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Positive Contributions of Australian Muslims.

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How does a left wing relativist differ from a right wing relativist within the framework of your conservative ideology? Are all those working class Christians who vote on the Left also relativists? Are atheist right wingers absolved purely on the basis of their political leaning?

I confess I don't get you at all. I have great faith that there are many right wingers who do not demonise an entire religion based on the actions of a few radicals.

This is why I find dogmatic religious types scary regardless of what religion they subscribe to. There is lacking an earnest desire to integrate with, and care about those who might believe or think differently
Posted by pelican, Sunday, 13 June 2010 2:34:08 PM
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Foxy this is from that article you posted "down under the veil"
>> “This scarf is my identity and I am peaceful with it”, says Mahboba Rawi, 38,<<

There is the issue right there; the scarf is her identity, and a visual display of her difference to the non Muslims. It is akin to draping yourself in rosary beads and crosses so you can be identified as a Christian at a hundred paces.
As for the Cronulla riots, or more factually described, one group of young idiots fighting another group of young idiots, except for some right wing bozos they were all teens. Hardly a culture vs culture uprising.
When I was a kid and the western suburbs was filled with Anglo Aussies there were troubles at the beaches in regard to the local kids and the westy kids (cops came regularly). Granted not on the scale of Cronulla, but that comes down to the mobile phone.

They were not Aussie priding it the month before the "riot", and not a lot has gone on since the "riot". This nations culture is not like the U.S. who "flag wave" at every public gathering, big or small, our culture is more laid back, we don't fly the flag in each other’s faces unlike Mahboba Rawi, 38, who views it as her identity, her flag not ours.

We are being socially engineered with a credo that automatically bestows blame on the majority, and positively discriminates for the minority against majority rule.
Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 13 June 2010 3:20:41 PM
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Dear SOG,

Your post reminded me of a paragraph I
read in a Sydney newspaper decades ago:

"The heritage of every Australian: the right
to be exactly the same as everybody else...
It's not easy to win this position in a
community like Hurstfield. From time to time,
you feel like speaking out about things,
saying something different for a change, until
you realize - sensibly - that it's a lot easier
to make yourself like something you really hate
rather than say you hate it and have everybody
go crooked on you."
(O. Smith)

How does this comment present Australians?
Do you think it is still true today?

Dear Proxy,

Thank You for sharing your interest in Ayaan Hirsi Ali
with the rest of us. Most of us have
read her biographical works when they
were first published.
However, she's not an Australian,
and irrelevant to this topic. I don't understand
your post, the point that you were trying to make
and what her experiences have to do with the
topic here, which is the positive contributions of
Australian Muslims. However, seeing as you
did express an interest in her, may I, as a librarian,
suggest that you read, her books. "The Caged Virgin,"
and "Infidel," instead of posting off topic on this

You may also enjoy reading, "La Prisonniere," by Malika
Oufkir, "Wild Swans," by Jung Chang, and "Bitter Winds,"
by Harry Wu.

There are many biographical works out there for you
to enjoy. Including of course the books of Waleed Aly,
which may prove to be educational for you. Perhaps
you could start your own thread on famous people.
Or better still join a book-club at your local library.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 13 June 2010 5:01:25 PM
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And might I suggest you read the Koran, the Hadith and the Sunnah.
While you're about it you could brush up on some Sharia Law.
Having observed you however, I would suggest that you might be in danger
of converting to Islam if you became too exposed to it, like poor grateful.
What I don't understand is how you can maintain this dichotomy between Muslims and Islam.
You must be smart enough to know that what I say about Mohammed is true.
ie that he was a murdering rapist and paedophile,
After all, it is all recorded in the Koran, etc.
And I can understand how dupes like grateful could be sucked in by the exotic romance (to them) of Islam.
I can also understand how people born into Islam as a cultural thing stay with it,
given all they would lose if they rejected it.
What I can't understand is how an educated person who has access to the facts,
can gloss over them as if they have no relevance.
How you can maintain this disconnect between reality and fantasy.
Posted by Proxy, Sunday, 13 June 2010 5:40:38 PM
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GINXY..I swear.. if I meet you in person I'll give you the biggest lovingest hug you ever had :) *I've missed you* :)
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Sunday, 13 June 2010 5:44:19 PM
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Grateful.. if you consider discrimination based on religious identity a 'positive' aspect of SC finance..go right ahead.. but don't be surprised when you find me outside the NAB declaring it's illegality:)

I remind you.. the "Equal Opportunity Act" is very clear.

A positive contribution of a Muslim?

I HAVE one..

It was when my nominal shia buddy from Gym told me he drinks and doesn't mind a munch of a pork roast :)

Oh..ANOTHER.. when the Muslim bloke from my wifes work..gave her a nice hug when parting from a social gathering.
(OH.. his wife also accepted a cuddle from me)

There foxy.. happy ?
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Sunday, 13 June 2010 5:52:05 PM
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