these days seems nothing more than a game - a bunch of slogans and statements which only mean something if there is follow through. It comes down not only to policy differences but trust.

In real life the two leaders may actually get on okay. During the Hawke Government there were two MPs who shared a house together one from Lib and one from Labor. Rudd and Hockey were believed to like and get on with each other in RL. They are only human even if they sometimes look like sock puppets.

I would rather they both just be themselves and it is good to see some human interaction that does not involve pseudo sparring and one-upmanship all the time. It all wears a bit thin.

Just wish there could be some more bipartisan approach to important policy areas.
Posted by pelican, Sunday, 25 July 2010 6:03:38 PM
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I'd be more interested if either one mentioned anything about addressing the shambles left from the imposition into Northern Territory Aboriginal communities.

Has either party said anything about providing concrete assistance like social workers and police officers deployed in remote locations?

Any bans, fast fines or gaol for grog, drug and porn runners distributing their wares at outrageous prices ?

Any legal, support and transport teams and community-matched town facilities for children, women and men who need to be removed from violent situations?

Any mobile dental or medical clinics operating frequently in remote locations?

Any mobile courts set up working in unison with Community Elders?

Has any sort of Aboriginal Consulting group been formed to work day by day with a knowledgeable hands on team (like trained nurses; social workers; dentists; doctors; educators and others with experience in community development, funding and procurement) to plan initiatives that accord with community ideas and needs?

I haven't seen anything in the news lately. Has anyone else?
Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 26 July 2010 12:18:30 AM
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